Nowt’s going to change… as long as Drivers as prepared to sit in grotty waiting rooms while being tipped, put up with [zb] parking facilities and grotty showers with food not fit to give to the dog, drive like a nob all day 'cos they’re on a day rate which equates to poverty wages, put up with planners who think we can do the impossible and then accept the [zb] we get when we cant do it…
WE (drivers) make our own [zb], and untill WE as drivers change then nothing else will change…
happy new year boys
same sheit,diff day,last year,this year,next year…as soon as some companies would stick together for a better deal for themselves or their drivers,then another one will cut their throat,hence nothing will ever change…always an industry of busy poor men working for scraps,city link and the likes just prove that. big or small,its depressed rates and cut your opponents throat to scrape the work from under him. co 1 quotes a trip at 1000,co 2,3,and 4, chop it between them to 650,then co1 regains it at 600…then subs it out a Cpl of times,and voila,someones running at 50% of the initial break even quote. the driver in a decent job has the best deal,wages,and no greif,apart from being treated like a tramp at rdc`s etc,and unwelcome anywhere in the uk.
Well thanks for that guys for cheering us all up. If ever I’m in hospital you two will be at the top of my visitor wish list
the end of the 40mph speed limit 8th april and counting
Yeh, cos that’s gonna solve all our probs in the job ain’t it I can just hear it now ‘‘You will easy get that last drop off now and get back’’ , 9hrs x 10mph = 90 mile extra per day (in theory) for the same money,and fewer nights out paid to boot, yeh, spot on, can’t wait mate
They’ll be pushing us to the limits, as if we aren’t already pushed to the limits!! They’ll be saying we can go faster , get the job done faster & then dump another extra trip on us , not taking into consideration any other conditions that we may endure enroute which may lose us time etc. More work for same pay springs to mind.
I started on 7.5t ( Leyland Terrier, Bedford TK and Ford D series) in 1971. It was the same then as it is now. Nothing will change because we, as drivers, will not stick together.
All we can do is to hope that things get better for the individual, because as a group, it ain’t gonna change.
Nowt’s going to change… as long as Drivers as prepared to sit in grotty waiting rooms while being tipped, put up with [zb] parking facilities and grotty showers with food not fit to give to the dog, drive like a nob all day 'cos they’re on a day rate which equates to poverty wages, put up with planners who think we can do the impossible and then accept the [zb] we get when we cant do it…B…
I’ve already knocked all the above on the head so everything can stay the same now.
the end of the 40mph speed limit 8th april and counting
Yeh, cos that’s gonna solve all our probs in the job ain’t it I can just hear it now ‘‘You will easy get that last drop off now and get back’’ , 9hrs x 10mph = 90 mile extra per day (in theory) for the same money,and fewer nights out paid to boot, yeh, spot on, can’t wait mate
well buy your own truck and you dont need worry about things like that do you
Nah mate, been done, t.shirt sweat shirt…and even hoodie. 1982_1995ish
Didn’t realise you were o/driver, certainly don’t envy you, …but hope all is good
ive got in nice and easy mate, ive got all my own customers at proper rates and max load is around 8 ton, my truck as done 1 return load in a year apart from the returns after we pick up and deliver back to the same place from where we load , when it went quiet for 2weeks middle of last year i put my other truck with a freight forwarder for 3 days lol never again, ill just park mine up and give my other driver the work i do
3 jobs booked for monday
6 jobs booked for tuesday
and 3 every day there after
99.5% of my work is all book in a week a head which is heaven
the end of the 40mph speed limit 8th april and counting
They’ll be pushing us to the limits, as if we aren’t already pushed to the limits!! They’ll be saying we can go faster , get the job done faster & then dump another extra trip on us , not taking into consideration any other conditions that we may endure enroute which may lose us time etc. More work for same pay springs to mind.
I agree but there’s one important point to remember, They will only push you as far and as much as you allow them to.
Put it this way a few on my firm are pushed and teararse about like headless chickens, I am not and do not , I get through my workload and am paid the same as the firm’s superstars.
I agree but there’s one important point to remember, They will only push you as far and as much as you allow them to.
Put it this way a few on my firm are pushed and teararse about like headless chickens, I am not and do not , I get through my workload and am paid the same as the firm’s superstars.
I think the only difference most will notice is the lack if points being incurred and the lack of panic and stress for two or three weeks wondering if they’ll lose their job for going 44 in a 40 etc. Going 50 on British roads instead of 40 isn’t going to make much difference at all to what people are doing, or whats doable, its not like Britain has hundreds of miles of unbroken and flat single carriage way. There’s traffic lights, roundabouts, hills, corners and towns and villages every mile or so, so apart from no longer feeling like you’re going slow for the sake of going slow on the bits in between, nothing will change. You won’t get an extra trip done, you won’t get an extra drop off in all likely hood, you’ll just do your 500km drive in 8:52 driving rather than 8:57 driving etc.
the end of the 40mph speed limit 8th april and counting
They’ll be pushing us to the limits, as if we aren’t already pushed to the limits!! They’ll be saying we can go faster , get the job done faster & then dump another extra trip on us , not taking into consideration any other conditions that we may endure enroute which may lose us time etc. More work for same pay springs to mind.
I agree but there’s one important point to remember, They will only push you as far and as much as you allow them to.
Put it this way a few on my firm are pushed and teararse about like headless chickens, I am not and do not , I get through my workload and am paid the same as the firm’s superstars.
I understand what you are saying, I know they’ll be pushing to the limits, I will not however compromise saftey at any cost, & got to keep my tacho straight too. As you say we are on the same rate of pay as those tearing around like headless chickens. And when the headless chickens cause a disaster, thats when the preverbial hits the fan!! be it coming back on their own heads.
Wish I was an o/driver.
I agree but there’s one important point to remember, They will only push you as far and as much as you allow them to.
Put it this way a few on my firm are pushed and teararse about like headless chickens, I am not and do not , I get through my workload and am paid the same as the firm’s superstars.
I think the only difference most will notice is the lack if points being incurred and the lack of panic and stress for two or three weeks wondering if they’ll lose their job for going 44 in a 40 etc. Going 50 on British roads instead of 40 isn’t going to make much difference at all to what people are doing, or whats doable, its not like Britain has hundreds of miles of unbroken and flat single carriage way. There’s traffic lights, roundabouts, hills, corners and towns and villages every mile or so, so apart from no longer feeling like you’re going slow for the sake of going slow on the bits in between, nothing will change. You won’t get an extra trip done, you won’t get an extra drop off in all likely hood, you’ll just do your 500km drive in 8:52 driving rather than 8:57 driving etc.
I don’t think that they will be worry incase they lose their jobs for going a little bit slower, however the tm/ planners will be trying to squeeze in every minute possible towards another trip wherever they can, albeit brownie points for the boss, no consideration for anyone stuck somewhere out of hours, when the clock strikes they go home & don’t think twice about the driver 's stuck out through no fault of their own .
Wish I was an o/driver.
Really ? 20 years ago maybe but in today’s climate with all the red tape and rate slashing I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole ill settle for a good regular income and when i leave work ill sleep much better
bonnie lass:
I don’t think that they will be worry incase they lose their jobs for going a little bit slower
I didn’t say they would. I’m referring to losing their job because of points due to speeding because believe it or not, a huge number of drivers ignore the ridiculously slow speed of 40mph at this moment in time, regardless of the impending change in the law, myself included when I was there.
Really ? 20 years ago maybe but in today’s climate with all the red tape and rate slashing I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole ill settle for a good regular income and when i leave work ill sleep much better
For some it works and others it doesn’t, like any self employed business it takes a lot of thought, hard graft etc etc. Twenty years ago it was a different era,
bonnie lass:
I don’t think that they will be worry incase they lose their jobs for going a little bit slower
I didn’t say they would. I’m referring to losing their job because of points due to speeding because believe it or not, a huge number of drivers ignore the ridiculously slow speed of 40mph at this moment in time, regardless of the impending change in the law, myself included when I was there.
My reading of your post wasnt of clear understanding, I seem to have got lost on the first couple of lines.
If you are on about them going over the speed limit gaining points, well they have been doing that for years anyway, so nothings changed there.
being a pessimist for a majority of the time I look at the
new year as more problems,more debts etc
The new year is here now, we can all worry about changes , red tape etc etc , but at the end of the day to a certain extent we have to get on with it . So with best foot forward we’ ll face the challenges & what we can’t change & get on with it , I’m still going to be happy I have a job
I will be looking for another job dont mind the job or company I work for it is the contract I am now on which I dislike & no chance of changing it
Apart from that not a lot will change still have miles of roadworks & nobody doing any work still have the same pay ( ok maybe a small increase ) same holidays
I am lucky I dont get pushed to the limits on anything only speak to boss when need to otherwise left alone
bonnie lass:
My reading of your post wasnt of clear understanding, I seem to have got lost on the first couple of lines.
If you are on about them going over the speed limit gaining points, well they have been doing that for years anyway, so nothings changed there.
Exactly, nothing has changed, no more work will be getting done, the only difference will be that they now won’t risk getting points for what has been a perfectly safe speed for decades. Just how much extra work do you think you’ll be doing on a typical nine hour drive day on a mixture of roads, where only some of them are single carriage way, with all of the obstacles to constant 50mph running that I described above. You’re in the UK for God’s sake, you can’t go more than 3 miles before having to stop or slow down for one thing or another. The extra 10mph you’ll be able to do on some of the roads that you’re on some of the time will serve no other purpose other than to make your truck less of rolling road block for no other purpose that it was deemed to be a safe maximum speed in our grandparents day.
Really ? 20 years ago maybe but in today’s climate with all the red tape and rate slashing I wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole ill settle for a good regular income and when i leave work ill sleep much better
bonnie lass:
For some it works and others it doesn’t, like any self employed business it takes a lot of thought, hard graft etc etc. Twenty years ago it was a different era,
Yeh different, but maybe not in the way I think that you mean. It was easier then than today, and don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
I stopped being an owner driver 20yrs ago, but given the choice with all the extra regulatory b/s since then 20yrs ago was a better time to start than it would be today.