Waste Vegetable Oil Vs Straight Vegetable Oil Vs Diesel!

I used to run my old '95 reg fiesta van on it. The place I used to work at also ran the wagons on the same stuff.

Had no probs in the summer, but in winter it all turned to crap.
It also caused a breakdown my truck, & problems with some others.
When the mechanic removed the fuel filters from my wagon, there was this thick gloop inside.

But I think this was due to the bloke not manufacturing the stuff correctly. He made it from WVO, but I’m sure that every so often he stir in some untreated stuff if he was running low on stock.(which was often as my old gaffer used to bagger him for more supplies when our fuel tank was running low).

There’s enough info on the Web on how to do it.
Essentially though you have to chemically crack the oil. to make it think enough for the injector pump to able to pump it when cold. This involves a small amount of rater unpleasant chemicals. Not the sort of thing I’d want to
be using in a domestic scenario.

As said as well. On modern high pressure diesel systems, your better off sticking to pump diesel. They are designed specifically for use with pump diesel & dont tolerate different fuels. The price of progress. :unamused:

if you are gonna run your car on waste oil you dont have to pay tax on the first 2500 ltrs

Right but wrong

You can produce upto 2500lts befor your required to pay duty and you dont need a licence or a site visit by anyone.
If your selling it on then you will have to pay duty as the production is for own use


if you are gonna run your car on waste oil you dont have to pay tax on the first 2500 ltrs

Right but wrong

You can produce upto 2500lts befor your required to pay duty and you dont need a licence or a site visit by anyone.
If your selling it on then you will have to pay duty as the production is for own use

Correct - you cannot buy the fuel without duty, you have to buy heating fuel and then “convert” it to motor fuel. The actual rule says that you can PRODUCE 2500lts per year. By buying heating fuel then putting it in your tank you are deemed to be a producer. If you put it into your tank at source then it is deemed to be fuel and therefore duty is payable.

I have run a number of vehicles on recycled chippy oil and brand new unused cooking oil. Both work perfectly, and better than mineral diesel in my experience. Because bio-diesel is a very good cleaner it cleans all the gunge from your tank and fuel lines, so fuel filters do get clogged more often. Never had a problem with the fuel being too thick when cold, but obviously don’t use ordinary cooking oil on its own in winter.