View from above

Like most seen loads over the years, the latest one was Friday night M1 north bound just before Luton exit, bloke driving, lady passenger who must have been really tired cos she was laying down with her head in the lap of the driver, but she obviously couldn’t get comfortable cos she kept moving her head :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :wink:

jessicas dad:

I had a couple of mad females flash their ■■■■■ at me in the lead up to the roadworks at newark in a bid to get me to let them filter in at the last minute

ha ha that would have worked for me. :laughing:

It would have embarressed her more if it were me she did it to… :open_mouth:
And i’d close up the gap… :smiling_imp:

In late OCTOBER, last year, I was overtaking and plain silver artic on the M4 and noticed in his mirror, that he was fully dressed as Santa… Floppy hat and beard to boot… :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

I creased myself laughing, and we waved at each other as I went past… :smiley:

Maybe I watch the road infront too much, but that’s about all i’ve seen… Never anything ‘naughty’… !!


In late OCTOBER, last year, I was overtaking and plain silver artic on the M4 and noticed in his mirror, that he was fully dressed as Santa… Floppy hat and beard to boot… :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:

I creased myself laughing, and we waved at each other as I went passed… :smiley:


well done chrisie that is the best one yet… :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
maybe im a prude i dont want to see anything dirty when im driving it will just make me think of what im missing :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

also i have enough problems with my imagination without seeing it as well :blush: :blush: :blush:

jessicas dad:
also i have enough problems with my imagination without seeing it as well :blush: :blush: :blush:

Ha! Join the club!

May be i spend to much time looking where I’m going, cause i never see owt :frowning:

Have seen a female taking of her knickers in an MR2 (old shape)…

Is that an old shape female, old shape knickers or an old shape MR2 :laughing:


Have seen a female taking of her knickers in an MR2 (old shape)…

Is that an old shape female, old shape knickers or an old shape MR2 :laughing:

hehehehe Bridget Jones knickers a must in any lasses wardrobe. :laughing:


Have seen a female taking of her knickers in an MR2 (old shape)…

Is that an old shape female, old shape knickers or an old shape MR2 :laughing:

Not sure, Didn’t get to see the face,my mind was elsewhere :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: