Warning windscreen wash bottle

The wife’s Sharan’s (no, not her name) w/washers reeked to high heaven a couple of years ago. Fearing air-borne disease (it smelt RANK), I decided to take it out and flush it. Sorry I did, since the whole front bumper, headlight and other bits n pieces had to be removed before I could even see the stupid weirdly-shaped thing. A wash out with Domestos cured the whiff though and it’s been fine since.

I hear that legionaries can also be found in french trucks bound for England

I knew a driver who nearly died of legionnaires about ten years ago, and though it took a while they traced it back to the windscreen washer fluid in his old Daf 85. He came through it but was in his 60s and never went back to driving after.

i used to know a certain wagon wash in batley which stunk to high heaven by constantly recycling water,stunk like crap whenever it was turned on,how i did’nt catch a dose of something from that i do not know.

Where is that Tesco that recycles all its water to use in the car wash? Don’t use that car wash

monarch of the highway:
I hear that legionaries can also be found in french trucks bound for England

yep, :sunglasses: 2 REP :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Unread postby Scanner » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:03 pm

maga wrote::lol: don’t use your phone at the pumps either. :unamused:

:laughing: Another classic!

Err no Scanner.
I just hope I’m not in the same filling station as you as you test the “Big Bang Theory”

i used to know a certain wagon wash in batley which stunk to high heaven by constantly recycling water,stunk like crap whenever it was turned on,how i did’nt catch a dose of something from that i do not know.

Intimately or not? I have met a few scrubbers in Batley, especially at the Variety Club :laughing:


Unread postby Scanner » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:03 pm

maga wrote::lol: don’t use your phone at the pumps either. :unamused:

:laughing: Another classic!

Err no Scanner.
I just hope I’m not in the same filling station as you as you test the “Big Bang Theory”


I heard a good rinse with white vinegar solves the problem, gets rid of smells too.

On a side note, I would of thought most trucks would have some kind if detergent in the bottle, probably killing off any bacteria in the first place?


Unread postby Scanner » Tue Jul 16, 2013 4:03 pm

maga wrote::lol: don’t use your phone at the pumps either. :unamused:

:laughing: Another classic!

Err no Scanner.
I just hope I’m not in the same filling station as you as you test the “Big Bang Theory”

Err no?! You sound like a Dinner Lady.

I’ve done it hundreds of times and I’m still here.

Obviously no knowledge about RF or petroleum spirits.
You’ve got away with it so far

Obviously no knowledge about RF or petroleum spirits.
You’ve got away with it so far

:laughing: Shall I let you into a secret? It’s just another urban myth. Have a look around the internet and you’ll find it exploded.



The mobile phone thing has been tried and tested on Mythbusters.

No it didn’t blow up or catch fire. More chance of platting fog.

Obviously no knowledge about RF or petroleum spirits.
You’ve got away with it so far

May I ask what brings you to your conclusion? Before you say it, no, mobile phones do not cause sparks. Have you ever watched a starter motor working during the night? Lots of sparks. Maybe they should ban people from starting vehicles in petrol stations? Or maybe ban Scousers too. (Shell suits ya see. :smiley: )

the maoster:

Or maybe ban Scousers too. (Shell suits ya see. :smiley: )

Lol my local C&A gives me a static shock any time I push the button for the lift or touch a clothing rail.