What equipment do you use in the cab






what do you get up to :stuck_out_tongue:

About 7.5" :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

no have you spelt Fleshlight wrong mate

No!!! :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: they havent lived, never leave wthout the fleshlite 7.5 your doing well considering all the coffee, mines like a budgies tongue :frowning:

Sat-nav…£99 viamichelin had it 2 years no problem, 1 wire

Fridge Built in, No wires

Tv/Dvd/Freeview built in, No wires

Laptop, dongle powered by 150 watt inverter. 2 wires

Maps, incl AA truckers UK one. No wires

Gas stove, kettle, pots n pans and always a disposable BBQ…i like my steaks flame grilled, but bleeding!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: It all sits out the way.

So as you can see no tripping over for me when i go to bed!!! LMAO :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No steering wheel or gearbox clarky :open_mouth:

At least you are not a steering wheel assistant lol :wink:

got a microwave brilliant and saves loads of time and my lap top for entertainment :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

well here goes got me laptop did have a sat nav till it went ■■■■ up now just use the lappy if i need to find somewhere,

got the fridge to keep the old cans of coke cold (hate warm drinks)

15" flat sceen with built in dvd and free view thats for when i cant get a signal on the old dongle

all run off a 300 watt 24volt inverter

hour guard,

cb radio,

oh nearly forgot dab radio as well

some might say what do you want all that crap for!!! well seeing as i spend more time in this truck than i do at home i just like to have the things i want with me :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

In our job, believe it or not, there is quite a bit of waiting around so in the cab for everyday I have hour guard,
sat-nav and loads of back up paper map thingymajigs (not too sure how to use them though, its normally a quick phone call to another driver and a scribble on a ■■■ packet (283 ra l lr ph rd l 1m r 2r. translated = A283 roundabout turn left, at the lights turn right, at the pub, the red dragon, turn left after 1 mile turn right and its second on the right!)
phone charger
sports bottle full of water
25 litre water container sat in passenger foot well
And cool box on passenger seat
40 Lamberts
chewing gum

under the bunk is a different matter

super glue
gaffer tape/electrical tape
spanners (open jaw, ring and adjustys) and pliers
spare boots
stove with spare gas x3
whistling kettle (like to know when the kettle is leaving harbour)
tea bags and sugar
disposable bbq
pans and cooking utensils (new stuff but don’t tell the wife)
laptop with built in sim slot for interweb thingy
portable hard drive with films on
dvd wallet with about 30 dvds in (not any mucky ones sadly)
tv with built in dvd player
and enough food to survive a nuclear fallout of about 5 weeks (as long as you like beans, spaghetti hoops and fruit cocktail!)
enough clothes to last 2 weeks (you never know when you are going to get weekended somewhere)
at least 2 packets of wet wipes
and the most important thing of all behind the seat - 2 empty ■■■■ bottles and an old washing up bowl with bin bag (with no holes) already in it in case the brown bum water makes an appearance (not what you need when tramping!)

I would also take:

  • a pair of flip-flops in case I get a chance to have a shower.
  • an inflatable pillow ( 1 quid from Poundland )

Lee G:
stove with spare gas x3

@ Lee… just thought this stove could be useful for you…it is a camping stove that runs on unleaded so you won’t need to worry about those gas refill cans as you can get petrol from the pump. >>>> worldofcamping.co.uk/shop/co … ductSearch



Lee G:
stove with spare gas x3

@ Lee… just thought this stove could be useful for you…it is a camping stove that runs on unleaded so you won’t need to worry about those gas refill cans as you can get petrol from the pump. >>>> worldofcamping.co.uk/shop/co … ductSearch


handy bit of kit that…i might invest in one of those.nice one :wink:



Lee G:
stove with spare gas x3

@ Lee… just thought this stove could be useful for you…it is a camping stove that runs on unleaded so you won’t need to worry about those gas refill cans as you can get petrol from the pump. >>>> worldofcamping.co.uk/shop/co … ductSearch


handy bit of kit that…i might invest in one of those.nice one :wink:

be even better if it ran on derv.

handy bit of kit that…i might invest in one of those.nice one :wink:

If you are really considering buying this Coleman stove you might find a good idea to take advice from the camping experts :smiley: and buy the following ( see link ) in order to keep your stove clean from fuel additives >>>> aaoil.co.uk/environment-Aspe … ate-petrol

That is the pure gasoline !

thanks for the info fella much appreciated… i already own a colemans petrol stove but not that model i got the one that stands alone(if you know what i mean) thats why i thought the one you put the link up for was very interesting :wink:

I refuse to have a Sat Nav in my cab. I must be the only bloke on the firm without one but then I, unfortunately, have a very retentive memory and no matter where I go I always remember it. Being one of the those ‘old timers’, it is not very often I get lost or cannot find anywhere so in my cab, I carry a Atlas Routier for Spain and Portugal, one for France, a small road map for each of Holland and Belgium and lastly the UK atlas with the bridge heights marked. I think there may also be a European atlas buried in there somewhere too LOL
As for other items, apart from my laptop running through a 300W fingie, I use nothing else. I refuse to cook at night as I work to the attitude I spend all bloody day in the cab so at night I want out of it.
In the side locker is a multitude of crap ranging from wellies (never know when I am going to Wales), a club hammer, a good powerful stand alone torch, and a range of screw drivers and bulbs etc. A bulldog clamp for those times I really don’t want anyone looking in the back and a container of engine oil.
On the top bunk lives all my clothes etc. Enough to last me three weeks if need be.