What’s in the bag for tramping nights out

Dressing gown ?? :wink:

One very experienced driver I knew always wore proper pyjamas at night.
He did on the ferries, and said he did in the cab too.

So did I. No point in donning workwear to go to bed!

I don’t wear PJs at home, nor in the cab. But I’ll leave my personal habits there. I don’t want to frighten anyone with unwholesome images.

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Bin bags! Don’t forget a couple of those!

The Night Heater trumps PJs I find.

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At the risk of repeating myself whenever this question is posed I’ll say take nothing, absolutely nothing. By the second week you’ll have a fair idea of what you need and have saved yourself the PITA of dragging around loads of redundant clobber.

Good advice. That’s exactly how I learnt what to take. The problem to avoid next is the JIC (just in case) syndrome. You start by adding to your wallet and gloves on day work, some simple overnight gear in case you run out of hours. Then you take your box of lenses, fuses, lighting board, trailer handle, bolt for handle, palm couplings, susie adaptors because you have to change the trailer for another French one in the docks at the end of the shift. Then you add your maps and paperwork folders because mid-week you need to go over the water. Oh, and then you stow your Hazardous kit in the locker because on Friday you’ll be picking up one case of paints in tilt load of groupage. Don’t forget the snowchains, it’s January. And before you know it you need a Volvo estate to get to work :rofl:

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