Walkers Crisps?any info

How can a crisp be inferior?! It’s a crisp,end of.

Saw a Walkers truck on motorway today and thought of you munchers.

Personally I wouldn’t touch any of these inferior products, I prefer McCoys, man crisps, any flavour or Brannigans, beef & mustard.
On the walkers front I do know that when you collect/ deliver to the peterlee depot & wait in their canteen to be tipped or loaded, you can help yourself to their products free of charge.

Farmfoods do McCoys 6packs for 89p . .only sizzle steak or cheese and onion though :cry:
Should i go for their own brand 36 pack(various flavours) for £3 ? :confused:

walkers for me.
especially when they`re frying new potatoes.
all other crisps are made from the kak that walkers wont buy.black bits…maggot holes etc.

I`m also partial to corn based snacks e.g nik naks

Bring back Tudor Crisps !! :smiley: …" a canny bag of Tudor !! " :stuck_out_tongue:

if work from agency there.what job.How long shift???how many i know main agency -Randstad,some drivers from Gi gropu??and any possitive ,negative feedback??

I take it you are no further forward in your quest for information :question: :grimacing: :unamused:

anyone from leicester area remember ‘dougie’s crisps’ from coalville? think he was a truck driver who lost his licence and opened a crisp factory.at christmas time he’d put turkey and stuffing stickers on top of the labels of some other flavours :laughing:

Tayto crisps in Ireland :slight_smile:

I quite like Hunky Dorys too, like a little stash of them in the truck when I’m heading across da water :stuck_out_tongue: