I’m impressed by the way it’s for everyone but called the London Olympics not British or UK. Or maybe I’m just getting SarKy in my old age. :wink:

The Olympics are always hosted by a city, not a country. 2004 was Athens, not Greece. 2000 was Sydney, not Australia. 1996 was Atlanta, not USA. 1992 was Barcelona, not Spain. 2008 will be Beijing, not China. etc. etc.

stuff the running track, the major event should be one lap of the M25 :laughing: :laughing:


Yeah you’s get the Olympics we get the G8 summit.All the scum that have come with it,their a disgrace to their country’s.And they haven’t grasped the idea of this G8 summit.They are making Scotland ( MY Country) look bad, and the World is watching. Sorry to go off topic,GOOD LUCK FOR 2012. :wink:

I was a bit in 2 minds about this.
I wanted London to get it, but that was because I didn’t want to pay for it.
I thought Paris would get it, and consoled myself that maybe I wouldn’t be too old to make a visit or 2 (outside of Paris of course).
So I suppose I was on a win win situation.

Good luck to London, and I hope all those council tax payers are not too unhappy with yet another 20 quid a year to pay.

Salut, David.

The cost for the Games is estimated at £2.375 billion.

But like anything else they have built in London like the Dome or Wembley that figure will surely double or even treble.

The one major player who is set to roll it in from the games will be Livingstone if hes still around as im sure by then the congestion charge will be about the same as it has cost to build the bloody thing.

paul b:
as has been said at least the frogs didn’t get it!
i **love sport but the olympics has become so tainted with all the big stars earning crazy money and all on drugs to reach the top and you can guarantee the only reason london “won” was because someone bunged the right man the right amount of money!**they could hold it in outer mongolia for me it’ll still be on the telly.

paulb also wrote in another thread…

just hope this thread dispells some of the myths surounding owner drivers,
the fact is it’s impossible to run outside of the law in the uk and get away with it when the ministry check your tacho’s, all the above, like pulling a chart to tip are so blatantly obviouse to anyone who knows what they’re looking at it’s riddiculouse for any driver to think he’d get away with it, sure their maybe some who think they’ve got it sussed and can beat the system, they’re the ones you read about every week who’ve just lost their o’license!
think tramper made a good point, there are those who’ll stand in a boozer and brag how they’ve done this and done that but if they’re telling the truth they’re fools because it’s only a matter of time. i don’t think people realise just how strict it is in this country and just how many times an owner driver/small operator gets checked out, i personally have been stopped twice in the last three months and i only average 250 mile a day! on top of that the ministry can request your charts for the last twelve months at any time so basically anyone who is planning on earning a living out of the job for any lengh of time is going to bend over backwards to make sure everythings how it should be.
statements like we’ve had on here recently like “all o/d’s run on red diesel” are not only laughable but insulting!

so its allright for you to make blanket statements then■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

you no what (zb) the olyimpics and cockney,s :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

Er, so what have the “cockneys” done to upset you or anyone else??

Is that aimed just at Cockneys (the old East Londoners) or just Londoners in general?

Im sure there are milllions of Londoners who really dont give a monkeys about the 2012 Olympics, myself included, but will have to pay an increase in council tax to “contribute” to the “Games” :unamused:


paul b:
as has been said at least the frogs didn’t get it!
i **love sport but the olympics has become so tainted with all the big stars earning crazy money and all on drugs to reach the top and you can guarantee the only reason london “won” was because someone bunged the right man the right amount of money!**they could hold it in outer mongolia for me it’ll still be on the telly.

paulb also wrote in another thread…

just hope this thread dispells some of the myths surounding owner drivers,
the fact is it’s impossible to run outside of the law in the uk and get away with it when the ministry check your tacho’s, all the above, like pulling a chart to tip are so blatantly obviouse to anyone who knows what they’re looking at it’s riddiculouse for any driver to think he’d get away with it, sure their maybe some who think they’ve got it sussed and can beat the system, they’re the ones you read about every week who’ve just lost their o’license!
think tramper made a good point, there are those who’ll stand in a boozer and brag how they’ve done this and done that but if they’re telling the truth they’re fools because it’s only a matter of time. i don’t think people realise just how strict it is in this country and just how many times an owner driver/small operator gets checked out, i personally have been stopped twice in the last three months and i only average 250 mile a day! on top of that the ministry can request your charts for the last twelve months at any time so basically anyone who is planning on earning a living out of the job for any lengh of time is going to bend over backwards to make sure everythings how it should be.
statements like we’ve had on here recently like “all o/d’s run on red diesel” are not only laughable but insulting!

so its allright for you to make blanket statements then■■? :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

fair comment but what i have said is more likely fact than fiction, all athletes use drugs to aid training, i’m not saying they are on the banned list but the list of “legal” drugs would fill a book and many results are down to which country has the best stuff or more to the point which country has the best ways of hidding what their athletes have trained on! the ideal of some young lad or lass out running in the hills for hours while working twelve hours a day to pay for their first pair of running shoes is just nostalgia and only happens in the films.
as for london winning the olympics if they’ve done it without any sweeteners or promises of this and that they’ll be the first in history to have done it! corruption at previouse olympic commitees has been well documented with some commitee members becoming very rich men.

This is getting to be a habit but I find myself agreeing with Paul again. As for places like Sheffield getting events, wev’e been promised stuff like this before and got nothing and the same will happen again. Don Valley Stadium is useless, could hold swimming or diving at Ponds Forge but they won’t. I’m impressed by the way it’s for everyone but called the London Olympics not British or UK. Or maybe I’m just getting SarKy in my old age. :wink:

what was it they built all those venues for? the world student games, the world college games? it was something like that, now we’re left with a stadium that nobody wants to use and the rate payer will be picking up the bill for years to come!

When you sit and think about it there will be one hell of a lot of benefit to a lot of companies in the UK.

Hauliers, most materials will be brought in from many parts of the country, from sand to steel, cement etc, so local communities will benefit, places like Teeside where steel is produced, Girders are required as are Nuts and bolts, reinforcement bars to name but a few.

Then of course there is Cement, which will probably benefit Northamptonshire, Tarmac, specialist coatings for the tracks, then of course there is Turf, all these and many more items will be required after the clearing of the sites has taken place, which now brings us onto the vast amount of Tipper work that will become available for clearing the rubbish from the sites, there will be groundworks to carry out which again will probably lead to localised employment, brick factories will begin increasing production shortly to stock pile the bricks.

Then of course there is all the literature that will need to be produced to advertise and promote the Olympics, giving printers a boost to their business, Flag Makers will find a boost in sales, companies will be starting now with their souveniers to sell over the coming 7 years.

Yes Council taxes will rise, but mainly in the London Area, but after all, Employment is going to dramatically increase where state benefits are currently subsidising Council Taxes, they will become self sufficient AND start paying taxes on wages, so overall when you look at the whole benefits of London Hosting the Olympics, it is a big achievement that will restore dignity to many unemployed (Providing they want to work :unamused: )

I’m pleased we Won the bid, because this is one way we can restore the GREAT in Great Britain. I could not run to save my life, but I am already looking forward to the Olympics in 2012 and listening to the sudden interest that has just emerged from the youth of today who are now wanting to take part in the Games, surely, whether you agree or disagree with the Olympics being held in this country, you cannot deny the youth of today the chance to fullfil their dreams :wink: :wink:

On the other side of the Coin though, How many Undiscovered Bombs from WW 2 will be found? I guess around the 12 mark :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

don’t you think all those same benefits would have been there if we spent all those billions on something we actually needed?
the olympics is just another round of the one up manship that political leaders like to play, they’re like a bunch yupies, it’s all about who’s got the flashiest car and who spends the most on a meal while at home they’re having the gas cut for not paying the bill!

Welcome to TruckNet UK Happy Chappie
and well done LONDON :smiley: .

Got the Olympics then…where’s Alf Tupper when you need him :laughing:


I found it strange all the people gathering in London for the result. All cheering & crying. Who really gives a ■■■■?

Welcome back, Simon!

Welcome back SimonRS2K :smiley:


:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Could be just the excuse the needed to flatten the East End…

Cynical, who me ?

you no what (zb) the olyimpics and cockney,s :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

I just knew before I even looked where you came from, Carl!!!

Remember folks. this is the city that thinks it should become the capital because it is in the centre of the country, the city that wanted the new National Footie stadium, the city that wanted the Millenium celebrations… THE CITY THAT NO ONE CAN GET PAST !! Brummies have a right chip on their shoulders … of course it has nothing to do with the fact that they have bid twice for the Olympics and been laughed at each time LOLOL

Remember Carl, you [zb]… not all Londoners are Cockneys. I bet you don’t even know what a true cockney is. I am a South Londoner and we are just as proud of being Londoners as cockneys are.
I feel exactly the same as Brummies (remember you also have the most nauseating accent in the country) as you do about Londoners, pal!!!

personal attack removed…Denis F

I’m not saying anything…!