Van den bosch transport

Excellent!! Best of luck- I really hope you get it.3 weeks can be tough. The first week is fine, the second is the one I always found had me chewing the pillow being anxious to get home, then the third is not so bad again. Once you get past the three they all sort of blur together. Get home after six weeks and you find they have built a new row of houses and the pub has closed down…

I am glad you went and saw for yourself.

I remember the longline’ish one you’re talking about Rob, it was in Trucking, I think, it was a subbies motor, I’m sure the old boy was in his last couple of years before retirement & wanted to go out in style.

If it’s the same person I think you are on about he has (or had) a T-cab stretched backwards could be a longline. I last saw him fuelling up just outside Rotterdam about 4years ago.

He used to load out of Cerol in Mannhein , when i was last working
was a nice treat to see .

Did anybody get the jobs or had an interview?

Well did anyone actually have a interview ?..

Who’s going to be parked up for your 24Hr / 45 Hr weekend rest for £19.60 Night out expenses…NOTHING ELSE

I wonder how much the Dutchmen are getting paid ?

Well did anyone actually have a interview ?..

Who’s going to be parked up for your 24Hr / 45 Hr weekend rest for £19.60 Night out expenses…NOTHING ELSE

I wonder how much the Dutchmen are getting paid ?

i had an interview, the original post holder, considering the only jobs left in this (no good take anybody country), is multi drop and local pallet link crap, i for 1 will gladly park up for 24 hours at £19.60, park up at home for that and ya get naff all, there’s nothing here now, the ■■■■■■■■■ in power have seen to that.

yes i worked there when they got the cadbury about 5 years ago Franes a nice chap but you have to do your bit money was all ways there on time but as you say 3 weeks away not long at home and back to it again that said a very well estabilshed firm and still have the cadbury work over here :unamused: :unamused:

bill hyde:
yes i worked there when they got the cadbury about 5 years ago Franes a nice chap but you have to do your bit money was all ways there on time but as you say 3 weeks away not long at home and back to it again that said a very well estabilshed firm and still have the cadbury work over here :unamused: :unamused:

How come you never got me any chocolate then Bill after all i am a growing lad :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i didn’t get the job, bit gutted, just another knock back, was looking forward to finally having a chance to do euro work :smiley:

Sorry to hear that fella, don’t want to rub salt in but i was offered a position.
I’m looking forward to starting.
Again hard luck keep looking something will turn up.

i didn’t get the job, bit gutted, just another knock back, was looking forward to finally having a chance to do euro work :smiley:

unlucky fella you might have to try get a job with an irish firm, just a thought

Sorry to hear that fella, don’t want to rub salt in but i was offered a position.
I’m looking forward to starting.
Again hard luck keep looking something will turn up.

yeah mate, i know ya got the job, good luck to ya, hope it works out for ya :smiley:


i didn’t get the job, bit gutted, just another knock back, was looking forward to finally having a chance to do euro work :smiley:

unlucky fella you might have to try get a job with an irish firm, just a thought

yeah i hear sure freight are looking ha :smiley:

Count me in :smiley:
Great opportunity :sunglasses: Payed Monthly :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :smiley: Looking forward to getting back on Tankers. Foodstuff nice clean work. :wink: :wink:

AS long as the unloading pipes do not decide to leak,spilt apart,
etc. etc.

I hope not. :open_mouth: The pipes will be tested for foodstuff :smiley: I have never had a pipe burst on me. :sunglasses: I have had a few pipes leak at the seal. :wink: Its ok hydrochloric acid dosent burn :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: If you can smell it and your eyes water then youre in trouble :open_mouth:

why are they looking for foreign drivers ■■ cos the dutch dont wanna work for them…
i know of a dutch outfit who is opening a depot in the uk with english registered trucks, but when asked about the 6 weekly inspections, was told that is only for the english muppets…they do not stick to the rules like the english…even though we are all supposedly running under eu regulations…but then again…i suppose there are english companies who do the same…each to their own…if the job suits…take it…

foodstuff hoses??tested??
hmmm,tell that to walkers crisps.bulker driver hooks up blower and starts to pump off starch powder,goes back to cab after a few minutes,fiddles about with whatever,looks in mirror and see’s a snowstorm of starch going on at the back. :open_mouth: :open_mouth:
when it settles it goes black after a while and makes a right hoseclip on the foodstuff hose.tested by pumping the rest of the box off. :wink:

we do a bit for van den bosch at cadbury,the units are in good condition inside and out,the drivers just seem to be on trunk work,mainly english fellows who i’ve met.
we also do a little on heisterkamp,they do the 3 weeks on 1 off,different unit every time.trucks get tatty inside and the defects can build up if no-one gets them sorted out,no english fella’s on fact most don’t speak english.the 45 can end up being taken in doxey if you get my drift. :sunglasses:

why are they looking for foreign drivers ■■ cos the dutch dont wanna work for them…
i know of a dutch outfit who is opening a depot in the uk with english registered trucks, but when asked about the 6 weekly inspections, was told that is only for the english muppets…they do not stick to the rules like the english…even though we are all supposedly running under eu regulations…but then again…i suppose there are english companies who do the same…each to their own…if the job suits…take it…

Why are using Continental hauliers UK Drivers? If you had a look in continental employers taxes against the Uk, you quickly would understand. Also the Pound is on his all-time lowest against the Euro, so take your pick. As I know the Van den Bosch company for ages, I know that there are many Dutch drivers queing for a job, but the current pricing in the market doesn’t allow Continental companies to employ drivers who are easy more than 20% more expensive.
You could assume that the Brits are the new Polish, slightly more expensive, but a much better driver where everybody on the continent can have a normal conversation with.
Lets be honest what would you do? Be British, Buy British and only work for a British company… if they have any work, or stop being un-employed and work for a Continental company?
Because they are Continental doesn’t make any company worse than a British company, (how many British companies break the rules??) :blush:
There is so much assumption in Britain that everything from the Continent must be bad, that we are digging our own grave.
(if British Leyland and the British Motorbike manufactures hadn’t assumed that the “Brits” wouldn’t buy any of this assumed Japanese “crap” we would still have a healthy car industrie because they would have pulled there socks up)

God save the Queen, but let us all look after ourselves, and preferbaly with an open mind. :stuck_out_tongue:

Welcome Caledoniandream, a provocative first post and on quite an old thread.
would you like to borrow my tin hat :laughing:
The Brits are the new Polish, that should stir things up a bit. :open_mouth:

Had to edit no capital P on Polish :blush: