Unauthorised daily rest at Tesco RDC

Harry Monk:
If you run out of hours at a Tesco RDC, all you need to do is phone VOSA. They will despatch an emergency car and draw a chalk line around your wheels. Afterwards, if anybody tries to move you then they will be hung drawn quartered and shot to death…Twice.

FACT. :wink:


Ok,you’ve run out of hours tipping at Tesco,just do a printout when you park up and write down the reasons your over your time and forget about it.
If you run out of hours regularly then you may have a problem but if its once in a blue moon then you won’t have any issues.
Your times in and out are on the receipt note so you have proof,can’t see what the problem is myself.

can’t see what the problem is myself.

You’ll see what the problem is when vosa have their hand in your wallet, your licence is under threat & you’re in an answerable position, remember assumption that they’ll let you off will be the mother of your zb up…!


can’t see what the problem is myself.

You’ll see what the problem is when vosa have their hand in your wallet, your licence is under threat & you’re in an answerable position, remember assumption that they’ll let you off will be the mother of your zb up…!

It is quite a rare occurrence for a driver to have his licence revoked unless it is for a habitual and serious set of offences. Things like using mobile phones and speeding have had a couple of weeks revocation but it is the last straw and at least you get to meet the traffic commissioner.

Simply make a note of it on the printout and show it to VOSA if you get stopped, trying to hide the offence will get you into much more bother.

This driver arrived on site with over three hours duty time left, more than enough time to tip a trailer and park up outside.

Tesco are probably at fault here but article 12 has an app for you.

Provided that road safety is not thereby jeopardised and to
enable the vehicle to reach a suitable stopping place, the driver
may depart from Articles 6 to 9 to the extent necessary to
ensure the safety of persons, of the vehicle or its load. The
driver shall indicate the reason for such departure manually on
the record sheet of the recording equipment or on a printout
from the recording equipment or in the duty roster, at the
latest on arrival at the suitable stopping place.

As long as you don’t do this every day or every week, VOSA or the TC are not going to have your pants down

I sure hope so, don’t like bring caught with my pants down…

While accepting and fully understanding that VOSA will not bat a metaphorical eyelid about an isolated incident such as this (provided the driver did the correct thing as regards making a written explanatoty note on the printout etc), Article 12 doesn’t really cover it, since the vehicle is already at a suitable stopping place, and further movement is not necessary to ensure safety and security of the vehicle, load or persons. Leaving it on the loading bay is only mildly inconvenient (for both driver and the DC), rather than being in any way unsafe.