What do you make of what happened here?


No idea what started it, but having been caught up with the Bank holiday mayhem in this country in August it is very difficult to keep an eye on all the riders and their position and speed, and that’s in this country with a fair amount of lane and speed discipline.

Nothing was aimed at me either verbally, gesticulateory or physically, but it was intimidating as hell and scary if they are weaving around trying to keep as a group.

Given the mentality of groups in many circumstances and the instant venom to attack when things go wrong, I would have run too, hard and fast, there’s no negotiating one on many, it’s fight or flee.

Notice how the prick with the camera stopped at the crucial moment. :imp:

To be fair, you would be pretty ■■■■■■ if someone hit you on a bike in a range rover but i suppose we’re a bit more civilised over here & try to sort things out verbally first, Yankee jocks on bikes are a pretty difficult bunch to reason with I’d say.

It would appear that something has gone on before the film, firstly the rider who is struck did Not “brake test” anyone he is looking over his left shoulder at the time of impact the riding position of a sportsbike makes it difficult to see what’s behind without using the mirrors he is probably un aware of the proximity of the car and looking for an audience for his antics he has closed the throttle. Doing this on this type of bike slows them very quickly. The driver could have been distracted by all the other idiots and has clipped him

Attacking the guy with a crash helmet is out of order.

The only thing that went on before the video started was yet more trouble caused by the ‘bikers’ in question.In which the victim in this case just obviously got caught up in by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I think you need to start understanding the difference between the fact that this was an example of NYC gang culture,it’s just that in some cases they’ve obviously now gone mobile on motorbikes,as opposed to everything you know about this country.It’s a planet away and you need to adjust your thinking to the reality of the place in question.Trust me the same thing wouldn’t have happened in small town Southern States America or even Houston or Tampa etc for example for obvious reasons in regards to the rights of citizens there to carry guns and use them in self defence if they even feel threatened let alone what took place in this case.

gtspirit.com/2013/10/01/upda … -incident/

Nice update, and having watched the videos, I think the driver was one lucky man, who knows what would of happened if they had got to him first time with less witnesses around.

I’ve been following this on another forum and there’s a video posted by the same guy of what the bikes were doing earlier in the day.It shows them flying about on the wrong side of the road and ignoring red lights when a car driver pulls in front of them,even though his light is green,they crowd round him thump/kick the car and rip his wing mirror off.If I’d been driving the RR,with my wife and baby on board and a group of riders surrounded me and tried to rip open the door I dunno if I’d be tempted to do the same thing.Whatever you would do don’t think some poor innocent biker be hard done by from what I’ve seen/read elsewhere they were looking for trouble.

Well, the verdict is in: Bunch of ■■■■■.

Well, the verdict is in: Bunch of ■■■■■.


Well, the verdict is in: Bunch of ■■■■■.

Yep, after reading into it further my opinion is that the only thing the range rover is guilty of is not knocking more of them off, what a bunch of ■■■■■■, they went out looking for trouble and start crying about it when they find some.

I’m in the should’ve taken a few more out camp. Seemed to go on for ages without a cop in sight.

I’m in the should’ve taken a few more out camp. Seemed to go on for ages without a cop in sight.

nypost.com/2013/10/02/nypd-l … s-rampage/

Explains a bit !

Just read that New York post article. The police should be ashamed of themselves, what happened to Rudy’s zero tolerance policy?

“It’s too hard to catch them so we don’t bother trying”.

Few bean bag rounds & full contact would sort it out fairly quickly. They need to nip that sort of thing in the bud early on else the rule of law just breaks down & these knobs think they own the place & can get away with intimidating and bullying other folk.

This video was taken minutes before the Range Rover incident and shows the bikers going through New York City.

Organ donors looking for customers I think!