Which Sat Nav?

Tom Tom 5150 every time.

Got one. Great piece of kit. Rarely lets me down. Had a few deliveries recently that were down restricted roads and it seemed to confuse it a bit so it’s good to have a map as a back up.

My map is Google Maps on the iPhone though. I have a Philips Navigator Truck Map and the amount of restrictions missing from it is a joke, none of which are missing from the 5150.

When I can be arsed I’ll list the one’s I’ve found so far.

Shiny new TomTom 5150 arrived today. All now set up, free Lifetime Map Updates activated, 12 months Live services activated. All tickety-boo. Except for the one, huge, glaring omission that I suspected from the outset - No Itinerary Planning function. i.e. There appears to be no way to sit down at the start of the run and enter a dozen or so drops to be visited that day. Talk about spoiling the ship for a ha’p’orth of tar!

Shiny new TomTom 5150 arrived today. All now set up, free Lifetime Map Updates activated, 12 months Live services activated. All tickety-boo. Except for the one, huge, glaring omission that I suspected from the outset - No Itinerary Planning function. i.e. There appears to be no way to sit down at the start of the run and enter a dozen or so drops to be visited that day. Talk about spoiling the ship for a ha’p’orth of tar!

Add your final destination (not sure how many drops total you can add) then select change destination and then ‘travel via’. Add the last but one drop (you’re working backwards from final destination to first drop) repeat until you’ve added all your drops.
You can move drops about once added although it won’t let you move the final destination or the starting location, just everything in between.
Hope that makes sense!!!

Add your final destination (not sure how many drops total you can add) then select change destination and then ‘travel via’. Add the last but one drop (you’re working backwards from final destination to first drop) repeat until you’ve added all your drops.
You can move drops about once added although it won’t let you move the final destination or the starting location, just everything in between.
Hope that makes sense!!!

Thanks - I did eventually discover that’s where they had hidden the “waypoints” functionality. Having now taken time to RTFM, I see that TomTom say you can only add 3 waypoints - well that’s clearly incorrect as I’ve just planned a route which includes 7 of them! (presumably they have at some point changed this limit). It makes no difference what order you add them - Tomtom optimises the order in which they are visited. This is a sensible approach if you are working TNT style with a heap of parcels in the back of a van, but not if you’ve got a dozen pallets loaded in a pre-planned order, one per drop…

Still, as you note, it only takes a minute or two to re-order the drops manually (it would be nice to be able to switch off the automatic optimisation though).

Having downloaded the user manual, I’m going to sit in the sun with a coffee and read it :slight_smile:

Thanks - I did eventually discover that’s where they had
hidden the “waypoints” functionality.

How could you ? ? ?

How could you EVER doubt the 5150 - the finest navigational
equipment known to Truck Drivers ? ? ?



Thanks - I did eventually discover that’s where they had
hidden the “waypoints” functionality.

How could you ? ? ?

How could you EVER doubt the 5150 - the finest navigational
equipment known to Truck Drivers ? ? ?


Im not so sure, mine seems to think I am a better driver than reality by some of the turns it wants me to make in some remote places :open_mouth:

Now that I’ve had a chance to use the thing (tomTom 5150) a little, I have discovered that the Waypoints/Itinerary Planning bit is seriously broken. According to the Manual, if you enter a few Waypoints using the “Travel Via” function, it optimises their order for you. WRONG. Today I had a few drops around Bromsgrove, Worcester and Droitwich, then about half a dozen all around Redditch before returning to base at Lutterworth. On leaving Droitwich, I entered Lutterworth as my destination, with the Redditch drops as “Travel via” waypoints, expecting the TomTom to “optimise” their order for me. It didn’t - It would have had me entering Redditch from the West on the A449, doing my first drop at Crabbs Cross and then going all around the town in an anticlockwise circuit, finishing only about 1/2 a mile from the first one before trundling off to base. This resulted in a travelling time some 20 minutes or so worse than the company’s wildly optimistic (and inaccurate) Paragon planning system. I re-ordered the drops manually and saved half an hour.

Then the next problem, which I had seen before but thought I may have been mistaken. On leaving my last-but-one drop in Redditch, I took a minor detour (actually a short-cut using residential streets rather than the main A-roads that TomTom wanted me to use). At the point I deviated from TomTom’s route, I was about half a mile from the last Waypoint. The TomTom simply skipped the Waypoint and started routing me back to base - the only notification I got was a message saying “Waypoint skipped” on screen for a few seconds - Had I not been looking at the screen at that moment, I would have missed it altogether. I had seen this before but hadn’t been sure exactly what had happened. This time I watched it carefully and confirmed my suspicions.

So I won’t be using the “Waypoints” feature to plan my drops again any time soon.

Other than that though, it’s a good bit of kit. The routing is very truck-friendly and the HD Traffic is bloody marvellous - whenever it has indicated a delay, the tail end of the queue has been pretty much exactly where TomTom said it was, and the delay times (whether 2 minutes or 20) have been spookily accurate

Just having time and distance to waypoint would be good. But no, couldn’t even manage that. Bring back itinerary planning …