Van den bosch transport

FFS, is it all hassoles on here■■?
I stated my point as you have read, it was to inform people, potential candidates for this job that there were pitfalls to be aware of regarding wage issues of which I personally along with others who have given their experiences with regard to the said company.
What gets on my NUTS is the ones who have come on and bulled it up that may or may not have experience. I admitted I was stupid for not using the BC to my advantage but to put it in words that the IDIOTS who have so far commented on my experience
I worked, and worked hard, same as Gary, Graham, Gogzy and the others, I went on the ■■■■, I enjoyed myself, I saw bits of Europe I had previously not seen, but most of all I WORKED, I tried to work for a decent wage. I am not some newbie to trucks, trucking in the UK and Europe, I knew how to do the job and did what was expected of me and more.
All I and the others if I may speak for you guys, wanted was to work and get paid for the hours that I WORKED.
I was under no illusion that this was some kind of holiday, I went to work and earn what I was told “GOOD MONEY”, this was not the case and I have done what the so called Euro experts have said and got out at the first opportunity.

at least this time round those north of border are blaming the Dutch for their misfortunes this time :laughing: :laughing: normally itis all Englands fault :unamused:

that post by bigsidney is to the point, basic and informative and thats all thats needed.

Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

that post by bigsidney is to the point, basic and informative and thats all thats needed.

only taken 37 pages to get there :unamused:

at least this time round those north of border are blaming the Dutch for their misfortunes this time :laughing: :laughing: normally itis all Englands fault :unamused:

it must be an orange thing paul, the dutch have everything orange and the scots are jealous cos most of them are orange haired :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

P.S. this is a jovial comedy post bigsidney not yet another dig at you :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks Welshboy in spain finally someone gets it!!!

Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

now you’re in trouble luke free food has been offered even if it is in roadchef :laughing:

Ahem my Son is GINGER!!!

hope your postman doesn´t have ginger hair then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Ahem my Son is GINGER!!!

like i said most of them are ginger :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks Welshboy in spain finally someone gets it!!!

does he hell as like he´s been on the cider all day :unamused: it´s that poor fellow colonial in distress thing as a fellow Celt he sympathises


Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

now you’re in trouble luke free food has been offered even if it is in roadchef :laughing:

Well it’s out of the sheer goodness of my heart, after all some of these VdB boys sound like they could do with a free dinner.

At least I can guarantee he ain’t yours, he is not a condascending self opinionated bawbag :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

hope your postman doesn´t have ginger hair then :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Keep going, I’ll buy the two thousandth poster dinner! In a Roadchef

I’ll hold you to that, time to start spamming

which just goes to prove you have no idea Sidney

Now you are beginning to bore me so as James May would say “■■■■ off you ■■■■”
Thank you and goodnight.

which just goes to prove you have no idea Sidney


Thanks Welshboy in spain finally someone gets it!!!

does he hell as like he´s been on the cider all day :unamused: it´s that poor fellow colonial in distress thing as a fellow Celt he sympathises

I’ve run out of cider :imp: :imp: :imp: and I can only buy it in the pub tomorrow, whilst the sun shines and as i look out across the med dreaming of my free roadchef meal from switchlogic :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

just proving once again Sydney

that your fingers on a keyboard are definitely a bit quicker off the mark than your cerebral capacity which may well be the reason you can´t add your work hours up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sidney you got your point across so why do you continue to stir the pot?
at least you got out of there, poor old gogzy is stuck with his wendy house FM