Van den bosch transport

By the way Airco is for Jessies, all the people who did Middle East and North Africa in the 70’s and 80’s never heard of Airco at that point.

Really so what the zb is that unit on the roof of this Marathon in the 1970’s documentary Destination Doha :question: :unamused: :unamused: Maybe that’s because the Brits knew what they were doing unlike the rest and you’re probably too young to remember or even know. :wink: :laughing:
It has been mentioned more than once, that Destination Doha was a promotional film and the BBC wanted a British truck in the film

Typical Leyland problem of the time - it was starved of R&D money, so the product was never completely finished when it went on sale.

It has already been recorded on here that the one given to Astran for Destination Doha kept breaking down - a lot of firms simply didn’t trust the vehicles on European and Middle-East work.

Craig 111:
According to a colleague at Daf, originally a Leyland man from the early 70s, the Middle East Marathon never made full production status, even if the Leyland brochures give the impression that it was an off the shelf model.

Another colleague who used to work for Cantrell (say no more) recalls seeing a convoy of Marathons trundling up Tahir one afternoon in the seventies, part of some promotional venture I believe. He says he’s got some pics of the said trucks, although finding them will probably be a task more difficult than sending an old Leyland up the aforementioned mountain !

Wheel Nut:

By the way Airco is for Jessies, all the people who did Middle East and North Africa in the 70’s and 80’s never heard of Airco at that point.

Really so what the zb is that unit on the roof of this Marathon in the 1970’s documentary Destination Doha :question: :unamused: :unamused: Maybe that’s because the Brits knew what they were doing unlike the rest and you’re probably too young to remember or even know. :wink: :laughing:

It has been mentioned more than once, that Destination Doha was a promotional film and the BBC wanted a British truck in the film

Typical Leyland problem of the time - it was starved of R&D money, so the product was never completely finished when it went on sale.

It has already been recorded on here that the one given to Astran for Destination Doha kept breaking down - a lot of firms simply didn’t trust the vehicles on European and Middle-East work.

Craig 111:
According to a colleague at Daf, originally a Leyland man from the early 70s, the Middle East Marathon never made full production status, even if the Leyland brochures give the impression that it was an off the shelf model.

Another colleague who used to work for Cantrell (say no more) recalls seeing a convoy of Marathons trundling up Tahir one afternoon in the seventies, part of some promotional venture I believe. He says he’s got some pics of the said trucks, although finding them will probably be a task more difficult than sending an old Leyland up the aforementioned mountain !

But all the Astran Scanias in the doc were fitted with them too and even a wanabee Mid East driver and local council driver like me at the time knew that most real middle east running operators,with any sense,had an air con plant fitted on the roof and that was usually the way to sort out the posers and bs ers from the real Middle East ones . :wink: :smiley: :laughing: … re=related (2.16-2.25)

But having said that I’ve experienced plenty of summers in Italy where the temperature is probably as close as makes not much difference to the Middle East sometimes and drove the Jag last Summer to Sardinia and went home via the Le Mans Classic all without any air con fitted because I could’nt be bothered putting it all back after putting in the bigger motor :open_mouth: :laughing: .The temperature was over 42 degrees C at Le Mans so imagine what it was like in Sardinia and how zb hot it was driving that thing with that small version of a Merlin motor in front. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Glad to see you backed me on the planner and route control Frans.
I don’t disagree with you that fuel is a big issue with any company and yes monitoring it with telematics helps you control that, hey im all for new technology if it makes the job easier for all concerned.
I like you had as my 1st truck a 2800Ati running back and forth to Germany and no I never had aircon just switch the heater down and hope it kept you cool enough.
But look at the facts my case in point: I arrived at tipping point in Italy, proceeded to book in at the factory and round to unloading point, 10am. given permission to discharge and set up in bay, did all this and sent message on BC to confirm unload. Finished unload at 11:15am then packed kit away got paperwork signed and put info on BC for planner, park up outside temp 27c.
Message from planner wait, 13:00 send message to planner for an update 30c outside temp, started truck up for aircon, 1hr later message from different planner ask why truck engine is running. Reply:I need to use aircon as it will not work without engine running and temp at the moment is 30c.
Reply from same planner: Stephen you were sent a message about not running the engine when you are not on any job. You have to stop engine now!!!. Reply can not be posted on here.
I know the planners have instructions from their seniors but come on it is 2011 and we are not in the dark ages, or are we. The days of Italy in 1 hit are long gone, aircon is there for a reason and yes through the years I have spent time in different trucks that do not have aircon and suffered the heat but why if you have the equipment do they deny you use of it purely down to COST AND GREED. They have priced the job and there must be profit there, or VdB or any other company would not do the job and if they are cutting the rates so fine then surely that is down to whom ever prices the job to get their arses kicked for pricing the job incorrectly. I price my own work according to whatever route I have to take, if I need to cross the Humber or Severn etc I add that price on, if I need to wait etc I add price on for my time etc etc, If I get it wrong it costs meout of MY PROFIT. So all in all not running aircon is about the greed of this company to make as much money as they can and bugger the guy in the driving seat!!
And as regards to fuel, U pass a shell station to go 50+kms down or up the road to find one on your fuel sheet to save 2c per lt on 300lts, simple economics dictates that if I had fuelled up at shell station that I first passed and did not have to divert to another costs would have been saved as shell is shell you get the same discount whatever station you use due to it being an international card!!

Agree with all this. Bottom line : VdB need to either

a) stop BSing about the work not paying enough (which I suspect is the truth - the BS)
b) if a) is in fact the case then they need to get some decent paying work or pack up and let someone else do it.

There was here a guy on who had to collect a van, and the guy who drive the van couldn’t reach above 35 MPG, the guy made a whole blog about it, he was talking over probaly less than a fiver, if he had 100 vans he would have been talking about serious money, but even this fiver bothered him, why…because he had to pay for it, this goes the same up for every Entrepreneur, otherwise he would have started a charity instead of a company.

Your lack of knowledge with the English language must have caused you to misinterpret my post. Not once did I make any complaint about the cost, simply because that was not an issue. The point (and thread discussion) was about drivers that can’t drive economically, which has absolutely no relevance nor connection to pure greed that is being illustrated by VdB in this thread. If my driver had wanted to use the aircon I’d have told him to get on with it, even though the cost (mere pence) would’ve been coming out of my pocket. That would apply regardless of whether I ran 1 vehicle or 1000 vehicles. If my profit margins were so tight that I had to constantly watch who was running the aircon then the first thing I would do is ditch the crap paying work and find something better. Failing that I would accept that there’s no money in the job and pack up. Perhaps VdB could use some lessons on how to run a business properly without the hostile atmosphere between management and drivers from petty BS like running the aircon. :bulb:

Rob K:

There was here a guy on who had to collect a van, and the guy who drive the van couldn’t reach above 35 MPG, the guy made a whole blog about it, he was talking over probaly less than a fiver, if he had 100 vans he would have been talking about serious money, but even this fiver bothered him, why…because he had to pay for it, this goes the same up for every Entrepreneur, otherwise he would have started a charity instead of a company.

Your lack of knowledge with the English language must have caused you to misinterpret my post. Not once did I make any complaint about the cost, simply because that was not an issue. The point (and thread discussion) was about drivers that can’t drive economically, which has absolutely no relevance nor connection to pure greed that is being illustrated by VdB in this thread. If my driver had wanted to use the aircon I’d have told him to get on with it, even though the cost (mere pence) would’ve been coming out of my pocket. That would apply regardless of whether I ran 1 vehicle or 1000 vehicles. If my profit margins were so tight that I had to constantly watch who was running the aircon then the first thing I would do is ditch the crap paying work and find something better. Failing that I would accept that there’s no money in the job and pack up. Perhaps VdB could use some lessons on how to run a business properly without the hostile atmosphere between management and drivers from petty BS like running the aircon. :bulb:

^^^^^^^^ This is one of the best posts I’ve seen from you Rob :smiley: :smiley: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
More like it please :wink:

Rob K:

There was here a guy on who had to collect a van, and the guy who drive the van couldn’t reach above 35 MPG, the guy made a whole blog about it, he was talking over probaly less than a fiver, if he had 100 vans he would have been talking about serious money, but even this fiver bothered him, why…because he had to pay for it, this goes the same up for every Entrepreneur, otherwise he would have started a charity instead of a company.

Your lack of knowledge with the English language must have caused you to misinterpret my post. Not once did I make any complaint about the cost, simply because that was not an issue. The point (and thread discussion) was about drivers that can’t drive economically, which has absolutely no relevance nor connection to pure greed that is being illustrated by VdB in this thread. If my driver had wanted to use the aircon I’d have told him to get on with it, even though the cost (mere pence) would’ve been coming out of my pocket. That would apply regardless of whether I ran 1 vehicle or 1000 vehicles. If my profit margins were so tight that I had to constantly watch who was running the aircon then the first thing I would do is ditch the crap paying work and find something better. Failing that I would accept that there’s no money in the job and pack up. Perhaps VdB could use some lessons on how to run a business properly without the hostile atmosphere between management and drivers from petty BS like running the aircon. :bulb:

See Rob , your turn the facts for the reason to try to make a popular statement, but please use the right facts what you have gained with knowledge, not with assumption.

Fact: no driver has ever been told not to use the air-conditioning while driving or using the engine for loading/ un-loading issues.
Fact: Stevie stated that he was running the vehicle engine to run the airco, when he was waiting /parked up, there is nothing in his statement that they asked not to run the airrco while he was driving.
Fact: It’s company policy not to run the engines when parked up.
Fact: In a big company is it very difficult to draw the line where it’s sensible to run the engine for airco or not, some drivers think it’s hot when it’s 21 degrees, other ones think it’s still alright when it’s 35 degrees. So the line it’s not to run the engine when the vehicle is parked up for whatever reason, greed or sensible whatever.
Fact: if you where not interested in what “your driver” used why did you checked the economics in the first place?
Fact: Van den Bosch grow in 48 years from 1 truck to 700+ / 1200 trailer / 3.500 containers + 500+ in order (all outright buy) not by giving the money away.
Fact: nobody / or nowhere is made the statement by VdB that the rates where to tight, yes the rates are tighter but still profitable, and that more than ever cost control is important, hence you checking the economics on your Van.
Fact: I worked for a company who didn’t do any cost control, Boss was truck daft, every year 7% pay rise, everything for his drivers, (emptied even a space in the warehouse for me to park my motor home) ……………………………but the company went in administration and nothing, the guy has now a small state pension, great company to work for, but not a stayer.
Fact: My English is probably not so good as yours, but if you can speak at least half as much Dutch as I can, I maybe have some respect for your statement, bet you don’t even speak any other language than some Yorkshire suppose to be English! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:


Rob K:

There was here a guy on who had to collect a van, and the guy who drive the van couldn’t reach above 35 MPG, the guy made a whole blog about it, he was talking over probaly less than a fiver, if he had 100 vans he would have been talking about serious money, but even this fiver bothered him, why…because he had to pay for it, this goes the same up for every Entrepreneur, otherwise he would have started a charity instead of a company.

Your lack of knowledge with the English language must have caused you to misinterpret my post. Not once did I make any complaint about the cost, simply because that was not an issue. The point (and thread discussion) was about drivers that can’t drive economically, which has absolutely no relevance nor connection to pure greed that is being illustrated by VdB in this thread. If my driver had wanted to use the aircon I’d have told him to get on with it, even though the cost (mere pence) would’ve been coming out of my pocket. That would apply regardless of whether I ran 1 vehicle or 1000 vehicles. If my profit margins were so tight that I had to constantly watch who was running the aircon then the first thing I would do is ditch the crap paying work and find something better. Failing that I would accept that there’s no money in the job and pack up. Perhaps VdB could use some lessons on how to run a business properly without the hostile atmosphere between management and drivers from petty BS like running the aircon. :bulb:

^^^^^^^^ This is one of the best posts I’ve seen from you Rob :smiley: :smiley: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
More like it please :wink:

Hey you’re creeping op Rob’s arse■■?
You got a friend■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Rob K:

There was here a guy on who had to collect a van, and the guy who drive the van couldn’t reach above 35 MPG, the guy made a whole blog about it, he was talking over probaly less than a fiver, if he had 100 vans he would have been talking about serious money, but even this fiver bothered him, why…because he had to pay for it, this goes the same up for every Entrepreneur, otherwise he would have started a charity instead of a company.

Your lack of knowledge with the English language must have caused you to misinterpret my post. Not once did I make any complaint about the cost, simply because that was not an issue. The point (and thread discussion) was about drivers that can’t drive economically, which has absolutely no relevance nor connection to pure greed that is being illustrated by VdB in this thread. If my driver had wanted to use the aircon I’d have told him to get on with it, even though the cost (mere pence) would’ve been coming out of my pocket. That would apply regardless of whether I ran 1 vehicle or 1000 vehicles. If my profit margins were so tight that I had to constantly watch who was running the aircon then the first thing I would do is ditch the crap paying work and find something better. Failing that I would accept that there’s no money in the job and pack up. Perhaps VdB could use some lessons on how to run a business properly without the hostile atmosphere between management and drivers from petty BS like running the aircon. :bulb:

See Rob , your turn the facts for the reason to try to make a popular statement, but please use the right facts what you have gained with knowledge, not with assumption.

Fact: no driver has ever been told not to use the air-conditioning while driving or using the engine for loading/ un-loading issues.
Fact: Stevie stated that he was running the vehicle engine to run the airco, when he was waiting /parked up, there is nothing in his statement that they asked not to run the airrco while he was driving.

The specifics are irrelevant. It’s petty BS and greed. The end.

Fact: It’s company policy not to run the engines when parked up.

One would assume then, that this point is made very clear to the drivers in their documentation prior to accepting the job?

Fact: In a big company is it very difficult to draw the line where it’s sensible to run the engine for airco or not, some drivers think it’s hot when it’s 21 degrees, other ones think it’s still alright when it’s 35 degrees. So the line it’s not to run the engine when the vehicle is parked up for whatever reason, greed or sensible whatever.

As above, the specifics are irrelevant. If there isn’t enough money in the job to afford the pence (comparative to the actual fuel costs from driving) from running the aircon when parked up then the company should either get better customers or pack up.

Fact: if you where not interested in what “your driver” used why did you checked the economics in the first place?

The display was already showing the mpg read out when I got in to the vehicle.

Fact: Van den Bosch grow in 48 years from 1 truck to 700+ / 1200 trailer / 3.500 containers + 500+ in order (all outright buy) not by giving the money away.

Fact: Van den Bosch over 48 years has had a turn over of 700-1200-3500 drivers (give or take 500) from petty penny-pinching which has now caused them to have a ■■■■■■ reputation all over Europe, but it’s okay, that’s doesn’t matter so long as we can boast about our total amount of trucks/trailers.

Fact: nobody / or nowhere is made the statement by VdB that the rates where to tight, yes the rates are tighter but still profitable, and that more than ever cost control is important

So no problem letting drivers running the aircon then. Or you are not telling the whole story.

hence you checking the economics on your Van.

See above.

Fact: I worked for a company who didn’t do any cost control, Boss was truck daft, every year 7% pay rise, everything for his drivers, (emptied even a space in the warehouse for me to park my motor home) ……………………………but the company went in administration and nothing, the guy has now a small state pension, great company to work for, but not a stayer.

Fact: Anyone can make up stories in a desperate attempt to add weight to their argument.

Fact: My English is probably not so good as yours, but if you can speak at least half as much Dutch as I can, I maybe have some respect for your statement, bet you don’t even speak any other language than some Yorkshire suppose to be English! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing:

Fact: I couldn’t give a flying ■■■■ about speaking other languages. This is an English speaking forum. I suggest you learn the language and the context in which posts are written so that you fully understand them before attempting to reply to them, otherwise you end up looking rather silly. :bulb:

Fact: Van den Bosch over 48 years has had a turn over of 700-1200-3500 drivers (give or take 500) from petty penny-pinching which has now caused them to have a [zb] reputation all over Europe, but it’s okay, that’s doesn’t matter so long as we can boast about our total amount of trucks/trailers.

Rob you’re full of BS, this again based on assumption not on facts, and don’t even is close to the true.


Fact: Van den Bosch over 48 years has had a turn over of 700-1200-3500 drivers (give or take 500) from petty penny-pinching which has now caused them to have a [zb] reputation all over Europe, but it’s okay, that’s doesn’t matter so long as we can boast about our total amount of trucks/trailers.

Rob you’re full of BS, this again based on assumption not on facts, and don’t even is close to the true.

:laughing: I suggest you re-read my 3rd sentence in my last paragraph. :laughing:

:unamused: how do you unsubscribe from a thread?

:roll: how do you unsubscribe from a thread?

Look in your UCP. It ain’t difficult. :unamused:

It’s also at the bottom of this page !!

I struggle to understand how anyone can justify a driver leaving the engine running for hours to have the aircon running.

Rob your posts come across as saying VdB shouldn’t try to control costs because the work should pay enough, that’s rubbish. All decent companies are hot on controlling costs. I work for a great company but if you leave the truck idling for more than a few minutes they’ll be asking why. This is a good thing in my opinion. Why? Because I think it’s the sign of a well run company that’ll put the wages in the bank without fail every Friday, who’s fuel cards will work when you need them and who your not worried will go belly up any second. What helps in Virginia’s case is that the bosses invest all the money in the company rather than spend it on themselves, you certainly don’t see them driving round in flash cars for instance. We are very very good at what we do, have rates to match that and more work than trucks to cover it in the middle of a downturn in a near bankrupt country. I don’t know much about VdB but a lot of money seems to be invested back into the company.

I just think that a well run company is one that keeps control of everything, and for me they are the best companies to work for. I don’t want to get away with wasting their money, I want stability.

I struggle to understand how anyone can justify a driver leaving the engine running for hours to have the aircon running.

Rob your posts come across as saying VdB shouldn’t try to control costs because the work should pay enough, that’s rubbish. All decent companies are hot on controlling costs. I work for a great company but if you leave the truck idling for more than a few minutes they’ll be asking why. This is a good thing in my opinion. Why? Because I think it’s the sign of a well run company that’ll put the wages in the bank without fail every Friday, who’s fuel cards will work when you need them and who your not worried will go belly up any second. What helps in Virginia’s case is that the bosses invest all the money in the company rather than spend it on themselves, you certainly don’t see them driving round in flash cars for instance. We are very very good at what we do, have rates to match that and more work than trucks to cover it in the middle of a downturn in a near bankrupt country. I don’t know much about VdB but a lot of money seems to be invested back into the company.

I just think that a well run company is one that keeps control of everything, and for me they are the best companies to work for. I don’t want to get away with wasting their money, I want stability.

Well that’s to be expected from you as you are a blue eyed boy who would probably quite happily drive for free seeing as you can’t get enough of trucks. There’s a big difference between controlling costs and greed. The case here is quite clearly the latter.

It’s only mugs that put up with this kind of BS and I say good on those that [zb] them off and came back home. And before the VdB apologists come in telling them what do I know as I’ve not done the job, I’ll tell you this, if I’d have gone out there to drive for them I’d have been on the plane back home within a week if the recent posts on this thread on how they treat their drivers is anything to go by. ■■■■ that [zb].

And another thing, the profits are allegedly so tight that they can’t allow drivers to run the aircon, but yet they can quite easily afford all the flights ferrying drivers to and from home all the time. Do me a favour…

Simple fact of the matter is that the company is minted and they’d still be minted even if every ■■■■■■■ driver had his aircon running 24/7. I’ll bet my house on that. It’s greed and more greed, and then some more. Anyone that can’t see that is extremely naive.

You think it’s greed. You in reality know no more about them than me or most others yet your taking a handful of disgruntled drivers on a forum as proof they must be awful to work for despite the fact they employ hundreds. Are you trying to make new friends on here Rob?

And I knew this ‘blue eyed boy’ bs would rear it’s head sooner or later. If enjoying your job and liking the company and people you work for is being a blue eyed boy then so be it. It just seemingly unlike you and many others I’m a realist and realise that it’s no good working for a company thats hemorraging money left right and centre because they let the drivers get away with anything. I want a pay rise, I won’t get that by ■■■■■■■ company money up the wall. That’s a cold hard fact. I won’t work for free.

Rob K:
And another thing, the profits are allegedly so tight that they can’t allow drivers to run the aircon, but yet they can quite easily afford all the flights ferrying drivers to and from home all the time. Do me a favour…

Simple fact of the matter is that the company is minted and they’d still be minted even if every [zb] driver had his aircon running 24/7. I’ll bet my house on that. It’s greed and more greed, and then some more. Anyone that can’t see that is extremely naive.

ASSUMPTION, ASSUMPTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS when are you coming with facts Rob K :question: :question:

Allegedly Rob you are the biggest BS on this form…but it actualy comes close to a fact


Rob K:
And another thing, the profits are allegedly so tight that they can’t allow drivers to run the aircon, but yet they can quite easily afford all the flights ferrying drivers to and from home all the time. Do me a favour…

Simple fact of the matter is that the company is minted and they’d still be minted even if every [zb] driver had his aircon running 24/7. I’ll bet my house on that. It’s greed and more greed, and then some more. Anyone that can’t see that is extremely naive.

ASSUMPTION, ASSUMPTIONS AND ASSUMPTIONS when are you coming with facts Rob K :question: :question:

Allegedly Rob you are the biggest BS on this form…but it actualy comes close to a fact

No, it’s not ASSUMPTIONS, it’s based on your OWN post to this forum :

Years ago was nothing a problem because the customer paid good money, nowadays is the calculation much sharper.

So by default, the customer no longer pays “good money” therefore by default again the profits must not be as good.

So you’re either lying or you’re full of BS yourself. :bulb:

Hey you’re creeping op Rob’s arse■■?
You got a friend■■? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Nah :unamused: :unamused: He’s on my foes list, I saw one of his posts cos I wasn’t logged in. :blush:
So there you are frans, wrong again. I wouldn’t arse lick anyone, :angry: I consider rob a troll and a crap stirrer, end of. :unamused: