You, and the other deluded Russian apologists on here should be shipped east. There are no shades of grey in what is happening in Ukraine. It is criminal.
Told you so.Ukraine is toast.Nohopesky really thought that NATO would go to war over Ukraine when America would probably still run away from the threat of nukes even if it was us let alone Poland or Ukraine.What a mug.
So now we haven’t even got the joke containment strategy let alone the nuke deterrent to stop Russia doing whatever it wants.I’d put money on Romania next.
There’s million + who have fleed the place , with from reports millions more who would like if it was possible to get out of Ukraine & you want to go there !! Not the smartest move I’d of said
Do me a favour and don’t you attempt to say anyone is not smart.
You are the one who can’t get home at the end of the week leaving your Mrs to give her bit on the side your dinner while your eating a ginsters in the cab while warming up the love sock.
Getting involved in a situation you have no clue about other than the BBC said ‘Putin Bad. Ukraine good’ is pretty dim.
Tell me the history of Ukraine and Russia.
Point to Ukraine on a map.
Tell me about the Azoz battalion and why that’s a good thing to support.
Tell me about Crimea and why that’s relevant.
Tell me why the Russian press has been banned… banning the press? Really??
Tell me why we’re only allowed to hear news from one side.
Tell me why Ukraine good, Russia bad?
I don’t have an issue with Ukraine or Russia. I’ll be completely honest and say I couldn’t see a map and point to Ukraine. With my stupidly limited knowledge I certainly wouldn’t be getting involved in a war.
I’m aware Crimea and parts of Ukraine have unbelievable amounts of oil and gas.
Why don’t we just drop the pretence and say it as it is - we couldn’t give two hoots who’s lives we wreck. The west needs oil and gas. You’ve got it. We’re having it.
just read on wiki about Ukraine ww2 …just put in Ukraine ww2 I was shocked …what goes around so they say .not worth a nuke war
Exactly, and give that link i posted a watch, it will give you a better idea of why Ukraine has been invaded which you won’t read about in the Western media.
There’s million + who have fleed the place , with from reports millions more who would like if it was possible to get out of Ukraine & you want to go there !! Not the smartest move I’d of said
Do me a favour and don’t you attempt to say anyone is not smart.
You are the one who can’t get home at the end of the week leaving your Mrs to give her bit on the side your dinner while your eating a ginsters in the cab while warming up the love sock.
Getting involved in a situation you have no clue about other than the BBC said ‘Putin Bad. Ukraine good’ is pretty dim.
Tell me the history of Ukraine and Russia.
Point to Ukraine on a map.
Tell me about the Azoz battalion and why that’s a good thing to support.
Tell me about Crimea and why that’s relevant.
Tell me why the Russian press has been banned… banning the press? Really??
Tell me why we’re only allowed to hear news from one side.
Tell me why Ukraine good, Russia bad?
I don’t have an issue with Ukraine or Russia. I’ll be completely honest and say I couldn’t see a map and point to Ukraine. With my stupidly limited knowledge I certainly wouldn’t be getting involved in a war.
I’m aware Crimea and parts of Ukraine have unbelievable amounts of oil and gas.
Why don’t we just drop the pretence and say it as it is - we couldn’t give two hoots who’s lives we wreck. The west needs oil and gas. You’ve got it. We’re having it.
just read on wiki about Ukraine ww2 …just put in Ukraine ww2 I was shocked …what goes around so they say .not worth a nuke war
Exactly, and give that link i posted a watch, it will give you a better idea of why Ukraine has been invaded which you won’t read about in the Western media.
Russia has clearly stated that the issue ( pretext ) is NATO expansion as part of NATOs ‘containment’ strategy.Not Ukraine specifically.Which is why Putin set the conditions that Ukraine must guarantee non Ukraine NATO member status and NATO has to demilitarise the former buffers.
Including Poland that Stalin and Hitler allied to invade which actually started WW2.
Russia is as usual being economical and selective with the truth as expected of a corrupt neo Communist crap hole that we should have helped Germany to take out in 1914.
Instead of which the rest is history including the murder of the Tsar’s family.
Definitely worth nuking if we have to.Bearing in mind the Commy scum have threatened to premptively nuke us.
While no I don’t give a zb about Ukraine or any other Slavic vipers nest after what happened in Istria in 1945 regarding the massacre of the Italian population check that out.
There’s million + who have fleed the place , with from reports millions more who would like if it was possible to get out of Ukraine & you want to go there !! Not the smartest move I’d of said
Do me a favour and don’t you attempt to say anyone is not smart.
You are the one who can’t get home at the end of the week leaving your Mrs to give her bit on the side your dinner while your eating a ginsters in the cab while warming up the love sock.
Getting involved in a situation you have no clue about other than the BBC said ‘Putin Bad. Ukraine good’ is pretty dim.
Tell me the history of Ukraine and Russia.
Point to Ukraine on a map.
Tell me about the Azoz battalion and why that’s a good thing to support.
Tell me about Crimea and why that’s relevant.
Tell me why the Russian press has been banned… banning the press? Really??
Tell me why we’re only allowed to hear news from one side.
Tell me why Ukraine good, Russia bad?
I don’t have an issue with Ukraine or Russia. I’ll be completely honest and say I couldn’t see a map and point to Ukraine. With my stupidly limited knowledge I certainly wouldn’t be getting involved in a war.
I’m aware Crimea and parts of Ukraine have unbelievable amounts of oil and gas.
Why don’t we just drop the pretence and say it as it is - we couldn’t give two hoots who’s lives we wreck. The west needs oil and gas. You’ve got it. We’re having it.
You mean the west which has told us that we can’t even use our own oil and gas so as to supposedly save the planet.
But it’s ok to export it all for China to burn.
The same Chinese ally of Russia and which Nohopeskey has also been exporting most of what Ukraine has got which is more like grain than any oil.
The same China which has benefitted most from all that Iraqi oil that we supposedly went in to steal from Saddam
If you’re going to use misinformation at least make it accurate comrade.
Whatever is behind all this China is obviously benefitting the most from it all not us.
As for Eastern Europe zb em as I said we should have joined Germany fighting for the Kaiser in 1914.Instead of which we listened to ■■■■■■■■ Churchill and joined France and Russia and it’s Slavic allies.That ended well.
I did not know about Italy ,but Ukraine did war crimes to Poland ie mass killings and destruction ,dismembering people burned cattle alive …the crimes go on…when I read further the Poles did it back to the Ukraine when they got back on top…they are all mad it is in their blood…let them get on with it for god sake us stay out.
I did not know about Italy ,but Ukraine did war crimes to Poland ie mass killings and destruction ,dismembering people burned cattle alive …the crimes go on…when I read further the Poles did it back to the Ukraine when they got back on top…they are all mad it is in their blood…let them get on with it for god sake us stay out.
Check out the Foibe massacres.
The issue of internal nutter Slavic squabbles isn’t the same thing as ‘the west’ v Communism.Thats what happened to Italy in 1945 v the Communist Yugoslav scum helped by their Russian Red Army allies.
Which is why we had to pull out and leave Italy to its fate and Russia is just an evolved Communist crap hole totally onside and allied with China.
In this case the west just changed strategy against that from the nuclear deterrent to containment in the case of Russia and exploitative appeasement in the case of China.
Predictably the Slavic rabble have just tried to take advantage of the former to settle old scores and Russia has used it as a pretext for push back aimed at us.
While China has its own agenda in that regard but ultimately aimed at us in alliance with Russia.
Either way we don’t have the luxury of staying out of the Communist v
free world issue.
China and Russia only understand the language of mutually assured destruction and that’s what’s needed to be invoked now against their clear Commy threats to us.
There’s obviously no need for the Slavic rabble states to be in NATO with that strategy.
While this conventional containment strategy with them as ‘allies’ is just going to drag us into their infighting which ultimately ends with war with Russia when the strategy of deterrents is to avoid it.
Ultimately all of this went wrong when Churchill took us into WW1 on the wrong side.
Us and Germany allied could have smashed Russia in 1914 and none of this would have happened including WW2.
I will be honest with you I am worried about where it is going to end’'…I worry for the young ones with all the country and debt, immigration totally out of control…
Nearly there again:
It’s funny the experts here on geopolitics seem to be the ones who also presented as covid deniers and experts, weird that
JFK was a better expert on geopolitics than Biden and Bozo let alone Truss and Wallace combined.
Let’s park German tanks on Russia’s borders then run away screaming when Russia threatens to nuke us is where we’re at.
To which your answer is what exactly.
Nearly there again:
It’s funny the experts here on geopolitics seem to be the ones who also presented as covid deniers and experts, weird that
It’s kind of weird how Covid disappeared on the very day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Even Whitty and Vallance have given up now.
It’s almost like The Powers That Be had got everybody conditioned to the idea of being locked down, of fuel and bog roll shortages and everybody had a face mask to wear for when the nukes start going off.
Nearly there again:
It’s funny the experts here on geopolitics seem to be the ones who also presented as covid deniers and experts, weird that
It’s kind of weird how Covid disappeared on the very day that Russia invaded Ukraine. Even Whitty and Vallance have given up now.
It’s almost like The Powers That Be had got everybody conditioned to the idea of being locked down, of fuel and bog roll shortages and everybody had a face mask to wear for when the nukes start going off.
Or maybe stick with me here ukraine sells more papers than covid. News organisations are private companies who’s job is to make cash.
They do this by spinning the narrative that makes them the most cash.
Nearly there again:
Or maybe stick with me here ukraine sells more papers than covid. News organisations are private companies who’s job is to make cash.
They do this by spinning the narrative that makes them the most cash.
It wasn’t the newspapers that said get your tanks off my front lawn and stop providing weapons to Ukraine or we’ll not only invade Ukraine we’ll also nuke you.That warning is available from numerous free media sources.
To which there was no response in kind by Bozo and Biden.
No denial or spinning happening there.
Nearly there again:
Or maybe stick with me here ukraine sells more papers than covid. News organisations are private companies who’s job is to make cash.
They do this by spinning the narrative that makes them the most cash.
It wasn’t the newspapers that said get your tanks off my front lawn and stop providing weapons to Ukraine or we’ll not only invade Ukraine we’ll also nuke you.That warning is available from numerous free media sources.
To which there was no response in kind by Bozo and Biden.
No denial or spinning happening there.
Sorry iam waiting for you to somehow make out that putting freight on trains is the real issue here
Nearly there again:
Or maybe stick with me here ukraine sells more papers than covid. News organisations are private companies who’s job is to make cash.
They do this by spinning the narrative that makes them the most cash.
It wasn’t the newspapers that said get your tanks off my front lawn and stop providing weapons to Ukraine or we’ll not only invade Ukraine we’ll also nuke you.That warning is available from numerous free media sources.
To which there was no response in kind by Bozo and Biden.
No denial or spinning happening there.
Sorry iam waiting for you to somehow make out that putting freight on trains is the real issue here
That’s obviously a different topic.
This is all about Ukraine.
You don’t need to buy a newspaper to find out and realise that NATO has stupidly and needlessly cornered Russia into a fight response.
While the free world is led by two muppets without a brain cell between them as to how to de escalate the problem that NATO has created.
While the OPs question is moot now because Russia has sent a warning that Ukraine is now a no go area for cross border movements for obvious reasons.