what a shocker

A selfish act :question:

Yes all suicide can seem a selfish act :exclamation:

I have dealt with jumpers, people who walk out in front of trucks/cars/coaches and other assorted nutters :open_mouth:

But I will tell you this. They are judged mostly by sane people. They do not think that way. THIER demons are in control. :frowning:

They cause me a lot of work but I DO feel sorry for them. :exclamation:

My thoughts are with the driver’s family at this time, because they have suffered a loss.

The OP says:

Coroner’s officer Stuart Griffiths said a post-mortem examination would be held today at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital.

The driver’s family, or colleagues might read this forum, so it might be best to wait for the report before making any comments…

jessicas dad:

how the [zb] do you hang yourself on your bunk straps or a CB wire.

you dont need to scrape the barrel of stupidness man :unamused:

fpmsl :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i agree.

I hate to say it guys, but we have had people brought in to our mortuary at the hospital who have stangled themselves in strange ways before, so believe me, it can be an accident.



The poor lad. I sincerely hope that,whichever way we,as outsiders look at it,he has found some kind of peace. My heart goes out to his family;it’s such a tragic shame that his problems were such,that he felt that he couldn’t talk to someone/anyone.

Well said.

Condolences to his family, friends and the guy that found him


maybe Davey he was performing a perverse ■■■ act,did’nt think to mention that. :unamused:

Okay so retort to pathetic insults :unamused: obviously your a Mr Perfect who knows a ■■■■ sight more than us mere mortals :unamused:

Im sure if it was a ‘TRAGIC ACCIDENT’ it would have been reported as that.and all the OTHER replies along the same lines as mine would not have been posted

WRONG the press do not report Tragic Accidents if the full facts are not known, the press only has one interest at heart and that is to sell Newspapers. It’s only 3 months ago since a woman killed a child on a country road whilst the child was following her father down a country lane on a quad bike.

The press had the woman driver as a drunk driver etc because she was breathalysed (Like the police dont breathalyse ALL drivers in accidents where someone dies?) but when all came to all she was found to be innocent and blameless and the father was the one summonsed to court.

how the [zb] do you hang yourself on your bunk straps or a CB wire.

you dont need to scrape the barrel of stupidness man :unamused:

Probably by using a little common sense which you obviously lack you would realise that you can actually kill yourself accidently in many ways, hanging being one of them…

How many drivers actually have their CB ariel on the roof of the cab with the cable coming through the sunroof? how many have cables for other items stretched across the cab without thinking of the results which could occur?

It only takes a stupid accident to happen resulting in a hanging, as my ex neighbour found out when she found her 8 yr old son hanging on his bed post when his jumper had snagged on the top bunk bed post !!! and yes his 6yr old sister was present and saw it happen, otherwise the thoughtless folk like yourself could of jumped to the conclusion he committed suicide at 8yrs old.

(zb) that are scraping the barrel of stupidness with your know all attitude of things, you know nothing !!! until the full facts are published but hey, if jumping to conclusions is the height of intelligence then I’m pleased I’m as thick as ■■■■ !!!

edited for personal attack mm

Fair play to the workers who got him down and tried to revive him, it must have been a disturbing time the them.

RIP Buddy.

Davey Driver:

maybe Davey he was performing a perverse ■■■ act,did’nt think to mention that. :unamused:

Okay so retort to pathetic insults :unamused: obviously your a Mr Perfect who knows a ■■■■ sight more than us mere mortals :unamused:

Im sure if it was a ‘TRAGIC ACCIDENT’ it would have been reported as that.and all the OTHER replies along the same lines as mine would not have been posted

WRONG the press do not report Tragic Accidents if the full facts are not known, the press only has one interest at heart and that is to sell Newspapers. It’s only 3 months ago since a woman killed a child on a country road whilst the child was following her father down a country lane on a quad bike.

The press had the woman driver as a drunk driver etc because she was breathalysed (Like the police dont breathalyse ALL drivers in accidents where someone dies?) but when all came to all she was found to be innocent and blameless and the father was the one summonsed to court.

how the [zb] do you hang yourself on your bunk straps or a CB wire.

you dont need to scrape the barrel of stupidness man :unamused:

Probably by using a little common sense which you obviously lack you would realise that you can actually kill yourself accidently in many ways, hanging being one of them…

How many drivers actually have their CB ariel on the roof of the cab with the cable coming through the sunroof? how many have cables for other items stretched across the cab without thinking of the results which could occur?

It only takes a stupid accident to happen resulting in a hanging, as my ex neighbour found out when she found her 8 yr old son hanging on his bed post when his jumper had snagged on the top bunk bed post !!! and yes his 6yr old sister was present and saw it happen, otherwise the thoughtless folk like yourself could of jumped to the conclusion he committed suicide at 8yrs old.

(zb) that are scraping the barrel of stupidness with your know all attitude of things, you know nothing !!! until the full facts are published but hey, if jumping to conclusions is the height of intelligence then I’m pleased I’m as thick as [zb] !!!

edited for personal attack mm

I never once called you thick,
Referred to ,or even thought i was "Mr Perfect"I just give an opinionated answer to which I, have thought about,not being swayed by the sheep on here who just follow what everyone else says.If that makes me perfect then I guess I am. :unamused: :wink:

You obviously have a problem,your desperately clutching at straws to try to justify your reply to my post which to be honest was just an excuse to have a go and you came up with some stupid response which I took great pleasure in laughing at almost wetting my pants/knickers in the process.

You are entitled to your opinion as well as me,just cause I dont agree with you does’nt make me wrong,thats all part of healthy debate.
Please DONT JUDGE ME,cause you know ■■■■ all about me.If you’ve got nothing intelligent to say,dont say it.

Just cause I havent been driving a lorry since I was 4 like you eat,sleep and crap trucks like you may do,does’nt mean im young and stupid.
There’s plenty of drivers out there in their 50s thick as ■■■■ and just as fat who think they know it all as well ,when they dont.talking ■■■■ all day long and whinging and moaning about this and that,maybe im just turning into a Lorry Driver eh :unamused: :wink:

I had the pleasure of working with Craig, he was a cheerful hard working lad and this came as a great shock to all of us. My sympathy lay with his young family, how do you explain to the children why dad’s not coming home…

I was loading before him that morning, he seemed his normal self, we had a crack and I left. Don’t know what may have been going on in his personal life to have led to it, but I know he liked the job and there’s no stress whatsoever.

I’ve not been back to Rhys Davies, but when I do I’ll make a point of shaking the hand of the man that tried to revive him.

R.I.P Craig

Bikemonkey Like most others who posted in this thread, you naturally jumped to the conclusion that this was self inflicted.

Nothing in the newspaper article stated it was self inflicted, and until the coroners Inquest has been held it cannot be classed as suicide.

I’m disgusted at the self opinionated on this site who immediately condemned a man for being selfish in what he did. Moreso if it turns out that the only wrong thing he did was go to work that morning.

I just hope to god his family have not read this thread, about the way their loved one was criticised for something that may have been purely accidental.

Moreso, in hoping the family have not read the posts on this site, I hope for your sakes it is not found to be an accidental death, because it will leave all those who criticised the man they have never met, with egg on their chins along with possible legal actions for the defamation of character.

I dont need to clutch at straws to defend my postings, I simply look at the possibility of 2 sides to a story but hey, your the one who accused me of scraping the barrel of stupidity :unamused: :unamused:

I personally think the guy should R.I.P. whatever the coroners verdict!

What a sad tale, condolances to the family. Some may say its a selfish act but im sure selfishness doesnt come into it when your in such a state as to consider killing yourself.

Well done to those who tried to save him.