,ALL the best,teatime, and yes keep in touch
with your solicitor, will be watching this space
for your next post,cheers ,
What a ■■■■■■■■ It’s bad enough that you are facing a potentially life threatening illness, but to have a boss behave like such a total a hole as well adds insult to injury. 
I hope he can sleep at night, but people like him probably can. Good luck mate, hope you recover soon & find a job with a firm who see you as a human being rather than some sort of dispensable asset. 
Its all came at once today … the bill from the solicitor in full as I am still employed , no legal aid , bugger and… the hospital card , I am going in on the 5th may for treatment, now I am realy dreading telling the boss this
, so how just how does this chemotherapy work ■■ and will I be back behind the wheel the day after, dont answer that , I’ve already googled the subject.
And, a letter from my previous employers insurance company asking if I knew the whereabouts of the truck I used to drive. FFS its still in the tuck park going green with mould stuff and scurry ■■■■■, (apparantly )
Told the boss I was starting treatment next tues… Ok he said ,fill out a holiday request… I give up but Im not going to walk out.
Sounds like a quiet reminder about his obligations under the DDA is needed…The bit about having to give you time off for treatment. 
Good Luck!
teatime , as Lucy said, he has to follow certain rules and regs and ignorance of them is no excuse, have you looked at the various groups, as they will help with advice and are better informened in many cases , this not trying to fob you off, but wishing that you get the best help avaliable,and belive me they do know what to do,have been helped when we had to use them well worth a look see mate
regarding the chemo teatime, the advice i`d give is dont listen to the man in the pub who says its the worst thing ever.
Everyone is different and as such reacts differently to it. I think i remember being told there are hundreds of combinations of different drugs, so just because your best mates nan struggles you might breeze through it.
Personally i found the tiredness the worst reaction. Everything else was controlled well by drugs
Good Luck and in the dark times remember- it gets better!
Good Luck with the treatment Tea-Time, 2 years ago I was in a grotty way with bone cancer, the treatment wasnt pleasant but it was what I had to go thro to get the quality of life I have now, ok my life is not as fast as it used to be but as I am over retiring age it has made sure I relax a bit more. You will have some rotten days with frayed tempers and the “why me syndrome” but hang in there its all going to be worth while . As for the boss, well he will get his just desert for his inhumane attitude. If you are in a union maybe they can help with solicitor fees?? I know many on here will be praying and keeping you in their thoughts and should you want to unburden yourself theres always the Glory Road Ministries, this is the Truckers Church on Wheels the lads are good listners (Keith–01452-549725 or 07773025383) ( Frank -07938137027)
Its been a while scince my last post , the chemo is taking hold and despite an attempt to carry on as normal a couple of weeks ago after the chemo session I felt so awful I signed off sick, my pee is pink, the hair is falling out in clumps and following the sunny wekend , sunburn that makes me look as if Ive been nuked
Boss called round to check I was Ill, and assured me my job was
safe ( where have we heard that one before… ) tv is cack, I’m too tired to do gardening / see to mrs teatime
/ crosscountry running etc etc and above all I miss driving . On the otherhand I get to lie in bed longer , eat lots of food ( then bring it back up again ) and flirt with nurses.
As for the why me , well it spares some other poor sod.
Hey teatime. Just found this post. Sorry to hear about the cancer. Glad you’re on the mend though 
If you’re still bringing up foot a lot of the time remember chicken and rice are both foods that are very easy on the stomach. There are a lot of foods I can’t eat as I’ll always bring it back up after 5 minutes but I can always eat a chinese chicken curry and not worry about it returning on me lol.
Stay strong teatime 
Hi Teatime.
I’ve only just picked up on this thread so I may be a bit late with some of the tips that I’m going to offer.
I was diagnosed in 2000 and at the time had no outward signs except the single lymph node enlarged. I’ve had surgery, radiotherapy and chemo, six different regimes, at various times all of them have some effect and the worse thing that I found was trying to ignore the tiredness.
When you feel tired stop and rest a while but just as important is to try and manage your fatigue in a proactive manner. Keep a diary so that you can identify what days you feel good and when you don’t this is helpful in pacing yourself, particularly when you may have a need to be active. One thing is to try and do something physical every day, a walk to the end of the garden, some mild exercise you do seated anything to stop you vegitating so much that you risk blood clots due to inactivity, your hospital should be able to get a physiotherapist to help with an exercise package. Strangly some exercise will also lift your energy level just be wary about doing to much just because you feel good at the time, you could suffer for days afterwards. Massage and reflexology I found to be helpful with cramp though that may not be available through you hospital.
If you are having trouble keeping food down try smaller portions and more frequently. I found milk shakes easy to swallow when my throat was sore and also soothing. The worse chemo regime I had I lost 2 stone in just under a month and while my appetite did slowly return I never regained all that weight. That is a positive as I had been advised to “bulk up” before hand.
If you are still having a red tint in your urine you should mention this to your doctors. I had this while taking prednisolone as part of the chemo regimes but this passed within a short time after stoping the drug. Your hair will grow back, possibly softer, and if it is still patchy shave your head. Men can wear baldness as a fashion choice so call it trendy
. When you do go outside wear a hat with a brim. I found my eyes became rather sensitive to light and some days would wear sunglasses indoors.
Try and avoid to much TV. try a book or magazine, crosswords, soduko anything that you can pick up for 10-15 minutes at a time the put down and come back to. That was all the concentration I could manage at a time. For the same reason try and avoid any major life decisions like moving house or financial planning without TRUSTED advice. Unfortunately there are people out there who will try and take advantage of you. Macmillan Cancer support can help with this, also your local hospice.
Finally try and keep a positive mindset. Maybe think about an ambition you have yet to achieve. How could you do it when better? You will likely find your outlook changes and little things that would annoy you won’t seem to matter as much. Similarly those people and things you may have taken for granted will seem all the more important.
Good luck and my best wishes.