Well kind of passed, sort of?

Hi all,

In answer to your question ROG, yes we went all over the place trying different types of corners etc.

I feel that there was moments when i was getting lost, with which way to turn etc, but buy the end of the day, i certainly felt a lot less freightened of it, and was having moments when it seemed quite easy, famous last words.

Well i have just spoken to the transport manager, and told him of the extra days training that i have payed for, he sounded impressed, we will see what tomorrow brings at 8-15 am eh !!!

Again many thanks for all the good advice,

Pan Man

Pan Man:
Well i have just spoken to the transport manager, and told him of the extra days training that i have payed for, he sounded impressed, we will see what tomorrow brings at 8-15 am eh !!!

Pan Man

Best of luck

best of luck mate, and as said here before and i’m sure you’ll have heard on your training day…

take your time, and if in doubt…get out and look.

all the best

It’s Saturday! It’s 4 am - only 4 1/2 hours to go! It’s D-DAY for Pan Man!

This is possibly more exciting than the impending birth of my first child 23 years ago!

What a sad man I am!

Go Pan Man go !!!

lol :laughing:

Oh good god! I can’t take this! It’s 6 am - only 2 1/2 hours to go!

It’s judgement day for Pan Man! The tension’s unbearable!

I had to get back up…I can’t sleep!

(Okay I’m lying - I actually need a wee wee! :blush: )

By the time I get up again - Pan Man should be employed! Go Pan Man go!!

Hi folks,

After reading all your witty, well meaning words, it had come down to the crunch, I turned up at 08.15, was taken out to a brand new MAN 520, what a vechicle, i fell in love with all the toys in it.

We picked up a tri axle trailor, and then went out for a ride, i couldn’t have wished for a more relaxed driving assessor, he could tell i was very nervous, he put me at ease, told me a couple of jokes, by then i was starting to relax, and enjoying the day.

We did about 40km, and then arrived back at the depot, and did a couple of reverses, on to a loading bay, reversed around a rh and lh corner, he turned and faced me, and told me i had a job from monday morning, YES, i was in.

It was a fantasic feeling, a newbie like me had a C+E licence, AND a job driving either a MAN 520 or a Scania 480, with no vechicles over 3 years old.

Monday is a learn about the company day, and then out and about with a driver to learn the ropes for a few days.

I would like to thank everbody for all the helpful hints and tips,that have meant a lot to me, espically the reversing, a big thanks to everybody,

Take care out there,
Pan Man.

Congratulations,keep in touch. :sunglasses: :smiley: :smiley:

Well done Pan Man. :smiley: :smiley:
You’ve even found a company that gives you in-house training - not many do these days :frowning:

Pan Man, you have proved that if you have the determination, you can do it!!!

Congrats on the new job and I hope you enjoy it … now for crying out loud!! Please do NOT forget every thing you have learnt as soon as you get out there on your own! It sounds like you have fell in the proverbial pile of muck etc etc… good for you but don’t blow it.
Anything you aren’t sure about… ASK. Anywhere you don’t know… ASK. You haven’t said whether it is tramping, trunking, what type of trailers etc??
If you need any info about tramping then feel free to pm me or ask on here.

Best of Luck

well done and keep us posted :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Good luck with it, and as said, when you start on your own if you’re off somewhere new ask another driver about the drop and from my experience everyone is happy to help and give you their opinion on the best way and anything specific you need to know, saves you having to phone in later asking a numpty question, or getting lost too so get prepared before you hit the road.

Fantastic news Pan Man - congratulations!!

It all starts tomorrow and it sounds like you’re starting with a decent company.

You will have good days and by god sir you’ll have bad days - so try and take it easy out there and enjoy gaining experience!

Best of luck!!