
There’s good reason for the maths exam; Most shops insist that the delivery is counted. It’s a lot quicker to do say “5x 15 800g Toastie loaves” rather than count each one. Warburtons drivers count and pick the orders for their run so it makes sense that they can count. You have to count up returned baskets and dollies too, and surely a grasp of English is not too much to ask when dealing with shopkeepers?

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They were a good firm to work for via agency, but I was forced to endure this heap of faeces.

We all have to earn a crust :smiley:


i think thats probably a bit of an exageration,they just want to make sure youre not a thick [zb].

you mean " A THICK CUT LOAF? " :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: or an OAF! :sunglasses:

mark h:
We all have to earn a crust :smiley:

Yeah but when you’re agency, the umbrella scheme takes a chunk of your dough.



I recently applied for a class 2 job at warburtons…

Firstly you will be invited to a psychometric testing session, you ave two tests to test your literacy and numeracy skills. If successful in that you will be invited back for a driving assessment, and then you will be invited to your final interview which consists of a presentation, 2 team building exercises and the interview.

Geezzuuss H! What’s it all coming to!?!

Literacy and numeracy tests! Presentation and team building exercises!! All this to deliver friggin’ bread!

It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable.

:unamused: :unamused:

This^, many many times this^.

Ummm! How do you all expect to get around the country if you can’t read or write. :open_mouth: :slight_smile:

i used laugh me arse off at these bread men when i used do supermarket work i’d be there at a store with me feet up then nxt thing one would come flying in tail lift down bread tipped and away again in 5 seconds flat :laughing: :laughing: they must do fitness tests including 50yd dash at these interviews :laughing: :laughing:

thats coz theyre on job & knock :wink:

Early morning starts though. I hear kingsmill pay very well and there taking on

yeah job an knock how else would you get 40 drops off in a shift. it used take me t10/12hrs do 3 shops workin at normal speed and i was on alot more than warbys 8 quid an hour oh yeah and i didnt load myself or get up at 0200

yeah job an knock how else would you get 40 drops off in a shift. it used take me t10/12hrs do 3 shops workin at normal speed and i was on alot more than warbys 8 quid an hour oh yeah and i didnt load myself or get up at 0200

If you were agency you were always last to go out, and then you were suspected of hanging the job out when you did do 12 hours.

cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Everyone’s in financial trouble except crooks these days. :frowning: :frowning:


cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Everyone’s in financial trouble except crooks these days. :frowning: :frowning:

From speaking with the bread man the other day you will find it is Hovis who said to be having problems. Could be ballshit though

yeah job an knock how else would you get 40 drops off in a shift. it used take me t10/12hrs do 3 shops workin at normal speed and i was on alot more than warbys 8 quid an hour oh yeah and i didnt load myself or get up at 0200

:laughing: :laughing: so your post was just another “my job is better than your job” comment…thought so :unamused:

you havnt actually worked for warburtons..have you :question: sales drivers are on day rate..and dont work 10 -12 hours…trust me :laughing: more like 7-9…and they don`t do 40 drops either :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Warburtons? Are you off your head, they are number one selling brand in the uk am not just talking bread brands. They are the number one brand out of everything. Coke has slipped to 3rd.

The reason i know this…a 2 hour learning map :cry:

Not sure how well they’re doing but they’ve just closed a factory here in Blackpool with the loss of approximately 90 jobs :open_mouth:

You could get a full lorry load and only get 3 or 4 drops if you’ve got ASDA, Morrisons etc. If you get drops in double figures they’re most likely small orders for corner shops. A couple I did I carried the loaves in without a basket.



cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Warburtons? Are you off your head, they are number one selling brand in the uk am not just talking bread brands. They are the number one brand out of everything. Coke has slipped to 3rd.

The reason i know this…a 2 hour learning map :cry:

Not sure how well they’re doing but they’ve just closed a factory here in Blackpool with the loss of approximately 90 jobs :open_mouth:

yeah,but they`ve also expanded the one at bolton




cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Warburtons? Are you off your head, they are number one selling brand in the uk am not just talking bread brands. They are the number one brand out of everything. Coke has slipped to 3rd.

The reason i know this…a 2 hour learning map :cry:

Not sure how well they’re doing but they’ve just closed a factory here in Blackpool with the loss of approximately 90 jobs :open_mouth:

yeah,but they`ve also expanded the one at bolton

Hovis are the ones finding it hard



cliffton 27:
im sure i heard they were in financial trouble

Warburtons? Are you off your head, they are number one selling brand in the uk am not just talking bread brands. They are the number one brand out of everything. Coke has slipped to 3rd.

The reason i know this…a 2 hour learning map :cry:

Not sure how well they’re doing but they’ve just closed a factory here in Blackpool with the loss of approximately 90 jobs :open_mouth:

They might notbe a bakery anymore in Blackpool but there’s certainly a Warburtons depot. Granted they might not bake the bread there but it gets trunked in from all over the place, Bolton, Burnley, Castleford on a daily basis.

Err… yes, that’s a pictue of a Warburtons lorry.

No fooling you gimp, or is it chimp, on second tho…

