What's wrong with the FH?

fridge to small to be any use

cramped cab

drivers display no use to man nor beast

upto now if i was giventhe choice between the new renault and fh the frog trotter would win hands down

oh and ask them about the xxl cab coming over here rather than down under

The mirrors are still a problem on FM/FH.They also need a bigger cab for the FH not in the same league as DAF SSC and MAN.Looking at the new VOLVO on there web site they have not changed alot maybe ask when we will see complete new cab.

ellies dad:
Wonder what the insides like. Thanks DAFMAD :sunglasses:

All I could find

I drove 4 or 5 of the original Fhs, all CD (top spec) trim, and i also drove a 52 plate series 2. The one thing that i didnt like about the series 2 was the steering column didnt have the same rake as the series 1, the series 2 felt like it was more level and wouldnt tilt down and back as far as a series 1. Just a little thing but it annoyed the hell out of me, just couldnt get a comfortable driving position in it.

It took some doing, but I managed to find (again :sunglasses:) a photo of the interior. Still hard to see the difference I know, some lunkheads stood in the way. :unamused:

The XXl cab is ok, but they could incorporate a bigger cab size with shaped aerodynamics, instead of the bolt on ones…and thats quite a lot of extra space.
With that space, they can create aproper living space for those that are away quite a lot. and they can fit:
under cab water storage system, to flush toilet, and use fresh water for coffee/tea etc.
Ask them to look at some motorhomes for ideas in a small space.
They would sell a lot of this model if the above spec was as standard,even if it was a bit more money.
Drivers are crying out for extra space, and even toilet facilities, but to save them the bother, just import the american volvo and that should do the job and will incorporate all of the above…ahhh…dreaming again.

schrodingers cat:

ellies dad:
Wonder what the insides like. Thanks DAFMAD :sunglasses:

All I could find

Just a bigger bed :cry: ,i was expecting something ingenious.
Thanks for posting the pic schrodingers cat :sunglasses:

Thanks for all your questions ­ and I managed to get answers to most of them. I’ll be covering it in detail in September’s T&D (out very early
August) ­ but here’s the basic stuff.

I’m pleased to report that it is more than just new headlights.

Firstly, the basic cab shape doesn’t change. And it won’t change until the all-new FH is launched (probably about 5 years time). What they have done however is make better use of the interior space they’ve got.

There is more storage now. The overhead lockers are all new. The middle one is slightly smaller than before. This is apparently to increase the driver’s shoulder room when getting dressed. ­ It’s a bit of a compromise if you ask me. To make up for this they have put significantly more storage under the slightly larger bunk.

Apparently the mirrors were improved last year (which I had forgotten about) and they don¹t feel they need to be changed again.

The dash is all new, with new instrument binnacle. It looks quite nice and they’ve used a better quality of plastic.

Unfortunately you can’t move the driver’s seat back any further ­- which I agree is a nuisance. I’m just over 6 foot and I could do with taking it back a notch.
The integrated seatbelt is still jutting out of the back of the seat, which prevents the seat from moving back any further. If they had hollowed out a little bit under the bunk you’d be able to take the seat back an extra inch.

You do get more width though. The I-shift installation has been moved 2cm away from the driver -­ this is a big improvement, if like me, you are fond of pies!

The individual interior lights aren’t any brighter, ­ but now there are an extra 4 of them, so overall the interior is actually brighter. There are bendy reading lights at either end of the bunk ­ but I’m not sure if these are new.

There’s a much bigger flat surface on top of the dash, but I’m afraid it’s still not big enough for a TV.

As far as I could tell the blinds aren’t really any different (just thicker) and still aren’t electric.

No change to rear mudguards.

The list of creature comforts that you get as standard has increased, including electric windows and mirrors. But AC is unlikely to come as standard on fleet tractors.

There’s a new stereo ­ which is USB/Bluetooth/iPod compatible etc.

As expected there are numerous new safety features on the options list, like rain sensitive wipers, alcolock (which I had great fun testing), adaptive cruise and a device for letting you know if there¹s a car in your blind spot. Let’s hope this is a cheap option in Eastern Europe ­ that way we¹ll see a few less crashes on our motorways!

They aren’t planning to bring the XXL cab here, but they have just launched the XLX Globetroter cab in the FM.

New 11-litre engine in the FM too (as seen in the Premium), and new automated manual box in the FL and FE (as seen in the TGL, LF and Midlum).

I’m sure I’ve missed a lot of stuff, but won’t know until I read my notes.

Thanks again for all your help.

Thanks for the feed back Will. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ask em to stick a Daf bed in them!


Ask if they will sell it with a choice of lockers or top bunk at the same price.
Most trucks i see don’t do double manning. But they all come with 2 bunks instead of lockers. Why?

Thanks for the feedback Will,it’s greatly appreciated,but there are one or two things that puzzle me in what you’ve written:

Will Shiers:
The I-shift installation has been moved 2cm away from the driver

How generous. :unamused: Why not follow the example of others,and do away with the column altogether,and put gear selection on a dial, (Ala DAF.) and manual shift on a stalk.

Will Shiers:
The list of creature comforts that you get as standard has increased, including electric windows and mirrors.

I thought these were already standard?

Will Shiers:
They aren’t planning to bring the XXL cab here, but they have just launched the XLX Globetroter cab in the FM.

Why? In my opinion,anyone who buys one of these,doesn’t care about the living space of the driver,because your still going to have the engine hump.They should buy an FH instead,or if they want to save cash,which would be the obvious thing we’re talking here,then buy a Premium.

I think Volvo might have dropped some clangers here,as other manufacturers have made some significant improvements to their trucks of late,and in order for Volvo to keep ahead,they’re going to have to listen to the end user more,and up the ante.


I agree about the FM LXL whats the point of that? I was talking to somebody this morning who said that you will see a all new cab in about 3 years.The FH
was flawed for space from the very begining does anybody remember the very
first ones before they lowered the floor,especially the ordinary roof ones.The old F cab had more room.
LOL I read in the commercial motor this morning that volvo spent £101 million on this facelift I’d like to know on what. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Big Bear:
especially the ordinary roof ones.The old F cab had more room.

I think the F12/16 Globe did have more room, certainly more useable room but a slippery shape will attract the accountants more than any comfortable spaces for a driver :stuck_out_tongue:

Will Shiers:
Apparently the mirrors were improved last year (which I had forgotten about) and they don¹t feel they need to be changed again.

Unfortunately you can’t move the driver’s seat back any further ­- which I agree is a nuisance. I’m just over 6 foot and I could do with taking it back a notch.

The mirrors were improved last year and they don’t think they need changing - the seat’s been useless for eons and it’s too much trouble to move it - what’s the point in Volvo asking for any feedback if they’re going to ignore the very people who drive their vehicles.


I wonder how many firms/people will buying one in these “difficult” times now

Although im a week late (been a bit busy), Theres a very slim chance that one of volvo uks marketing people might look in maybe? If volvo are serious about improving things for the driver why not include as standard a large invertor? Ive had one as an aftermarket fit in my last 3 trucks, and for the price(i dont pay but the firm does) its a godsend.
Surely someone with volvo`s buying power could include these as standard for little cost to the beancounters?

Although im a week late (been a bit busy), Theres a very slim chance that one of volvo uks marketing people might look in maybe? If volvo are serious about improving things for the driver why not include as standard a large invertor? Ive had one as an aftermarket fit in my last 3 trucks, and for the price(i dont pay but the firm does) its a godsend.
Surely someone with volvo`s buying power could include these as standard for little cost to the beancounters?

Although it sounds a good idea i’m sure you’d get a muppet trying to plug an electric kettle into it!

How many 12v and 24v sockets does it have?

Does rain still get inside the doors and stain the door cards?

Although im a week late (been a bit busy), Theres a very slim chance that one of volvo uks marketing people might look in maybe? If volvo are serious about improving things for the driver why not include as standard a large invertor? Ive had one as an aftermarket fit in my last 3 trucks, and for the price(i dont pay but the firm does) its a godsend.
Surely someone with volvo`s buying power could include these as standard for little cost to the beancounters?

That is a good idea, I wonder why the manufacturers didnt think of it,

oh hang on they did, Foden had one 30 years ago :stuck_out_tongue:

It sounds like Volvo are taking backwards steps to me. They should scrap the current models and go back to the Mk1 FH as the basic design and work up from there. Granted, the Mk1 didn’t have many of the toys that the current model has, but it was a lot nicer/comfortable to drive and live in than the current version(s), imho, and I’d take one over the current model any day.