What a terrible place to work

sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Lifetime driving ban if you crash on a motorway, it is the most basic of roads, if you cannot drive on that without crashing there is no hope.

I am more offended by this than the post from Phil.

Even the best drivers can have a smash on a motorway.

sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:


sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:

i take it you love terrorists?



sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:

i take it you love terrorists?

And they are all Terrorists??..Just like all Truck Drivers are ■■■■■?? :unamused:




sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:

i take it you love terrorists?

And they are all Terrorists??..Just like all Truck Drivers are [zb]■■ :unamused:

they can’t be trusted, it’s how they are brought up.
if you ever go to a muslim country, you will find out what they really think of the UK, and its citizens.

i take it you love terrorists?

Yes mate, of course, they’re all 'kin brilliant aren’t they.
I really miss running around the desert blatting them.
And of course, every Muslim is a terrorist :unamused:


i take it you love terrorists?

Yes mate, of course, they’re all 'kin brilliant aren’t they.
I really miss running around the desert blatting them.
And of course, every Muslim is a terrorist :unamused:

you ran?
i didn’t.
but at least we agree that they are all terrorists.

I heard a saying a while back, “not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims!”

Phil, are you really that narrow minded to believe that?
Didn’t realise there were that many Muslims in the IRA or Basque Seperatist Movement, the Red Army Faction, May 19th Communists, Tamil Tigers, ETA, Social Centre Movement, the Shining Path etc etc…

Maybe the majority of Muslims do hate westerners. But the thing that made Britain Great was it’s ability to remain impartial, fair and just.
Of course, in this great democracy, you’re completely entitled to your racist views.
In some countries, you’d be hung for voicing those opinions.

If you’re really that racist then maybe the forces are better off without you.

I heard a saying a while back, “not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims!”

And do you believe that statement to be true?

I heard a saying a while back, “not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims!”

Be Jayzus Abdul to be sure, are you sure?

Seamus O’ Farooki and Abdul Aleem O’ McConnell, the famous Irish terrorists :smiley:

Sounds very similar to when I used to work in I.T, everything either worked and nobody noticed, or it stopped and the world came to an end.

One mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. :wink:

Just goes to show, some drivers just cant be trusted to play on 3 laners! every dual carraige way that has been upgraded to a 3 lane motorway seems to have this problem!!!

I heard a saying a while back, “not all muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are muslims!”

whoever told you that was talking more ■■■■■■■■ than Limeyphil :unamused:

never heard of the IRA , the UVF ? ( and loads more )

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_de … anizations





sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:

i take it you love terrorists?

And they are all Terrorists??..Just like all Truck Drivers are [zb]■■ :unamused:

they can’t be trusted, it’s how they are brought up.
if you ever go to a muslim country, you will find out what they really think of the UK, and its citizens.

I agree,they are a wicked lot,my sister is currently working in Qatar as a teacher and she has nothing good to say about them and shes very liberal…I knew some lovely,very hospitable Muslims when I lived in South Africa so you cannot judge them all as so,like you can’t call all English Football fans “hooligans” as the world used to see us!!!
the Terrorists in this world consist of the US,UK,Israel and their allies with their fictional "War on Terror "(OIl Grab) disguised as a battle for “Hearts and Minds” and ridding the world of evil Muslim dictators(leaders who won’t give into US/UK demands) to “free the people” whilst installing a puppet government who IS favourable to what we want in the west,whilst taking over the oil supplies,infrastructure and making the new regime in debt FOREVER!!!..that’s clever manipulative but massively massively destructive “TERRORISM” Phil,but due to state controlled media,i.e BBC,CNN,Fox,tabloid newspapers etc,you will only get the propaganda and not even half truths that get peddled through the airwaves everyday for the majority to hear and read nod their heads to and believe!! :wink: :wink:
Bit off topic,don’t really care. :wink:

Every year I hope and pray that Al-Qaeda will commit a terrorist atrocity on the scale of 9/11 at the X Factor final, but they never do.

Sort yourselves out Al-Qaeda, you’ve let your standards slip since Bin Laden bit the dust.

Muslims in South Africa, a dying breed!

How about Orion Meat Packers.

They are selling Halal Pork






sometimes decent white folks die on the motorway.
then some muslims die on the motorway.
this will redress the balance, so it’s not all bad.

Nobhead :unamused:

i take it you love terrorists?

And they are all Terrorists??..Just like all Truck Drivers are [zb]■■ :unamused:

they can’t be trusted, it’s how they are brought up.
if you ever go to a muslim country, you will find out what they really think of the UK, and its citizens.

I agree,they are a wicked lot,my sister is currently working in Qatar as a teacher and she has nothing good to say about them and shes very liberal…I knew some lovely,very hospitable Muslims when I lived in South Africa so you cannot judge them all as so,like you can’t call all English Football fans “hooligans” as the world used to see us!!!
the Terrorists in this world consist of the US,UK,Israel and their allies with their fictional "War on Terror "(OIl Grab) disguised as a battle for “Hearts and Minds” and ridding the world of evil Muslim dictators(leaders who won’t give into US/UK demands) to “free the people” whilst installing a puppet government who IS favourable to what we want in the west,whilst taking over the oil supplies,infrastructure and making the new regime in debt FOREVER!!!..that’s clever manipulative but massively massively destructive “TERRORISM” Phil,but due to state controlled media,i.e BBC,CNN,Fox,tabloid newspapers etc,you will only get the propaganda and not even half truths that get peddled through the airwaves everyday for the majority to hear and read nod their heads to and believe!! :wink: :wink:
Bit off topic,don’t really care. :wink:

coldnt have put it better myself sur.