Watch Out.!!!.

:unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Yeah yeah blame the agency driver, [zb] it,s more likely to be a driver who want a quick tlr change and a dart back and early knock. :smiling_imp: :imp: :imp:

I’m an agency driver myself. Wouldn’t work full-time for an employer again, they don’t want to pay decent money.

also being an agency driver myself i resent that when things go wrong blame the agency driver attitude.i take pride in the work i do i also go by the book. its about time o/ds and company drivers took some responsibilty for themselves always trying to cut a few corners for that elusive bit an agency driver i dont have to put up with the tat if a job requires 10 hours 10 hours it is, if the company dont like it tough find another driver.

Hay matey youve struck a cord with me,when I did agency work you couldnt count the times I was told to slow down dont rush the job and the time to get back to base,what a load of idol lazy whinging union members most of the drivers where and some people think there will be a national drivers strike ,laugh nearly wet my pants. :imp: :wink: