What will 2013 be like for the transport industry

i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

What, no more trucks and trailors on ch5? :open_mouth:
:unamused: :laughing:

i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased


tommy t:

come on guys were going of track a bit :wink:

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

Well you did ask the question , was more spouts bollox not festive enough for you then,lol?
But on a serious note it’s looking bleak,very bleak,sorry but that’s what most will think can’t help that I’m afraid , But you never know the DCPC might get scrapped the immigrants may all go home,the price of fuel charged at pumps and by the utility companies may drop dramatically ,you never know, or it could be another year like the last 3yrs

Hope its not as bleak as the last 3 years mate, there as to be something good coming for us drivers (apart from are p45s) :wink:

I Really hope there is , but it’s very foggy at the moment (metaphorically speaking ) So cannot see any significant changes for the good of us lowly drivers happening in the foreseeable, We could always force change though, But it wouldn’t be for me/or any other individual to make such desision , that’s up to you drivers out there only you/we as a whole can force changes,they won’t listen/hear us unless we unite, well we can all dream i suppose , or should we have a poll to see ?

tommy t:
I Really hope there is , but it’s very foggy at the moment (metaphorically speaking ) So cannot see any significant changes for the good of us lowly drivers happening in the foreseeable, We could always force change though, But it wouldn’t be for me/or any other individual to make such desision , that’s up to you drivers out there only you/we as a whole can force changes,they won’t listen/hear us unless we unite, well we can all dream i suppose , or should we have a poll to see ?

There no point there about 700.000 licenced LGV drivers in the UK and 700.000 different opinions. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :wink:


i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased

Maybe they need a coffe with ms bell or vostapo to put them straight then? or if talking old skool ways non polictically correct methods :laughing:there is always better ways of sorting it out


tommy t:
I Really hope there is , but it’s very foggy at the moment (metaphorically speaking ) So cannot see any significant changes for the good of us lowly drivers happening in the foreseeable, We could always force change though, But it wouldn’t be for me/or any other individual to make such desision , that’s up to you drivers out there only you/we as a whole can force changes,they won’t listen/hear us unless we unite, well we can all dream i suppose , or should we have a poll to see ?

There no point there about 700.000 licenced LGV drivers in the UK and 700.000 different opinions. :stuck_out_tongue: :wink: :wink:

Only because they don’t have faith, or feel they have no other choice, but in reality if we got it right, it would possibly mean a little extra hardship for a limited period of time, before they caved in, but my idea it wouldnt be only drivers involved hell no, it would be everyone who can vote , the haulage industry is one of many others that is facing the same problems, for it to work every one has to be invited to the party

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

job will be the same. you know, we kinda push a peddle or two and turn a wheel.

no. thanks very much to all the Labour voters.

Probably not, but I reckon the test will be easier to meet targets.

Yes, they will still understand that sadly the majority of us are uneducated, cant work a shower, will crap anywhere and have no politeness or respect on the road for other road users as we a “Big Butch Hairy A’rrised Truck Drivers” we have the big right of way because of the above.


i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased


i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased

don t worry about me
first i work for 9.50 p/h.not bad pay rate.
second-good or bad,but still 0 points.
i not dream about long hours.but if required ,i agree do.but mainly i have about 50 hours per week.and very happy.
about tacho infidgement-yes i have 3 in last month,but to many driver have time from time.in my job company every week put in the desk list of drivers,who must come to manager and sign infrigement,so in the list as well to many,many British surname,name.

How do you see 2013 for us (drivers )

Will the job get better
Will the pay get better
Will the roads get better
Will the other road users understand us

Or what else do we have to look forward too.

definatley no

it’s going to be whole lot worse next year unless theres a miracle



i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased

don t worry about me
first i work for 9.50 p/h.not bad pay rate.
second-good or bad,but still 0 points.
i not dream about long hours.but if required ,i agree do.but mainly i have about 50 hours per week.and very happy.
about tacho infidgement-yes i have 3 in last month,but to many driver have time from time.in my job company every week put in the desk list of drivers,who must come to manager and sign infrigement,so in the list as well to many,many British surname,name.

2013 will be exactly the same , I’ll still have to endure incoherent rambling from our immigrant colleagues ,who can barely understand English /basic instructions ,exactly how hard is it to drive from one location to another to collect parcels.? ,our management will still employ them as they have a pulse and can drive forwards /will not say no to anything ,it’s not a problem they cause chaos attempting a reverse in our yard ,may as well repeat this post in 2014 too :unamused:

chris c:



i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased

don t worry about me
first i work for 9.50 p/h.not bad pay rate.
second-good or bad,but still 0 points.
i not dream about long hours.but if required ,i agree do.but mainly i have about 50 hours per week.and very happy.
about tacho infidgement-yes i have 3 in last month,but to many driver have time from time.in my job company every week put in the desk list of drivers,who must come to manager and sign infrigement,so in the list as well to many,many British surname,name.

2013 will be exactly the same , I’ll still have to endure incoherent rambling from our immigrant colleagues ,who can barely understand English /basic instructions ,exactly how hard is it to drive from one location to another to collect parcels.? ,our management will still employ them as they have a pulse and can drive forwards /will not say no to anything ,it’s not a problem they cause chaos attempting a reverse in our yard ,may as well repeat this post in 2014 too :unamused:

but the immigrants are here because the work is here, whilst the system allows folk to sit on their arses and earn more doing nothing then being in work then this country is ■■■■■■■ no jobs would mean this country would be less attactive to the immigrant.


chris c:



i reckon stobart will go bust…again :grimacing:

doubt it mate
not with yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir men like andrejis about
men like andrejis will work very long hours for low pay
they never complain to boss man
they only moan about tacho infringments
when they drive for 5 hours without break
to cut corners
so gaffar is pleased

don t worry about me
first i work for 9.50 p/h.not bad pay rate.
second-good or bad,but still 0 points.
i not dream about long hours.but if required ,i agree do.but mainly i have about 50 hours per week.and very happy.
about tacho infidgement-yes i have 3 in last month,but to many driver have time from time.in my job company every week put in the desk list of drivers,who must come to manager and sign infrigement,so in the list as well to many,many British surname,name.

2013 will be exactly the same , I’ll still have to endure incoherent rambling from our immigrant colleagues ,who can barely understand English /basic instructions ,exactly how hard is it to drive from one location to another to collect parcels.? ,our management will still employ them as they have a pulse and can drive forwards /will not say no to anything ,it’s not a problem they cause chaos attempting a reverse in our yard ,may as well repeat this post in 2014 too :unamused:

but the immigrants are here because the work is here, whilst the system allows folk to sit on their arses and earn more doing nothing then being in work then this country is [zb], no jobs would mean this country would be less attactive to the immigrant.

But the government aren’t making an issue of the fact a lot of those who came here to work after a short period of time go on to claim benefits, but not only for themselves but the remaining families in othe EU countries too, even some of them won’t work for peanuts for too long, as they wise up
As for immigrants (migrant workers) comming here because the availablity of employment this has been the case for a very long time, But when a lot of employers start employing migrant workers only(because they can pay them less) then this starts to have a knock on effect of lowering the wages in some sectors,
So a job that would of maybe paid enough so workers would be better off than if on benefits, is now paying such a low wage that benefit rates are higher, So it’s because of greedy companies keeping the level of wages down, they could not do this without a migrant workforce ,
Then you have companies closing down ,industry moving to eastern europe, governments doing little to stop it or help them, This government has put lots of people on benefits, just as the thatcher government did, But they could always try lowering the cost of living in this country, perhaps if you could by more with less money then you wouldn’t need high wages? but that wont happen either

If you drive wages for the majority up then that will just raise the cost of living to compensate. I remember truck drivers striking for £1 an hour - within a couple of years that wasn’t a good rate any more.

Truck drivers will always be relatively low paid. The job is perceived as one step up from labourer and there are plenty of applicants for any vacancy. The only thing that will drive wages up is increased economic activity leading to a shortage of drivers, and regardless of the political colour of the government, that looks to be a long time coming.

When Harold Macmillan said “Indeed let us be frank about it - most of our people have never had it so good” he was absolutely correct. The ordinary man in the street has never, before or since, been as well off as he was at the end of the 50s.

If you want to prosper then try a different career.

UKIP or BNP vs Cons, Lab or libs Hmmmm :question: :question: :confused: :confused:

2013 will have:

More regulations, more night deliveries to homes due to internet shopping, no rate increases for hauliers and heavier insurance premiums.

The usual will happen with rates the supplier will charge the customer more because of fuel, timed deliveries etc. But the haulier wont see any of it !

Exactly just the same as the last 50yrs that I have known it. Eddie.

Nothing will change
The Goverment of the day won’t make a diference they are no diferent to each other
You could argue that Blair and Brown did just as much damage to the working man as Thatcher.
You can vote again for the Tories or the Unions choice Labour but you’ll get nothing out of it.
It will not change the life of todays driver.

Neither will taking the immegrants of the road.
You honestly think that somebody whose never done a day in his life will suddenly want to drive a truck and be out 5 nights a week.
I’ve spoke to a number of hauliers today and they are struggling for drivers their British drivers don’t want to work today and their limited pool of Eastern Europeans is more depleted as some have gone home for Christmas.
There is no mass rush of Brits trying to fill their seats they can’t even get agency men to come in.

But then what you going to do?
You can’t strike because the industry can’t even come out and support each other.
Look at Tesco Doncaster how many firms crossed that picket line?
They weren’t using foreigners either it wasn’t Poles or Ukranians posting on here about earning good money crossing the lines.

Now What?
Well you’ll get back into your MAN’s and Scania’s and you’ll crack on.
You’ll come one here and post and take the mick and have a moan.
Look at the lads on teh Stobart programe
They’d work just to please Stobart and the promise of a new wagon once every 5 years never mind wages it’s the love of the job.
Your all same, you just love the job.

Anyway what’s to worry about:
I’ve never met a driver yet who dosen’t get out of bed for less than £45k.
He drive’s he best motor and is lucky if he has to work past 16:00.

But he’d take an ERF A series and work for a quid a week anyday.

In 50 years you’ll be looking back and saying these were the best years.
They were the best years a semi auto box and £700 a week these fliying things are rubbish and how can I spend £12k a week

It’ll be what drivers make of it, if they keep moaning and groaning about pay and conditions whilst doing nothing about it whilst simultaneously applauding idiots who drive through the picket line of those who wouldn’t take it bone dry, then nothing will change.

If drivers insist on voting for the same three cheeks of the same arse political party who have proved time and time again since the early 70’s to be traitors who have consistently handed sovereignty and freedom of our country away and allowed millions to come here to overpopulate the land, the same freedoms that millions of good men and true now lie in cold foreign soil long before their times defending, if you continue to vote for them despite all they do to destroy our home then nothing will change.

If drivers vote for those who poke our country’s noses into other peoples affairs and send the cream of our youth to war zones with all the risks that entails for no good bloody reason, and believe the lies and spin of the politicians, then nothing will change.

If drivers vote for those who insist on non stop immigration and constant ever deeper borrowing then don’t be surprised when the country’s road network grinds to a complete halt and an ever higher percentage of your declining wage gets taken back in tax of one form or another.

There is no bloke who wears his underpants outside his trousers going to fly in and put our country right, it is up to us, working people, to do so, we can make a start by no longer doing as we are told by the bought and paid for media at election times, we could indeed take our attention from a pint of beer and the latest soap reality or dance show and bloody think.

We could try our best to stick up for each other instead of sticking knives in each others backs, we could gain some respect for ourselves by acting like the professionals we claim to be, then we might earn the title professional and earn respect.

In our own lives we can make a start by chasing the good jobs, the ones with good terms and conditions, and if lucky enough to get one we can do our bloody best to make sure that job runs well and the company profits and grows thereby securing our own futures too.

Paying as little tax and interest as possible is a good start too, don’t borrow more pay the things off that you have borrowed for as quickly as possible, don’t buy things you don’t need, starve the beast.

Or do the other thing, carry on maoning about our lot and join the others in the race to the bottom.

What a cracking post! Agree totally with above ^^^^^^^

ok…i`m in.
what do i do :question: …where do i start :question: …what difference can i make :question: