Who goes where w/c mon 21/03/05

I’ll look out for you Bear, I expect I will be in Dover around the same time.

Good luck mate, in what ever you decide to do in the future.

Nowhere with my current employer until April 4th (using up the last of my holidays or I’ll lose 'em), but next weekend (sun prob) I’ll be doing a favour for a friend and moving a load over to Rennes. Hope the weather’s nice as my right arm needs some tanning. :slight_smile:

…Reload Herrenberg and head home at which point I am hanging up my keys and calling it a day.

I’m very surprised at this part of your post Neil. If I remember right, not that long ago, weren’t you on about purchasing a new tractor unit and continuing in this line of work?

I wish you all the best mate and will still look forward to your posts! How about one last “Long Distance Diary” for old times sake? :smiley: :smiley: :confused: :confused:


I’m very surprised at this part of your post Neil. If I remember right, not that long ago, weren’t you on about purchasing a new tractor unit and continuing in this line of work?

I don’t purchase the trucks, I lease them, and I would have needed a new one on the 1st of December of this year when the current one was due to go back. That would mean ordering it shortly to ensure it was here on time.

How about one last “Long Distance Diary” for old times sake? :smiley: :smiley: :confused: :confused:

Not really in the right frame of mind to do a diary and as the run is near enough the same run I’ve done every week for the last 4 or 5 months it is hard to get any enthusiasim for it.


and as the run is near enough the same run I’ve done every week for the last 4 or 5 months it is hard to get any enthusiasim for it.

Wonder if this has anything to do with it??

I am hanging up my keys and calling it a day. :cry: :cry: :confused: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

Well i dont know weather to be happy or sad for you, as this is a decision that is yours only to take, but as with everyone else on this site, i hope your future endeavors are an unlimited sucess. Best of luck Chap :wink:
As for the post title, Monday already :open_mouth: must be Consett, straight home empty though, the workshop had the foresight to book my trailer for MOT 9am tuesday :open_mouth: ,

jumped out of the truck 2am Monday morning in a dark layby for a pee,walked around front of truck, found a patch of black ice ,slipped, and before my backside hit the tarmac my leg made a loud “knack”,laid flat on my back for 5 mins to get my breath back and jep i only had a t shirt on and it was -12 deg C, on allfours back to the side of the truck, thank god i had left the drivers door open managed to pull myself in the cab to grab the telephone on the dash

jumped out of the truck 2am Monday morning in a dark layby for a pee,walked around front of truck, found a patch of black ice ,slipped, and before my backside hit the tarmac my leg made a loud “knack”,laid flat on my back for 5 mins to get my breath back and jep i only had a t shirt on and it was -12 deg C, on allfours back to the side of the truck, thank god i had left the drivers door open managed to pull myself in the cab to grab the telephone on the dash

think yourself lucky you dont drive a magnum :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

jumped out of the truck 2am Monday morning in a dark layby for a pee,

i only had a t shirt on and it was -12 deg C,

Move along now, Nothing to see here :exclamation:

:smiley: :smiley:

ill be delivering insulation around the east mids/ lincs area in my red richmond rental truck

also good luck coffee and have fun

Ship tomorrow with two drops in Holland, Breda and Wijchen, followed by four in Germany, Monchengladbach, Thurnau, Bondorf and Herrenberg. Re-load Herrenberg and head home at which point I am hanging up my keys and calling it a day. :cry: :cry: :confused: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

Neil, very best wishes for the future, whatever path you travel. Pleased to see you will still be around on TN.

Another silly oclock start for a 9.30 tip at Southend from Magor Brewery

Ship tomorrow with two drops in Holland, Breda and Wijchen, followed by four in Germany, Monchengladbach, Thurnau, Bondorf and Herrenberg. Re-load Herrenberg and head home at which point I am hanging up my keys and calling it a day. :cry: :cry: :confused: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

Not for good coffee surely.

unless we have a major earthquake tonight,the usual run dropping barrels skegness,lincs.notts.
Best of luck for the future coffee, i am rally going to miss your diary,s.But if you have the chance for something better go for it.

new member. setting offf at 4 am durham to dalton in furness, 2 drops, back to depot, fingers crossed no more loads going out, shud b bak in house for 4ish. this site is addictive!!!

at which point I am hanging up my keys and calling it a day. :cry: :cry: :confused: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :smiley: :smiley: :laughing: :laughing:

dont worry neil get out if you can.

Neil - Good Lucks for your future :wink: , Sad news to hear you give up with truck drivers :cry: so many thanks for everything into Trucknet include superb diary, information on european experience and of course great pictures of Willi Betz Trucks!!! :laughing: :laughing: . I will not forget who are you! :sunglasses: We r hope hear from you soon and update process too

Cheers Ben (Willi Betz Fan :wink: )

blimey just going through some of the posts and nearly fell off me chair when i read what you put.

all the best for the future mate in whatever you do.


p.s you could always come over here and top your tan up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

new member. setting offf at 4 am durham to dalton in furness, 2 drops, back to depot, fingers crossed no more loads going out, shud b bak in house for 4ish. this site is addictive!!!

welcome chrislee to trucknet uk :laughing: :smiley: :laughing:

Yeah Chrislee, welcome to TruckNet :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: