Who am i talking about?

I’d have thought with that colour scheme it would have been Widdowsons from Leicester!!


More white than beige though E/D :confused:

Lets both be wrong and agree on …cream yes crem :blush:
Thanks again, a mini midlift can be fitted to a 4x2 for €3,000 so they work out cheaper than a 6x2 midlift.
Any guess’s to how much an ex-corby chilled makes in Ireland?

€ 60,000 Euros! Thats me guess

€ 60,000 Euros! Thats me guess


KX54 EBF is definitely an ex Corby Chilled waggon anyway


like most things there were some really good ones and really bad ones at the end, think there was some kind of dispute about unpaid bills in the end so not much repair work was being done on the ones we had.
youd get in them with mirrors bust, windows not working , seat contols bust,
but that wasnt the trucks fault as the way some people abused them.
most were 800,000 plus ,but with a good look over from scania id think they still have some good life in them.
see all our 57/08 volvos are going back on mass so there might be some deals to be done on them :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

How about these?


Widdowsons have a very good reputation as an employer, trucks always look good.

Sorry VALHALLA, missed your post above! :blush:

see all our 57/08 volvos are going back on mass so there might be some deals to be done on them :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Saw one our them on the A46 lastweek destickered but still had the orange font and bottom trim so they’re definately going. Whole load of Scanias parked up at Newark ready to go too presumably. To be fair some of the 06 scanias were/are still nice, only 500K or so on them, just a bit grubby inside and out.


see all our 57/08 volvos are going back on mass so there might be some deals to be done on them :wink: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Saw one our them on the A46 lastweek destickered but still had the orange font and bottom trim so they’re definately going. Whole load of Scanias parked up at Newark ready to go too presumably. To be fair some of the 06 scanias were/are still nice, only 500K or so on them, just a bit grubby inside and out.

yes scanias parked up by old gas tanks[ now tramper parking ] are the 1 st to go back , new scanias are being picked up , 5 sat, 5 sun from carlisle for the next 4 weeks . then yard will be stobarts scanias only .
seems a waste of money getting all those 57/08 volvos 5 mins ago to now send them back , assume eddie and volvo couldnt come to a new lease agreement .
the volvo you saw maybe the one thats parked up at the back of the garage at fardon if i remember correctly, pulling a flat, been around a bit
with the economic climate , makes you wonder how volvo or who ever gets them are going to get rid of them all , could end up in hundreds if eddie sends them all back