What would happen in your company?

Accidents happen look at the sizes of the vehicles and decent transport manages know what the real world is like. As long as you weren’t being reckless and just clipped or caught something they wouldnt care. As said just own up dont try and hide it.

I’ve found in these situations that you can’t win, if you refuse to go down then you get told …well no one else seems to have a problem. And if you go down and hit something you get told…you shouldn’t of went down it if was too tight. Anyway, good result, you done it.

don’t let it knock your confidence mate you didn’t hit anything you did well
and don’t worry about the public most of them probably don’t know where to find the steering wheel let alone drive the bloody thing

In situations like that, both in the UK and here, if it looks really iffy and there are parked cars everywhere I just call my company, tell them the situation and say I’ll have a go if you want me to but should the worst happen, I’ve warned them that the place is totally unsuitable for a truck this size and they’ll be taking responsibility, not me. This has always resulted in either them agreeing and giving me the go ahead or telling me to take the stuff somewhere else. In this day and age with insurance being what it is, truck sizes being what they are and congestion and parked cars everywhere, you can’t afford to learn from your mistakes because so many accidents in a certain time frame will render you unemployed at many places, more so in the UK. Thankfully I’ve never had a prang in such a situation but it always pays to cover your back in such a case before you commit yourself. Although it has to be said that I’ve always worked for small firms, not big jobsworth outfits so calling in to give your opinion on a situation is generally listened to.
Another thing to bear in mind with situations like the OP has described, is that its not unknown for residents on those sorts of streets to later claim that you hit their vehicle and claim for pre-existing damage. I used to deliver to a place in Nelson where the local residents used to park their cars about 2ft away from the curb, making it very difficult to get between them with the truck and as you slowly made your way down the street several of them would emerge from their houses to get out and watch and write down your number plate. Same thing with a place in Keighley. I once had one emerge from his house, ranting and raving that I’d hit his taxi and I’d be getting done for it. Unfortunately for him the damage was already showing signs of rust and was at such a height that nothing on my trailer could possibly have caused it. I took loads of photos while blocking the road and offered to call the police and I’d be happy to report him for insurance fraud when they turned up. He withdrew his ludicrous claim immediately…

I just found it really embarrassing with everyone staring and laughing whilst I struggled. Felt like getting out at one point and throttling a member of the public who was laughing.

thats what makes you a profecional driver keep up the good work :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

That’s just about the most stressful part of this job for me, trying to negotiate 2 rows of inconsiderately parked cars with apparently barely enough room between them for a transit, but still enticing you down whilst getting narrower and narrower. Just let the chumps (bystanders) chuckle and take as many photos as they like -as long as you don’t do any damage (no matter how long it takes) then you have proven you can do it and will disappoint the fools. I had to get 2 vehicles moved in one stupidly narrow Cotswold village last year and won’t be trying that again even though there is a regular drop down there - it needs a narrower vehicle and luckily my company is quite sensible about such things. The only answer is to not go there if it really is too narrow.