I was going to post a separate thread, but might as well hijack this one since its on topic. Ascot Drive is an industrial area in Derby. All of Derby is 7.5t except for loading. Am I right in saying that as it is inside such a large weight limit, you can use any entrance to the restricted area? Or do you need to take the shortest route to your destination?
Why only except for loading? I was parking the truck up to go home… Lol.
Being reported for driving through a limit such as this is no big deal IF IT IS THE FIRST TIME because they is usually no way to know exactly where the drop is in relation to that limitI got done a few years ago for going through a weight limit zone, the first time I ever went into Gloucester. I even stopped and asked for directions at a local garage and was directed that way, so thought I had to use that road to gain access. It wasn’t until I got to the other end of the road that I realised there must be another way in, because the weight restriction ended.
I explained all this on the NIP I received. I still got a £60 fine, I can’t remember if there were points as well.
I think it is £100 and 3 points if pc plod catches you but trading standards dish out these fines too, I don’t think TS can give you points.
Being reported for driving through a limit such as this is no big deal IF IT IS THE FIRST TIME because they is usually no way to know exactly where the drop is in relation to that limitI got done a few years ago for going through a weight limit zone, the first time I ever went into Gloucester. I even stopped and asked for directions at a local garage and was directed that way, so thought I had to use that road to gain access. It wasn’t until I got to the other end of the road that I realised there must be another way in, because the weight restriction ended.
I explained all this on the NIP I received. I still got a £60 fine, I can’t remember if there were points as well.
I remember the days when ‘getting done’ or not had a lot to do with how you handled the constable that you were pulled by and a polite demeanour with apparant humble regret was enough for him to say ‘well I shall let it go this time but…’. These days its all about meeting targets and money raising in fines. Especially with VOSA!
If you follow the law to the letter, then lorries cannot deliver to Horcott Road trading estate in Fairford as the weight limit signs at either end of the road are 18t mgw with no exemptions on them.They can - but only if they are under 18T MGW. What is so hard to understand about that?
A bit hard to’ve delivered to New Wave foods then. Being’s Matthews’ don’t have any. There’s new houses being built down there too. How would a digger much bigger than a JCB get delivered then? Or shifting muck out?
Had a close call with a weak canal bridge near Theale station yesterday; I wanted Shenfield Mill which the entrance was right at the bridge. On a map it’s not shown, but “Mill Cottages” were and if I’d guessed wrong, a long detour would have followed.
Unlike the Richard Read and John Lewis Artics that went over it - 3 ton limit and 6ft 6 width restriction enforced by those bell type things Not pretty sights afterwards.
Shenfield Mill is Kate Bush’s old house.
Had a close call with a weak canal bridge near Theale station yesterday; I wanted Shenfield Mill which the entrance was right at the bridge. On a map it’s not shown, but “Mill Cottages” were and if I’d guessed wrong, a long detour would have followed.Unlike the Richard Read and John Lewis Artics that went over it - 3 ton limit and 6ft 6 width restriction enforced by those bell type things
Not pretty sights afterwards.
Shenfield Mill is Kate Bush’s old house.
I’ve heard it was- I delivered to it several years ago and had an annoying long trip to get a backload out of Hansons gravel pit at Theale. Got there too late and had an interesting dis ussion with the office why I was so late when it was just down the road. Makes you look stupid although not as stupid as damaging weak bridges. What are these bell things on that bridge? Didn’t take any notice…
Had a close call with a weak canal bridge near Theale station yesterday; I wanted Shenfield Mill which the entrance was right at the bridge. On a map it’s not shown, but “Mill Cottages” were and if I’d guessed wrong, a long detour would have followed.Unlike the Richard Read and John Lewis Artics that went over it - 3 ton limit and 6ft 6 width restriction enforced by those bell type things
Not pretty sights afterwards.
Shenfield Mill is Kate Bush’s old house.
pretty sure the swing bridge is not weak either ,its just to stop it being a rat run for trucks
4cx used to get over the bells ok
If the sign said 7.5 tons accept for access as they needed access they can go through it but if it just said 7.5 tons then you cannot go through it simple as that not even for access.
If the sign said 7.5 tons accept for access as they needed access they can go through it but if it just said 7.5 tons then you cannot go through it simple as that not even for access.
no ■■■■ sherlock
A colleague has been reported for driving through a 7.5 tonne weight limit zone. The drop was literally 100 yards further than the start of the zone from the drop end of the road (if that makes sense). If there was no ‘end of zone’ sign the other side of the ‘start of zone’ sign, would that mean he is technically still in the zone from where he entered it and could he use that as a defence if it came to it if that is the only way he has ever used to get to the drop? Any links to other similar posts would be appreciated thanks.
I can’t quite work out where you mean.
Was the drop INSIDE the restricted area? or outside after passing through, at the other end?
Were there any exemptions? eg; Except for loading?
Had a close call with a weak canal bridge
You’d be surprised how strong weak bridges actually are, went over a 3t one at 26t once and it’s still there
There’s one in Witham, Essex at 7.5t, about a year ago they sprayed over the signs when they closed the A12 overnight for roadworks
If the sign said 7.5 tons accept for access as they needed access they can go through it but if it just said 7.5 tons then you cannot go through it simple as that not even for access.no [zb] sherlock
Thanks for clearing that up… That wasn’t mentioned to me on my DCPC Training
A colleague has been reported for driving through a 7.5 tonne weight limit zone. The drop was literally 100 yards further than the start of the zone from the drop end of the road (if that makes sense). If there was no ‘end of zone’ sign the other side of the ‘start of zone’ sign, would that mean he is technically still in the zone from where he entered it and could he use that as a defence if it came to it if that is the only way he has ever used to get to the drop? Any links to other similar posts would be appreciated thanks.I can’t quite work out where you mean.
Was the drop INSIDE the restricted area? or outside after passing through, at the other end?
Were there any exemptions? eg; Except for loading?
There was an ‘except for access’ exemption, and he had passed the sign for traffic coming the other way which was quite small and had gone a further 100 yards on to the row of shops he was delivering to.
I am certain there are ‘subclauses’ regarding the detail of signage and I am trying to find out where I can find these. Anyone have a link perhaps?
A colleague has been reported for driving through a 7.5 tonne weight limit zone. The drop was literally 100 yards further than the start of the zone from the drop end of the road (if that makes sense). If there was no ‘end of zone’ sign the other side of the ‘start of zone’ sign, would that mean he is technically still in the zone from where he entered it and could he use that as a defence if it came to it if that is the only way he has ever used to get to the drop? Any links to other similar posts would be appreciated thanks.I can’t quite work out where you mean.
Was the drop INSIDE the restricted area? or outside after passing through, at the other end?
Were there any exemptions? eg; Except for loading?There was an ‘except for access’ exemption, and he had passed the sign for traffic coming the other way which was quite small and had gone a further 100 yards on to the row of shops he was delivering to.
I am certain there are ‘subclauses’ regarding the detail of signage and I am trying to find out where I can find these. Anyone have a link perhaps?
You should find that information in the road traffic regulations.
If your friend is wanting to fight this ticket, he would also need to get hold of the traffic regulation order for that road to make sure the local council has implemented it properly.
Just out of interest, what is the difference between ‘except for access’ and except for loading’? Anyone know?
Just out of interest, what is the difference between ‘except for access’ and except for loading’? Anyone know?
If my house is in a 7.5 limit and I want to nip home then its not considered loading but I would need access - thats how I see it but i’ll bet the law says something else
If it says “except for loading” then you can only take a heavier motor along that road/into that zone for the purposes of loading/unloading at a location that can only be reached by doing so. If it says “except for access” then in addition to loading/unloading, you could also use that road for getting to a property for some other purpose (e.g. if you had a yard there where you were going to park up, or to access a workshop to get some work done on the motor).
Just out of interest, what is the difference between ‘except for access’ and except for loading’? Anyone know?
Were was the road with this weight limit?
The only way you can get the information for the road signs that relate to the road is from the local council, you will have to see the traffic regulation order for it!
Being reported for driving through a limit such as this is no big deal IF IT IS THE FIRST TIME because they is usually no way to know exactly where the drop is in relation to that limitI got done a few years ago for going through a weight limit zone, the first time I ever went into Gloucester. I even stopped and asked for directions at a local garage and was directed that way, so thought I had to use that road to gain access. It wasn’t until I got to the other end of the road that I realised there must be another way in, because the weight restriction ended.
I explained all this on the NIP I received. I still got a £60 fine, I can’t remember if there were points as well.
I remember the days when ‘getting done’ or not had a lot to do with how you handled the constable that you were pulled by and a polite demeanour with apparant humble regret was enough for him to say ‘well I shall let it go this time but…’. These days its all about meeting targets and money raising in fines. Especially with VOSA!
I didn’t get a pull, just got a NIP through the post.
This was roughly 10 years ago.