Freight Dog:
Hey trubster. How much do you find vaping costs you for coils/juice say over a month compared to smoking?
I must admit I have come down with a severe case of “Shiny-itis” and am always buying new mods
Standard running costs are very cheap - about £1 a coil if you don’t build your own, they last about a week.
I make my own liquid and that is very cheap to make, and it is much nicer that the cheap “Hangseng” liquids etc. It is very easy to do and you can make it “To taste” as well. ATM I am using Banana and Vanilla Custard, it costs works out as below
£22 per 100ml of flavouring (40% of mix) - Typically it should be 20% but I like the recipe I am using
£2.99 for 100ml of VG/PG (60% of mix)
It works out at £8.80 for Flavouring and £1.80 for the VG/PG base. - Works out at £10.60 per 100ml - Hangseng works out at about £30 per 100ml
The above are without nicotine as I don’t use it, but if you use 7.2mg, you are looking at adding £1.50 for 10ml of 72mg concentrate and deducting 30p as you are using 10ml less VG/PG Base. So that makes it £11.80 per 100ml.
If you are interested in more info, post here or PM Me and I will link you to all the info you need.
Oh, and 100ml will last you a good few weeks. so about £13-15 for 2 weeks, thats about the cost of 2 packets of ciggies.
My new Provari P3 gets delivered today.
I started vaping in May 2012 and I have spent £1337.67 and saved £3583.45.
Mix my own liquid at 6mg and do my own coils.
I vape about 10ml a day.
I have 4 tanks(kayfun’s) 4 dripper(mixed) and a sqonker on the go all the time, 8 battery tube/Mvp 20W/150w box mod and a home made squonker, 1 tank is taken to work(vape in cab) with a bottle of juice and screw driver and the rest sit next to my chair.
All the tanks and RDA’s have different flavours in them so I can change flavours without cleaning a tank/RDA.
When I started I was buying clones and now I get some authentic mods(battery tube/RBA/RDA).
I would advice anyone to check out the ohms law for battery safety, also use the charger that comes with the ego’s or a well known make of charger for 18650/18500/18350/26650 batteries, never use any batteries that has fire in the name as they are usually recycled laptop batteries.
If anyone wants any more info post here or send me a PM and I will try help.
I tried a few e-cigs but never got into them, as they didn’t seem to do the job.
Recently I bought a Vype e-Pen and am really pleased with it. I also wanted to get something that doesn’t involve faffing around with liquid and mixing etc etc. One of my criteria was that it’s as easy as smoking. It delivers the right amount of vapour to make it feel like you’re smoking, which is satisfying, and the nicotine hit seems to be about right too. They only do 3 flavours, and in my opinion, the mint and the tobacco flavours are both pretty rank. The dark cherry is ■■■■ nice though.
Did my first full day on it yesterday, treating it like a ■■■ and only ‘smoking’ when I would normally have smoked. I’m impressed, I must say, it’s definitely doing the job.
I tried getting off the ■■■■ onto the e-cigs but found it annoying swapping one addiction for another so did the 3 stage patches (1wk highest strength stage 1, 1wk middle strength then 1 wk lowest) and it worked fine but always had the lozenges and inhalers in my bag during this time (still do now!) in case the cravings were unbeatable!
Not had a ■■■ since 31st Jan 2015 and still going strong! Can even go out drinking and be around smokers but not mind! Feel so much better for it! I can get up the 5 flights of stairs at work to the transport office at a decent pace without gasping for air like 90% of the other drivers there!
I read somewhere once that vapour in the lungs actually cleans the tiny bronchial structure inside the lung,although this article was cannabis related which demonstrates the massive health possibilities of the sacred herb,i still think the vapour itself could be supremely effective as well,i suspect the 3k chemicals in ■■■■ compared to the handful in vapour may be pertinent in the matter.