Where's truck boy

I dont know why i bother answering some of the posters on here, but i get great fun from it, insults can go both ways.
So GBpub ive held my licence for just over 50 years, how long have you had yours ? because of my age, i have to renew it every year, and up until now, have never had a problem with it, may your health remain ok, so you can also get to retain yours. Toothpickjohnny, what a nice thought, to entertain the kids, its great that you read to your kids, although i would consider that an e reader would be more suitable considering your educational limits, and i do not have a book coming out as yet, but could possibly write one on the antics of HGV drivers, and their lack of brains, or a better title would be How do brainless idiots get a licence in the first placeAs my posts show,In the haulage industry since 1963 that was way before you were out of nappies, or even born, when drivers were real drivers, when we drove lorries and not trucks, and were more difficult to comprehend gearboxes than are around today. Any idiot can drive anAUTO , give him one with an eaton twin split...Whats that i hear you say`
I dont know why a lot of people on here choose to not believe what i have been offered, and what i will do, perhaps its because they have never heard of Bulgaria, have no idea of where it is, and no inkling of how to even get out of this country, but as the saying goes, i have forgotten more about transport, than most will ever know, my experience of the industry spans over 50 years, and more for others on here, so respect that.



Wheel Nut:
I have been contacted by Mossad today, they have asked me If they can borrow my neighbours sat nav and metal detector and then fly to Mogadishu where there is a new Proton estate waiting for me. Apparently they want me to head towards Kuala Lumpur and see if I can find MH370. They are going to top up my mobile phone so I am not out of pocket and my flight money will be waiting in Datchet post office.

Im shocked thought the stamford hill cowboys only ran volvo estates lol

They were quite partial to a Granada as well “when you’ve got a big hat you need a big motor”

I dont know why i bother answering some of the posters on here, but i get great fun from it, insults can go both ways.
So GBpub ive held my licence for just over 50 years, how long have you had yours ? because of my age, i have to renew it every year, and up until now, have never had a problem with it, may your health remain ok, so you can also get to retain yours. Toothpickjohnny, what a nice thought, to entertain the kids, its great that you read to your kids, although i would consider that an e reader would be more suitable considering your educational limits, and i do not have a book coming out as yet, but could possibly write one on the antics of HGV drivers, and their lack of brains, or a better title would be How do brainless idiots get a licence in the first placeAs my posts show,In the haulage industry since 1963 that was way before you were out of nappies, or even born, when drivers were real drivers, when we drove lorries and not trucks, and were more difficult to comprehend gearboxes than are around today. Any idiot can drive anAUTO , give him one with an eaton twin split...Whats that i hear you say`
I dont know why a lot of people on here choose to not believe what i have been offered, and what i will do, perhaps its because they have never heard of Bulgaria, have no idea of where it is, and no inkling of how to even get out of this country, but as the saying goes, i have forgotten more about transport, than most will ever know, my experience of the industry spans over 50 years, and more for others on here, so respect that.

You’re not spinning that old yarn again are you Bobby, the old “I worked for Astrans” routine, just because you’ve been driving lorries for half a century and have been all over the place doesn’t give you the right to get all experienced at the young upstarts :laughing:

maybe you should take the boy out of your name then old timer? :slight_smile:



Wheel Nut:
I have been contacted by Mossad today, they have asked me If they can borrow my neighbours sat nav and metal detector and then fly to Mogadishu where there is a new Proton estate waiting for me. Apparently they want me to head towards Kuala Lumpur and see if I can find MH370. They are going to top up my mobile phone so I am not out of pocket and my flight money will be waiting in Datchet post office.

Im shocked thought the stamford hill cowboys only ran volvo estates lol

They were quite partial to a Granada as well “when you’ve got a big hat you need a big motor”

The lexus in jewish racing gold is popular these days. Dont see many mercs bmw or audis though. Someone once told me its because they are german dont know if theres any truth in it.
I live next to a synagogue il do a survey

Take the BOY out of my name, are you having a laugh, as they say Once a boy, always a boy :laughing: and im very much a boy at heart, just wish i could grow up :laughing: . I am proud of what ive done in this industry, and keep referring to it, i know it s boring for a lot of people, but i mention it only for the upstarts who seem to disbelieve what other posters are saying. I remember years ago when a driver told me he was taking a load to China, i thought it was a load of bull as well, but it actually happened. At the other end of the scale, i dont want to appear as a im holier than thou, but i love this industry and always will as ive been a part of it for a long time, its almost as if it was my life, i enjoy driving, especially trucks, and still enjoy long trips, which is why i answered the ad, but this industry has a habit of letting it rule you, well certainly me and i can still remember the times when i couldnt wait to get up for work as i felt happier in a truck than at home and felt sad when i had to park up and go home, but i have always been dedicated to the job and never let anyone down, never lost a load, never had a claim and always worked to the best of my ability as many many drivers still do, and acted accordingly to my bosses wishes most of the time anyway.

Wheres WAKKY TRUCKER ? :laughing: :laughing:

Ralph Davies and Peter Gilder used to do Kasakhstan and curther East to the Chinese border.
Plenty of photos and stories on the Old Timer forum.
No roads,dirt tracks and the trucks got a good bashing.
Not built for off roading.
Peter was trading as Russanglia Ltd with a Russian girlfriend.
At the time of the animal right activists blocking the ports,he chartered his ship to haul livestock and other hauliers.
Some may remember the lady that stood in front of a truck and was killed.




Wheel Nut:
I have been contacted by Mossad today, they have asked me If they can borrow my neighbours sat nav and metal detector and then fly to Mogadishu where there is a new Proton estate waiting for me. Apparently they want me to head towards Kuala Lumpur and see if I can find MH370. They are going to top up my mobile phone so I am not out of pocket and my flight money will be waiting in Datchet post office.

Im shocked thought the stamford hill cowboys only ran volvo estates lol

They were quite partial to a Granada as well “when you’ve got a big hat you need a big motor”

The lexus in jewish racing gold is popular these days. Dont see many mercs bmw or audis though. Someone once told me its because they are german dont know if theres any truth in it.
I live next to a synagogue il do a survey

Forgive and forget I say :slight_smile:

Weren’t there any killed Jews in Hiroshima? There were certainly plenty of Jewish scientists building the H Bomb

Wheel Nut:




Wheel Nut:
I have been contacted by Mossad today, they have asked me If they can borrow my neighbours sat nav and metal detector and then fly to Mogadishu where there is a new Proton estate waiting for me. Apparently they want me to head towards Kuala Lumpur and see if I can find MH370. They are going to top up my mobile phone so I am not out of pocket and my flight money will be waiting in Datchet post office.

Im shocked thought the stamford hill cowboys only ran volvo estates lol

They were quite partial to a Granada as well “when you’ve got a big hat you need a big motor”

The lexus in jewish racing gold is popular these days. Dont see many mercs bmw or audis though. Someone once told me its because they are german dont know if theres any truth in it.
I live next to a synagogue il do a survey

Forgive and forget I say :slight_smile:

Weren’t there any killed Jews in Hiroshima? There were certainly plenty of Jewish scientists building the H Bomb

I sold a Jew Boy an Atego, I told the bloke I was from Dagenham Motors, so we had to take the Merc badges off and put IVECO badges on it, but a sale is a sale :laughing:

Seriously though, I did sell one, it was a bit of a standing joke that I had Stamford Hill and Golders Green on my patch, but I was ok with it as it meant I could get a nice Salt Beef sandwich when I was out knocking on doors. There is a very anti German feeling amongst the Jews, which is understandable really when you consider the atrocities committed against them by ze Fatherland in the last war, although the bloke I sold the Atego to was only a Jew when it suited him, a bit like the Mike Reid character in ■■■■■■ (btw those twin daughters of his, mmm mmmm)

There was also a lot of anti Japanese feelings amongst the older generation in Britain, again it’s understandable as my Grandad was one of many British who were shooting at and being shot by the Japs, America was the same, although it doesn’t appear to have affected the Japanese car and motorbike industry much :open_mouth:

I sold a Jew Boy an Atego, I told the bloke I was from Dagenham Motors, so we had to take the Merc badges off and put IVECO badges on it, but a sale is a sale :laughing:

Seriously though, I did sell one, it was a bit of a standing joke that I had Stamford Hill and Golders Green on my patch, but I was ok with it as it meant I could get a nice Salt Beef sandwich when I was out knocking on doors. There is a very anti German feeling amongst the Jews, which is understandable really when you consider the atrocities committed against them by ze Fatherland in the last war, although the bloke I sold the Atego to was only a Jew when it suited him, a bit like the Mike Reid character in ■■■■■■ (btw those twin daughters of his, mmm mmmm)

There was also a lot of anti Japanese feelings amongst the older generation in Britain, again it’s understandable as my Grandad was one of many British who were shooting at and being shot by the Japs, America was the same, although it doesn’t appear to have affected the Japanese car and motorbike industry much :open_mouth:

I am surprised you could even sell a Ford in Stamford Hill, after all he wasn’t totally guilt free himself was he? Old Henry had strong links to Adolf and Eva :slight_smile:

Wheel Nut:

I sold a Jew Boy an Atego, I told the bloke I was from Dagenham Motors, so we had to take the Merc badges off and put IVECO badges on it, but a sale is a sale :laughing:

Seriously though, I did sell one, it was a bit of a standing joke that I had Stamford Hill and Golders Green on my patch, but I was ok with it as it meant I could get a nice Salt Beef sandwich when I was out knocking on doors. There is a very anti German feeling amongst the Jews, which is understandable really when you consider the atrocities committed against them by ze Fatherland in the last war, although the bloke I sold the Atego to was only a Jew when it suited him, a bit like the Mike Reid character in ■■■■■■ (btw those twin daughters of his, mmm mmmm)

There was also a lot of anti Japanese feelings amongst the older generation in Britain, again it’s understandable as my Grandad was one of many British who were shooting at and being shot by the Japs, America was the same, although it doesn’t appear to have affected the Japanese car and motorbike industry much :open_mouth:

I am surprised you could even sell a Ford in Stamford Hill, after all he wasn’t totally guilt free himself was he? Old Henry had strong links to Adolf and Eva :slight_smile:

They all smoke around in Volvos, ironic considering the amount of raw materials and stuff that came out of Sweden to support the ■■■■ war machine, the Japs were allied with the Nazis as were the Italians, so really they were left with a choice of BL products or Renaults and Citroens, but only if surrendering doesn’t class you as a supporter, no surprise they decided to look the other way when it comes to Volvo and Lexus really :open_mouth:

Years ago when I first started work a firm local to us replaced Leyland 8 wheelers with Merc units & trailers (the awful old bullnose thing 1418? worse brakes than a Morris LD van & the pulling power of a two stroke Trabant) A Jewish customer told them get rid of the Mercs or no more work from us! those heaps of crap put me off Mercs for life!

Hi all

I am still here driving. I turned the down job because the guy said I was overcharging him :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Still driving for seniors going down London tommorow and Friday.

wakey trucker:
Hi all

I am still here driving. I turned the down job because the guy said I was overcharging him :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
Still driving for seniors going down London tommorow and Friday.

Yeah right - just go away you stopped being amusing a while ago

As far as Truckyboy goes his credentials are 100% - wether he has made the right judgement decision only time will tell - I suspect not and have said this- but its
not my life and its his decision to take- personally on this deal from day one I would have been wary- and the way its gone I would now run a mile

I loved the comedy bit of covering the bloke in coffee. The whole saga would make a good comedy.

I’ve been a sceptic right from the start, but it doesn’t appear to be concerning Trucky, the job, not my scepticism :laughing:

I suspect that if it does all happen and turns out to be a total disaster, he will still have had a bit of fun and maybe pocketed a few quid too, a lot of us are seeing all the reasons not to go and there are many, however Bob was one of those crazy dudes who went and took lorries down to the desert in the early days, so no matter how many dramas he has along the way, this will be a walk in the park and will probably not be the worst trip he’s ever done, no matter how pear shaped it all gets :wink: