Unauthorised daily rest at Tesco RDC

Me thinks that either having a spare set of keys or not giving them the real set might be the way to go ■■

Then you`ll have a couple of scenarios kick in:
The driver hands in his car/house keys, jumps in the truck, drives off leaving them behind.
The driver drives off the bay while someone is in the back, causing them an injury or death

Despite the positive/negative arguments for doing this, and it has been discussed on TN many times, I still think handing in anything other than the truck keys is a stupid idea.
If I want to put it on break while on the bay, or get something from the cab, I`ll either leave the cab unlocked (usually the passenger door) removing my personnel valuables (phone, satnav etc), or if there is central locking key fob, remove it from the key ring before handing them in.

IF more & more drivers drive off bays without clearance, how long do you think it will take before more & more companies start fitting dock locks ■■?

Obviously safety comes first and I would not condone driving off a bay with a red light unless I had made it perfectly clear to all those nearby that this WAS going to happen

It frustrates me so much.
As a few have pointed out if a driver is out of time and they have been taking the ■■■■ e.g 2-4 hours then the only way things will change if there is trucks parked on a bay for a daily rest.

But it’s a battle that we will never win, as drivers will then be turning up wanting a quick tip when they have 6 or so hours left on a card.

Also do you stay on a bay for a 9 hours and get a crap night sleep just to prove a point and make things change or do you just bite your tongue and pull off and accept that it’s a bull ■■■■ industry where drivers just get ■■■■ on from all angles?
We don’t stick together.

simple answer.
at one hour of duty left tell them you have 30 mins left.
he that doesn’t help mention that he you run out of hours your legally required to take your rest where your parked.

if you do get to 1445 hours of duty ask them to stop work as you need to either move your truck to park or change your tacho over.

if they don’t play ball don’t move. your out of hours!

they can’t make you move a truck if it means your illegal
simply put they become an accessory to a crime.

ask them for there names as you require them for your legal records.
if in doubt ask for the duty manager!

no one wants a blocked bay?

The only bloke to take Tesco on, lost. Wild International Transport became embroiled in a court case and a blockade on the gates.

Probably I should know that, but…
Why it’s illegal to stay at the bay if it’s obviously their fault?
Mario :wink:

I thought Stobbarts just droped a trailer and picked one up at Tesco or was it a Stobbart trailer and an outside load you had bought in?

That’s what I do when I take a chilled tri in ,just tell them I’m dropping tri on bay and not staying with it( that is orders from our planning), shunters pulls it off bay when tipped and parks it up,I then go and get either a tesco/ stobart tri and continue with my day,tri I dropped then will get picked up by me if I go back or more likely another stobart driver.
I’ve had issues with tesco in the past but since I’ve started to do there work they’ve been sound with me,goods in,goods out,shunters,no complaints from me what so ever.

at one hour of duty left tell them you have 30 mins left.

By then its probably too late …
People who work in RDC`s are a fickle bunch, and it will probably take them more than 30 mins to get the ball rolling, leaving you only 30 mins or less of legal time to find somewhere to park

AFAIK Its’ not illegal to stay on the bay for your rest period, but Tesco will have a baby about the blocked bay. They’ll tell you you’re not allowed but the LAW states you’re not allowed to move and law trumps Tesco company policy.

OP, Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad day.

There’s not much else you could’ve done, but like others have said, no way I’d have moved my truck after my 15hrs was up, not even 10’.

I’d have been kicking a song and dance at 14hr 30 though to get my keys back, I want a manager here now, I demand my keys and you WILL return them to me!!

Drivers (most) are getting too soft, but I’ll admit, I lose A LOT of jobs over my attitude because I will not be treated like crap, will not be spoken to like crap and will not break the law for anyone.

I was working for a firm local to me a few years ago, and I got back in the yard on 14hr 30 ish, so I said to the warehouse person “where you want the truck”, he said that I had to wait in the queue and unload it in the warehouse, to which I replied “I’m approaching my 15hr, legally I’m required to be parked up and finished duty before this happens so I will not be queuing and tipping the truck, now you can tell me where’s best for you to have it or I’ll choose where it goes, they’re your choices”.

They chose, I put trailer where they asked, dropped it, fueled unit and went home, next day I was in the office :unamused:

I pulled in to one of our DCs last week on 4:25h. They gave me a bay number but I said “I’ll be dropping it just the other side of the security gates, tell the shunters I’m out of time”.

An hour later and it was still there but I didn’t care, I told them about it, it’s their problem then. I pulled into a parking bay on 4:29. They’re quick enough hauling you in to sign for infringements but not so quick at other things :unamused:

You should have put it onto the toes of your employer. It’s their operating licence. You can only stick to the terms of the regulations, it’s not like you didn’t make the delivery point aware. Your employer would have to make the call, take responsibility and manage the situation for you.

I think if you told them you will not move and the law came or vosa *highly unlikely but if).Then common sense must prevail and I would say they would ask you to move due to preferring you to get a decent rest nitIib a bay if you see what I mean . They would just sign your printout and Tesco have got their bay back and won.


at one hour of duty left tell them you have 30 mins left.

By then its probably too late …
People who work in RDC`s are a fickle bunch, and it will probably take them more than 30 mins to get the ball rolling, leaving you only 30 mins or less of legal time to find somewhere to park

To be fair if i was one of those fickle bunch and a driver told me he was running short of time and needed a quick tip. I would probably ignore him too, as already mentioned, it is up to the drivers supervisor or manager to supervise or manage the situation. Whether that means sending in a spare driver or a spare unit depending on what time you have run out of, driving time or duty time. In this case another lorry should have been sent out or the company pay the shunters to move the trailer on and off the bay.

There are too many drivers who do not keep the haulage boss informed of delays or problems, and they then dig themselves into a deep hole.

I suppose the only way around this problem is to call the police to report an offence get a crime number and ask for a traffic officer to come to your assistance. You can explain the problem get them to investigate the offence and more crucially get the officer endorse a printout to allow you to drive to a parking up place.

But as more than one scribe as said NEVER let yourself get that tight for time.

Buy a magnet? :wink:

Disclaimer. I am joking. Don’t shoot me.

I have run out of time plenty of time and never had any problems. Printout and written explanation and copy of weighbridge tickets or notes

I’m sure you have your reasons for pratting about with tacho modes and selecting POA, company policy perhaps, I don’t know but personally in that situation my tacho would have been on rest from the moment I backed in and remained there, avoiding any potential hassle further down the line. Then, if they keep me too long, I’d have gone to bed right where I was until I’d shown at least 9 hours off etc. Yes I’m sure its not goody good by the book and 100% legal but I prefer to live in the real world as much as is possible and by messing around and leaving your tacho on anything other than rest while you’re not in possession of the keys is asking for trouble, as is moving once you’re out of time.

If you’re one who doesn’t get paid for any time shown as rest/break on your tacho and thus have to use other modes then you should always have a way of getting into the truck to change the mode when necessary, either a space set of keys or just give them false keys to begin with.

Wheel Nut:
To be fair if i was one of those fickle bunch and a driver told me he was running short of time and needed a quick tip. I would probably ignore him too

The fickle bunch are probably over worked / under paid & dont give a ■■■■ what happens to a driver, at best theyll inform their supervisor, who will prioritise it or forget about it. Which in turn leads to more delay for the driver

Wheel Nut:
There are too many drivers who do not keep the haulage boss informed of delays or problems, and they then dig themselves into a deep hole.

We ain`t got to the silly season yet, where the 8hr Tesco waiting room marathon is the norm :stuck_out_tongue:

The answer lies within the replies. Too many drivers willing to break the rules makes Tosscos job a lot easier.

How many would have switched the tacho to rest? how many would have pulled off the bay after 15 hours? YOU are the reason the job is so bad!

If ALL driver stuck to the rules then we would not be abused and expected to break the rules like the previous driver. There should be a simple national rule that states you do not enter and RDC with less than 2 hours duty time left. 2 hours is ample time for an RDC with 30 odd bays and 100’s of poles working there to tip a bloody trailer. Any longer is a blatant ■■■■ take especially when they give out the booking times and you arrive on time. They are costing your boss money but yet your boss only takes it out on you so why do him any favours?

If you run out of time then hop over their desk and take your own keys. Bloody stand up for yourselves and stop bending over for these ■■■■■ companies who don’t give a flying ■■■■ about you.

Funnily enough I was in a TOSCO RDC last night, 3.5 hours, funny thing was a transit driver telling me about when tachos first came in he ran out of time and the police came out and chalked his tyres… I just laughed my head off and said I have heard that joke before…

Thing is he seemed to believe it was gospel…

Wasn’t all bad, dropped the jackpot out of the fruit machine, so finished my shift with 70 odd pound coins in my pocket. Result.

The answer lies within the replies. Too many drivers willing to break the rules makes Tosscos job a lot easier.

How many would have switched the tacho to rest? how many would have pulled off the bay after 15 hours? YOU are the reason the job is so bad!

If ALL driver stuck to the rules then we would not be abused and expected to break the rules like the previous driver. There should be a simple national rule that states you do not enter and RDC with less than 2 hours duty time left. 2 hours is ample time for an RDC with 30 odd bays and 100’s of poles working there to tip a bloody trailer. Any longer is a blatant ■■■■ take especially when they give out the booking times and you arrive on time. They are costing your boss money but yet your boss only takes it out on you so why do him any favours?

If you run out of time then hop over their desk and take your own keys. Bloody stand up for yourselves and stop bending over for these [zb] companies who don’t give a flying [zb] about you.

well put.