Worked for coal
Worked for rail
Worked for steel
Worked for ship building
Worked for car manufacturing
Worked for for all the working class eh?
Loving the references to “working class”, can Carryfast please describe “working class” in 2015?
Is it by wage?
Is it by job?
Is it by location?
As a teen of the early eighties in Yorkshire I have my own experiences and views of Unions, things that that would be deemed as terrorist these days, things done to innocent wives and children that would deserve being lifed off in prison by any decent human.
If you want to be with the union then good on you, it’s a free choice, well…apart from you having to pay for someone else to tell you how to think.
At my work place the union staff treat their job with immense disrespect, along with other staff. They cut corners and only do the bare minimum because they are “union” and therefore think they can do what they want without fear of the sack.
The union is there to make sure that they can do what they like no matter, even if that means fellow workers in the same role doing more.
Thankfully it also means they are on a worse deal thanks to the idiot that represents them, they don’t have the brains or the foresight to do things for them selves because the “union” does it for them, after all, the union saves their jobs so it must be right?
I hope the unions continue, sorts the chaff from the wheat, keeps the spineless under control of the selfish and lets the rest of us continue to develop, move and earn more.
I make no apologies if I have offended, and yes, I expect the insults as per Internet standard. However, the bottom line is this…
I don’t pay someone every month to tell me what to think
I don’t live in fear of my job due to someone else’s deluded opinions on my “rights”
I do earn more than the union secured for its staff, under a longer contract…for doing the same job
But best of all, it’s great fun reading all the posts about “class rights” and industry this that and the other, all ignoring the fact we now live in Europe, not England.
So until the Unions take control of European employment law, immigration, minimum wage, freedom of movement and so much more then the are increasingly pointless and desperate to survive
Unions and their members are only in it for themselves, not the good of everyne else, all this “drivers should stick together” is rubbish, it’s not a nationalised industry, therefore it has no standard, it’s free to do what it wants in regards to getting the job done, if drivers from another counrty want to work for less they will, nothing to do with the company, that’s Europe, wake up ffs.
You want to stick together across the country then go down the mines, or build a ship…the unions will look after you…