Whats the best for in cab freshness

i dont have a collection of magic trees , …its more like a plantation :neutral_face:
but i too have become desensitized, some of the night loaders commented on it the other day , saying that that even from across the yard it smelled like a vanilla wind wafting around.
me ?
i cant smell them unless i put a new one up & then it only seems to last a few days , , but when yer walking in cowmuck most of the day a quick blast with the spray can (vanilla of course) soon sorts it out

So many posts thanksfor the replies ive ordered a selection of cali scents to see which i prefer in the mean time i have zoflora springtime to see how that works…but i think your right you do become desensitized to it. ?..trying not to ■■■■ is a serious commitment of which im not capable of doing that

the best I had found were Yankee Candles…but they have stopped making them
(stopped the ones that hung from the mirror etc, still get the ones for the air vents but not as good)

Had one of the air vent ones in the car - only lasted about 5 days with the vent closed :frowning:

Nice smell while it lasted :wink: