Wee dugs!!

I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?

and why should the rest of the world pander to your frailties.it`s you that has something wrong with you…deal with it.


I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?

and why should the rest of the world pander to your frailties.it`s you that has something wrong with you…deal with it.

That is why I drive a waggon mate and don’t work for the RSPCA or dogs trust. Were never going to agree, but if I saw one of my co workers with Lassy sat in the cab I’d be straight onto the boss call me what you like.


I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?

and why should the rest of the world pander to your frailties.it`s you that has something wrong with you…deal with it.

Equally, why should others pander to the needs of a person who chooses a career where he knows he will be alone for long periods, so then acquires an animal to keep him company…?

I wouldn’t take a dog in a shared cab out of respect for the other drivers.but I`m thinking"so what happens if newlad has to use a truck that has pet hairs that have transferred from another drivers clothes in it"

I have a similar problem…I`m unfeasibly tall,and if I forget to duck when going through low doorways,i bang my head.
now I could demand that all doorways should be(legally)made 6 inches higher…but I reckon it might be a bit much to ask people to change something that is perfectly ok for vast majority of people…so I duck instead.

I wouldn’t take a dog in a shared cab out of respect for the other drivers.but I`m thinking"so what happens if newlad has to use a truck that has pet hairs that have transferred from another drivers clothes in it"

I have a similar problem…I`m unfeasibly tall,and if I forget to duck when going through low doorways,i bang my head.
now I could demand that all doorways should be(legally)made 6 inches higher…but I reckon it might be a bit much to ask people to change something that is perfectly ok for vast majority of people…so I duck instead.

I suppose in that situation I would have to sort it out myself, which I don’t have an issue with, it’s a bit different treating a shared cab like a kennel to having pet hair on your clothes

I wouldn’t take a dog in a shared cab out of respect for the other drivers.but I`m thinking"so what happens if newlad has to use a truck that has pet hairs that have transferred from another drivers clothes in it"

I have a similar problem…I`m unfeasibly tall,and if I forget to duck when going through low doorways,i bang my head.
now I could demand that all doorways should be(legally)made 6 inches higher…but I reckon it might be a bit much to ask people to change something that is perfectly ok for vast majority of people…so I duck instead.

I think the answer is what is reasonable. It’s not Newlads’s fault he’s allergic to pet hairs and I suppose he doesn’t get to choose which vehicle he drives, I think it’s reasonable for him not to have to suffer with an allergy which has been aggravated by the (avoidable) actions of somebody else.

There are millions of doorways in the UK, to modify them all to accommodate the needs of the few people who are “unfeasibly tall” would be unreasonable.


I wouldn’t take a dog in a shared cab out of respect for the other drivers.but I`m thinking"so what happens if newlad has to use a truck that has pet hairs that have transferred from another drivers clothes in it"

I have a similar problem…I`m unfeasibly tall,and if I forget to duck when going through low doorways,i bang my head.
now I could demand that all doorways should be(legally)made 6 inches higher…but I reckon it might be a bit much to ask people to change something that is perfectly ok for vast majority of people…so I duck instead.

I suppose in that situation I would have to sort it out myself, which I don’t have an issue with, it’s a bit different treating a shared cab like a kennel to having pet hair on your clothes

ok…fair do

I remember one bloke,at a firm I worked for who wore a fleece that was absolutely plastered in dog hairs…and yes…his cab was minging.
in the end,they threatened to sack him unless he cleaned his cab out…I actually witnessed him jet wash the interior,one Friday night…and then just left it with the doors open all weekend :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I’d love to take me dog with me but he’s so old he struggles getting up the stairs at night let alone into a cab and I ain’t picking him up he we weighs a ton!! Still when I come home after a hard day ya can’t beat a smiling staffy wagging his tail banging the door and singing as I say Ello!! He’s always the first to greet me :slight_smile:



I wouldn’t take a dog in a shared cab out of respect for the other drivers.but I`m thinking"so what happens if newlad has to use a truck that has pet hairs that have transferred from another drivers clothes in it"

I have a similar problem…I`m unfeasibly tall,and if I forget to duck when going through low doorways,i bang my head.
now I could demand that all doorways should be(legally)made 6 inches higher…but I reckon it might be a bit much to ask people to change something that is perfectly ok for vast majority of people…so I duck instead.

I suppose in that situation I would have to sort it out myself, which I don’t have an issue with, it’s a bit different treating a shared cab like a kennel to having pet hair on your clothes

ok…fair do

I remember one bloke,at a firm I worked for who wore a fleece that was absolutely plastered in dog hairs…and yes…his cab was minging.
in the end,they threatened to sack him unless he cleaned his cab out…I actually witnessed him jet wash the interior,one Friday night…and then just left it with the doors open all weekend :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Classic! :laughing:


Anyone one on here got a dog that they take with in the cab? Are there any certain breeds that ate better at traveling than others? And how hard is it to persuade the boss to let you have one in the cab? And does anyone have one on the tramping?

I think it should be illegal unless you have your own vehicle which no one else has access to. I am allergic to dogs and cats my eyes puff up, they start streaming, then I constantly sneezing until I can get some antihistamines which take about 40 mins to work, why should I have to suffer and be put in danger of causing an accident just because some selfish [zb] can’t leave Lassy at home?

Like I said owner driver / given your own motor fine but I or anyone else shouldn’t have to put up with it. Also a dog would stink the cab out.

I’d rather have a chain smoker sat next to me for 15hrs with the windows closed

There’s always one! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :imp: :unamused:

My last dog was a cab mutt and worked alto of different jobs from tippers in the early days to tramping. Found myself single and on agency work for a while so had no choice but to take her with me. Often I use to have to park round the corner from yard/rdc and smuggle her in and out of the cab as I came and went.

I’ve heard every excuse under the sun for not bringing the dog. “it’s not the environment for it” from a timber merchant doing hiab work. And I’ve had many a fuss and once a fight from drivers moaning about dog hair.

Nowadays that great cab mutts passed away and I have another dog but also have a wife to look after her so am not forced into taking the dog to work.

I’d love to be able to take my dog, but company policy says no. Apparently some cry baby might use my wagon and get the sniffles because he is allergic to dogs. I hate dust yet the agency knobs seen unable to tip a chipliner without filling the cab with dust and then not being able to clean it out. I would rather have a dog than an agency driver in the cab, but its all about different opinions.

Oh yeah and the wife won’t let me take the dog anyway.

The missus is the only mutt that gettin my cab :grimacing:

The last thing I want to share space with when I’m driving any vehicle is an un-tethered animal with its own ability to make decisions and which is also equipped with sharp teeth.

And THAT ^^^ my friends is precisely why my girlfriend stays securely bound and gagged at home whilst I work!

the maoster:

The last thing I want to share space with when I’m driving any vehicle is an un-tethered animal with its own ability to make decisions and which is also equipped with sharp teeth.

And THAT ^^^ my friends is precisely why my girlfriend stays securely bound and gagged at home whilst I work!

Arf! Arf! Down boy! :laughing: :laughing:

What I love about trucknet, and not just trucknet but every other site you go on where people are allowed to post their small minded opinions (and thank god it is only a minority), is how quickly a question or debate escalates into a full on slanging match about another persons abilities/disabilities! So what if somebody is allergic to dogs, surely in all fairness that driver has a right to get into a truck and know that its not going to make him ill or that hes not going to get covered in dog hair. I mean a truck is a truck right? And if you were meant to take the dog with you it would be fitted with a doggy bed instead of a passenger seat! Ive absolutely no problem with people taking their dogs, I mean fair play if you want a bit of company. But i agree it should only be if you have your own truck. Touch wood ive never had to double man, but on the odd occasion ive had to give someone a lift somewhere ive been left thinking i probably would’ve had a better conversation with my dog… And atleast the dog wouldn’t jump in my cab and light up a ■■■ without asking!

…unless it was one of those smoking Beagles… :laughing: :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, enough of this nastiness to each other.
Relax, chill out, chillax.
Now, this is my cab mut, she is pictured, relaxing in, gasp, our hymer.
Yes I know, I am scum, AND I park on truck spaces sometimes.
My dog, my truck, my ■■■■■■■ rules.

Anyway, enough of this nastiness to each other.
Relax, chill out, chillax.
Now, this is my cab mut, she is pictured, relaxing in, gasp, our hymer.
Yes I know, I am scum, AND I park on truck spaces sometimes.
My dog, my truck, my [zb] rules.0

HaHa love it! just got another caravan(how do you reverse one of these things :laughing:) after a 25 year break,me the ole woman & 2 dogs will see you in Fleet services sometime soon :laughing:

Anyway, enough of this nastiness to each other.
Relax, chill out, chillax.
Now, this is my cab mut, she is pictured, relaxing in, gasp, our hymer.
Yes I know, I am scum, AND I park on truck spaces sometimes.
My dog, my truck, my [zb] rules.0

HaHa love it! just got another caravan(how do you reverse one of these things :laughing:) after a 25 year break,me the ole woman & 2 dogs will see you in Fleet services sometime soon :laughing:

Different units but same dog. Does Tim still call in at M6 J38 on the way home?

Sometimes waited til he left before I got out and fuelled up. Not having that beast chewing my legs off!
