Warning to Female drivers... ! Avoid this greasy spoon

1st of all…i’m glad your ok :wink:
2nd…phone the cops now :bulb:
3rd…good to have you back on board. :wink:

You did the right thing, making your escape was wise.

However, I’m not sure that avoiding that place is the best advice, maybe turning up mob-handed with a few other female drivers could make him realise the error of his ways :open_mouth: Perhaps even better would be to find out who his boss is and let him know!!

I sometimes get a little worried wandering around a lorry park or laybye late at night, there are some strange characters loitering in these places (apart from the drivers!!) and some caution is needed. I dread to think what it must be like for a woman alone when she needs to leave the cab.

A couple of years ago I parked overnight in Wooley Edge services, next to me was a young female driver and we got chatting for a while over a cuppa before heading back to our cabs for the night. She asked me for my mobile number which seemed a little odd at the time, but then went on to explain that she liked to get at least one phone number of another driver that she felt she could trust in case of emergency. I guess it made some sense so maybe worth thinking about…

WELL have you phoned the police, do it Chrissie, the next person may not be as lucky

bleach. I hate it when that happens. They always seem to manage to corner you when you’re on your own and then it’s all like “I love you. You are so beautiful.”

Uh huh. You just met me 10 seconds ago. Majorly creepy.

Though fortunately most aren’t violent. You just have to be real firm with them, and I’m talking raised voices and swearing, cos if you just say no they won’t take the hint.

I remember the first time this happened to me. I was only 15 and this incredibly FAT foregn blokey, I think he was muslim, started trying it on. I was completely freaked, so I gave him a fake phone number and legged it!

Firstly welcome back Chrisie missed ya!

Secondly I’m glad your ok

Thirdly blokes like him make me rage! I think you should put a call into the local plod (this coming from someone who was brought up never to involve the police)
because at the moment he is “just” harassing females but how long before his frustration at being rejected overspills into somthing more serious?

If a woman is (god forbid) attacked in that area then as has been said previously the police could have a starting point for their investigation.
Maybe if you reported it as an assault they could get his D.N.A on file & “have a word in his ear like”

As an alternative he has put me in the mood to pay him a visit next time I’m passing & have my own “quite word” grrrr

north surrey haulage:
As an alternative he has put me in the mood to pay him a visit next time I’m passing & have my own “quite word” grrrr

Exactly what I was thinking, NSH!!! I know exactly where you mean, Rags

Rags may have been in hiding for a while BUT she is one of our ‘little family’ on here and no one messes wiff my sisters!!!

Rags may have been in hiding for a while BUT she is one of our ‘little family’ on here and no one messes wiff my sisters!!!

OMG… Bear. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard all week… I’ve just burst into tears reading that… :blush: :cry:

Thank you guys… Not just for the ‘incident’, but for the welcome back… :wink:

I’'ve gotta got and get my self back together now… Once I start cryin, I can’t stop…

Chrisie… :slight_smile:

OMG… Bear. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve heard all week… I’ve just burst into tears reading that… :blush: :cry:

Right thats it Bear I gonna have to come down there and see you as well , now you’ve made her cry :wink: :laughing: :laughing:

Sadly an all to common story :frowning: but it’s [zb]ing great to have you back girl! :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

As Truckboy said, the Turks have some strange ideas, If you are in an accident, its your fault :exclamation:

They also treat their own women with disdain and believe that they are for breeding. Men are for pleasure and obviously if they can get a woman to love them in another country, they are going to try it on.

Most Turks want to meet a woman who will give them a blue eyed blonde child, and most of the women who go to turkey on holiday want to meet a tall dark bloke with a 17 year old suit and a moustache.

Was Shirley Valentine filmed in Greece?

Glad you are ok Chrisie :stuck_out_tongue: Report him or kick him in the nuts.

Not all turks are like this, the same as not all UK people are murderers, but some are.

TC,get your head out of the sand and wake up, the posting which you are denigrating rings true for me after living in turkey for a good while.Do you know how many bogus sham wedding there are in the UK?you all ways get the racism charge when ever someone says something even remotely true about a none UK citizen,and you proved it.

TC,get your head out of the sand and wake up, the posting which you are denigrating rings true for me after living in turkey for a good while.Do you know how many bogus sham wedding there are in the UK?you all ways get the racism charge when ever someone says something even remotely true about a none UK citizen,and you proved it.

To suggest a whole race is what, Smudger suggested is lunacy of the highest order. and I will not accept anyones point of view that even thinks that way.

Keep it civil guys…and don’t it get personal. Attack the post, not the poster. :unamused:

I know this is a very emotive subject…but frankly it’s getting really boring having to sit and watch every thread go down the same path…:neutral_face:

TC,as far as I can make out nothing in smudgers post referes to one single race being a problem only a few single males that try and" buck" the system,and can you disprove anything he posted as untrue?The head in the sand mentallity will get no one anywhere.

welcome back chrissie

sorry bout your mishap, pleased that you are ok

have you called the police yet

Welcome back Ragtop, do u want me to do a drivebye shooting on the guy? i have a glock and am a local gangster in these areas. Long lost member of the Crips.

[EDIT] Just for the record this is a joke…!! :smiley:

Welcome back Ragtop, do u want me to do a drivebye shooting on the guy? i have a glock and am a local gangster in these areas. Long lost member of the Crips.

[EDIT] Just for the record this is a joke…!! :smiley:

What’s a ‘glock’? One of those things Austrians use to make music?

Glad you’re back and ok Chrissie.

Thanks Bear, I always wanted a sister. Come to think of it I guess she’s another daughter really. :blush:

Salut, David.

spardo. a glock is a nice ““little”” handgun with a good name for doing its job now used by the Hereford Hooligians.

JA Willkommen Zurück CHRISSIE