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I see on facebook hit and runs new team duo hit the highway today!!!

California bound, so I hear. I shall sit back and watch with interest, I have a feeling things may not go as smooth as they think, especially in a few months when the snow starts to fly…if they last that long :blush:

I was speakng to them this week and they told me flying eagle took 10 trucks off the road so they took the first company with an LMO. Its not an easy run that its none stop, they may get to spend one night where the truck not rolling and that would be down in Ripon before unloading at 05:30 the next day

Flying Eagle taking ten trucks off the road has SFA to do with their appearance at H&R, the trucks went because they were unreliable and have since been replaced in some cases, they haven’t replaced them all as the boss is using it as a way of getting rid of the dead wood.

The facts surrounding their departure from Flying Eagle are probably a lot different to the things that you’ll hear. The older one got sacked for being a total DH. He ran out of diesel and had to be towed into a peterbilt Dealer to get the truck going, he ran out of DEF a few times, hit a car up the arse on an interstate in OK while picking up his sunglasses, which he got nicked for. Then on the same trip he got scared by an approaching snow storm and decided to wait it out for two days instead of getting in front of it and getting the job done.

The younger one got a bollocking for fiddling his logs, speeding and generally being a ■■■■■ he then took advice from the one that had been sacked and handed in his notice. Not such a good move, in the time he’s been off work he’s lost about $15,000 in wages (gross)

Since then the pair of them have been in Canada illegally as the conditions of the LMO they were on state that when you reach the end of the term of the work permit or leave the job you must leave the country. They didn’t surrender their work permits when they were sacked/resigned from Flying Eagle as the law states, but went looking for work instead. Before going to H&R they tried getting on Trappers, Trans X, Bison etc, with no success. H&R is not so choosy when it comes to driver recruitment (they can’t afford to be) so they took them on.

The HR department at H&R has played a blinder with these two :laughing:

if cant gt on with transx etc they ■■■■■ it then lol

H&R wont put up with the stuff they got upto then by the look of it and when running team not much need to fiddle the logs on the run they are on its easy enough

The only downside of working at flying eagle IMHO was only having 36 hours off between trips but the job itself is ok with no need to fiddle your logs.
The boss and the rest if the office staff are realy nice and leave you to get on with the job and are pretty good at keeping yiu moving.
Yes there are better jobs in Canada but theres certainly a lot of worse ones too.

The 36hr off is not absolute, that depends on when you get back. Or if you ask for more time off. You did a good job Kev, that’s why you never had any issues.

The job would be a lot more worth doing over here if the “36 hours at home and go” mentality would disappear. Or even better, the “You never need a reset” idiots who expect you to run 8.75 per day when they give you 4 days to do just under 4500km and then wonder why you cant reload the same day and one hit it back.

The 36 & go routine will remain as long as drivers are working for mileage pay. The dispatchers don’t have to be on top of the job as they know drivers will do whatever they have to in order to reach their target miles.

There’s going to be a huge impact on wages when EOBRs are mandated, unless the dispatchers are on the ball.

I’m home on another 4 day break, may make it 5 just to be even more non conformist :sunglasses:

the 36 hrs here are pretty lax if you want 2 days you just tell em but things should change a bit when the new rules come in

the 36 hrs here are pretty lax if you want 2 days you just tell em but things should change a bit when the new rules come in

What if you want your time off at home? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

On the road again:

the 36 hrs here are pretty lax if you want 2 days you just tell em but things should change a bit when the new rules come in

What if you want your time off at home? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Now thats another question lol