A lot depends on what you’re driving, your companies ocrs score and how busy they are. I’ve drove in, had the guy take 2 days print outs and say on you go. Got pulled at stafford 1 night cos the guy said he’d sat an hour waiting for a foreigner, got fed up and pulled me for something to do. That took 45 mins for a full check.
Got stopped by a traffic cop in london 1 night who must’ve fancied himself as a mechanic, he was under the trailer chapping away while his computer downloaded my tacho.
Could see the disappointment in his eyes when he got nowt
So it really depends who you get as to what to expect.
No one gives a chuff about the WTD.
It would just be an extra brick in your barrel as they send you over niagra falls if they were wet for you for being naughty.
No one gives a chuff about the WTD.It would just be an extra brick in your barrel as they send you over niagra falls if they were wet for you for being naughty.
Maybe thats a better way of putting it
I have just done a driver cpc module .I asked the instructor how VOSA were enforcing WTD.The answer …The Health And Safety Executive are responsible for WTD enforcement.I think VOSA are more concerned with EU driving hours.You can get a fixed penalty notice for going over your daily driving time by more than 1 hour.There is a list of infringements and penalties on their website. gov.uk/roadside-vehicle-chec … -penalties
I have just done a driver cpc module .I asked the instructor how VOSA were enforcing WTD.The answer …The Health And Safety Executive are responsible for WTD enforcement.
Thats partly correct Phil. Here’s what HSE say…
hse.gov.uk/contact/faqs/work … ective.htm
HSE is responsible for the enforcement of:
The maximum weekly working time limit;
Night work limits; and;
Health assessments for night work.
HSE does not however, enforce:
Time off;
Rest break entitlements; or;
Paid annual leave entitlements.
So it looks like they’re partly responsible for some of it. The beauty of the WTD i think is that if a disgruntled employee wants to take an ex employer to court for exceeding the limits (i.e being forced to work more than he had to) it makes it a doddle. This hasn’t been tested yet either.
I got pulled last week, and the only thing they checked was load security
I got pulled last week, and the only thing they checked was load security
Did they have a cause for concern or where you in a curtain sider?
You say you do an average of 56hrs per week, is that time on duty or actual work time? Breaks and POA don’t count in the WTD calculation.
bald bloke:
I doubt if they could do a working hours check at the roadside, as your card only holds around 28 days of data, so impossible to check a 17 week period.Myth I’m afraid it can be up to a year easily .
my last card had almost 2yrs worth on it
When I last got pulled, my tacho data was as old as the tacho card itself - over 3yrs old - it went all the way back to the 1st digi truck I dro
It has to be capable of holding no less than 28 days of data based on the worst case, ie lots of mode changes (this is what is stored), so someone who drives for 1 min and stops for 1 min every min of the day except for their break period and daily rest period.
So, if you think, average joe doesn’t do that, so how much data can it really hold, and that’s the MINIMUM design specs.
You say you do an average of 56hrs per week, is that time on duty or actual work time? Breaks and POA don’t count in the WTD calculation.nick2008:
bald bloke:
I doubt if they could do a working hours check at the roadside, as your card only holds around 28 days of data, so impossible to check a 17 week period.Myth I’m afraid it can be up to a year easily .
my last card had almost 2yrs worth on it
When I last got pulled, my tacho data was as old as the tacho card itself - over 3yrs old - it went all the way back to the 1st digi truck I dro
It has to be capable of holding no less than 28 days of data based on the worst case, ie lots of mode changes (this is what is stored), so someone who drives for 1 min and stops for 1 min every min of the day except for their break period and daily rest period.So, if you think, average joe doesn’t do that, so how much data can it really hold, and that’s the MINIMUM design specs.
yes I say roughly 56 sometimes 60+ sometimes less so I can take 45 - 60 mins a day off for break I very rarely use P.O.A … can I ask everyone if you work the 6th day do you repay those hours with the next 3 weeks or do you do what I do and just work reduced to full… reduced… reduced … back to full weekly rest if you get me lol
Hopefully pot smoking drivers so many of them out there it’s frightening
No one gives a chuff about the WTD.It would just be an extra brick in your barrel as they send you over niagra falls if they were wet for you for being naughty.
Lol that’swhat I wanted to hear does the repaying hours worked on the 6th day come und er EU scope or WTD ?
I got pulled last week, and the only thing they checked was load securityDid they have a cause for concern or where you in a curtain sider?
Curtain sider.