Still think something happened further back, looking again, it seems those 2 trucks were deliberately blocking the car.
Poppycock, the car driver could very easily come out behind the ASDA truck and on to pass.
Has it occurred to you that the wagon drivers just want to go about their day driving wagons? The only person playing a game there was the car driver who wants to create a fuss where one isn’t necessary.
Yes I agree they are all ■■■■■ in mercs, but up until the Asda driver decided to go into an occupied lane with out looking, what exactly was the merc driver doing wrong?
was bloody brave to stand his ground.
Sitting on the back corner.
ASDA wagon was braking which suggests to me he wants to come back in at some point.
Additional NS lane opens up which suggests slower vehicles will move in to it.
Lack of anticipation, would rather make a video on the internet than deal with the situation safely.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
You call that a safe distance? I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to leave at least a 2 second gap between me and the vehicle in front. I believe that guy isn’t even giving a gap of a second. Im also not quite sure what else the ASDA driver could have done? He’s got a car sitting on his inside without a care in the world, and has done what he must to clear the lane in order to stop holding up the traffic behind him.
The thing is now asda will apologise to the car driver launch a full scale investigation and the driver will go through a disaplinary all because the car driver thinks he is some sort of wanabee copper.
the asda driver has obviously been gaining on the other truck on a slope,then as the road has levelled out has found himself going at the same speed and wanting to come back in,but this tool has said to himself “i’m in my rights to sit here in my mercedes” instead of just dropping back to let the poor bloke in,as it has been said before one day he will cause a bad accident but will just shoot off leaving carnage in his wake,bet he wont be showing that video.
Thing is, what you describe as a tool driver is also done plenty of times by so called professional nob truck drivers also, and those same nob truck drivers also cause bad accidents.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
You call that a safe distance? I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to leave at least a 2 second gap between me and the vehicle in front. I believe that guy isn’t even giving a gap of a second. Im also not quite sure what else the ASDA driver could have done? He’s got a car sitting on his inside without a care in the world, and has done what he must to clear the lane in order to stop holding up the traffic behind him.
Just had another look, and I the safe gap only closed up when the blue artic braked.
And also a 2 second gap in a truck is way to close at 56 mph, it should be at least 4 seconds!!! You were taught wrong!
And yes the nob in the car should of backed off to let the nob Asda driver back in, if the nob Asda driver had given him a bit more notice 1 flash of the indicators isn’t enough warning!
I would have said the gap was less than the asda trucks length for a considerable time as the asda trucks cab is more or less level with the back of the blue one and when it isn’t the gap is probably a cab length. I would say that is way insufficient stopping distance even for a merc. Regardless of how late the asda driver indicated it shows either a complete lack of situational awareness on the part of the merc driver or a deliberate act on his part to put himself and others in a risky situation, either way it’s careless driving. imho.
There was no need for any of that, the car driver was plainly looking for trouble, the way he ■■■■■■ of at the end shows he’s quite able to travel at car speeds. The lorry drivers were also being ■■■■■ in that but merc man was stirring it up.
There was no need for any of that, the car driver was plainly looking for trouble, the way he ■■■■■■ of at the end shows he’s quite able to travel at car speeds. The lorry drivers were also being [zb] in that but merc man was stirring it up.
Those 2 drivers were messing with that merc driver, both braking for no reason especially the asda driver on a level stretch of motorway.
Like I said early something happened before the start of that vid between those 3 vehicles, but the trucks decided to carry it on, whose to say there wasn’t a 3rd 6 foot off the mercs bumper blocking him in?
The two truck drivers have unfortunately been caught deliberately intimidating other motorists on video.
To just blame the car driver for what’s going on there makes you very narrow mind in your opinions.
if you don’t know what happened earlier and you clearly don’t know what is going on behind him then that is just making stuff up to try to support you’re argument which is pretty pointless.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
You call that a safe distance? I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to leave at least a 2 second gap between me and the vehicle in front. I believe that guy isn’t even giving a gap of a second. Im also not quite sure what else the ASDA driver could have done? He’s got a car sitting on his inside without a care in the world, and has done what he must to clear the lane in order to stop holding up the traffic behind him.
And also a 2 second gap in a truck is way to close at 56 mph, it should be at least 4 seconds!!! You were taught wrong!
When you’ve finished teaching me to ■■■■ eggs, would you like to do the job for me too? You know what, you’re boring now. Maybe we’ve heard enough. Get over it.
“weeto” Those 2 drivers were messing with that merc driver, both braking for no reason especially the asda driver on a level stretch of motorway.
Like I said early something happened before the start of that vid between those 3 vehicles, but the trucks decided to carry it on, whose to say there wasn’t a 3rd 6 foot off the mercs bumper blocking him in?
If that was the case then the video would have been about that and not what we are discussing. Unless you have proof, stop trolling. Have nice day!
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
You call that a safe distance? I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to leave at least a 2 second gap between me and the vehicle in front. I believe that guy isn’t even giving a gap of a second. Im also not quite sure what else the ASDA driver could have done? He’s got a car sitting on his inside without a care in the world, and has done what he must to clear the lane in order to stop holding up the traffic behind him.
And also a 2 second gap in a truck is way to close at 56 mph, it should be at least 4 seconds!!! You were taught wrong!
When you’ve finished teaching me to ■■■■ eggs, would you like to do the job for me too? You know what, you’re boring now. Maybe we’ve heard enough. Get over it.
Maybe others have had enough of stupid drivers defending other stupid drivers!
There are 8 seperate opinions one can have in this thread:
Front Lorry is a ■■■■ on his own,
Asda driver is a ■■■■ on his own,
Merc Car driver is a ■■■■ on his own,
Both lorry drivers are ■■■■■,
Front lorry and Car driver are ■■■■■,
Asda driver and car driver are ■■■■■,
All three are ■■■■■.
None of them are ■■■■■. (which is what one’s opinion should default to if you were not there, and have not seen the vid)
Nothing else is relevant to the thread, so opinions on anything external to the discussion like a 4th party’s driving, the size of your girls flaps, or tomorrows weather is not required.
What an absolute bell end the car driver must be!
Can you explain why? Looks to me he was following a truck in lane 1 at a safe distance, with another truck overtaking both of them.
And we have a ■■■■ in an Asda wagon who doesn’t use his near side mirrors!
You call that a safe distance? I don’t know about you, but I was always taught to leave at least a 2 second gap between me and the vehicle in front. I believe that guy isn’t even giving a gap of a second. Im also not quite sure what else the ASDA driver could have done? He’s got a car sitting on his inside without a care in the world, and has done what he must to clear the lane in order to stop holding up the traffic behind him.
And also a 2 second gap in a truck is way to close at 56 mph, it should be at least 4 seconds!!! You were taught wrong!
When you’ve finished teaching me to ■■■■ eggs, would you like to do the job for me too? You know what, you’re boring now. Maybe we’ve heard enough. Get over it.
Maybe others have had enough of stupid drivers defending other stupid drivers!
Right, so let me get this straight. You’re the only one arguing against all the other drivers, and because our opinions differ, that makes us “stupid drivers defending other stupid drivers”? You don’t know me, and you don’t know how I drive. And from what I can see, you’re the only one defending the car driver. You’re entitled to your opinion, and without malice, so please realise that the rest of the world is also allowed an opinion, without being called “stupid”, even if it differs somewhat from yours.
I took some time and looked at this again, without commentary so have no idea what the oke is saying, but it all looks a bit weird to me. I think they were all playing silly buggers, not sure 100% about the truck with the blue trailer, he may just have been swanning along merrily, but I really couldn’t understand what the Asda driver was up to, if he wanted in, why didn’t he put his left indicator on and stay there and wait for the bozo in the merc to either back off or get out of there, instead the Asda driver does not indicate at all, just keeps braking and then when he does put the left indi on he is already on the move.
Definitely some agro going on in my opinion.
First of all this is all happening on a steep hill before the Luton junction so the trucks were just holding themselves below 60.
Secondly the only the thing the asda driver is guilty of is not completing his maneuver back into what becomes lane 2, if a car wants to play with a truck then more fool them, see what happens.
I get a lot of this on the m25, got to close that door early
Thirdly the merc driver is an absolute toss piece, i genuinely hope he messes with the wrong truck soon, the sooner hes off the road the better.
JLS Driver SOS:
I took some time and looked at this again, without commentary so have no idea what the oke is saying, but it all looks a bit weird to me. I think they were all playing silly buggers, not sure 100% about the truck with the blue trailer, he may just have been swanning along merrily, but I really couldn’t understand what the Asda driver was up to, if he wanted in, why didn’t he put his left indicator on and stay there and wait for the bozo in the merc to either back off or get out of there, instead the Asda driver does not indicate at all, just keeps braking and then when he does put the left indi on he is already on the move.
Definitely some agro going on in my opinion.
As this was all down hill and were both obviously holding back i think the asda driver kept himself in the situation when he could have got out. When im in a situation like this, i let it over run to whats needed so the rear of my trailer is just past the rear of other trailer in lane 1 and when he moves over i close that door sharpish and the one lane wonders haven’t got a leg to stand on.