I agree on the notion that we Brits should learn how to mingle better when we’re abroad. The suggestion that everyone coming here should bloody well speak good enough English to pass an exam set in English - isn’t asking too much surely?

This political correctness thing that permits no speke english to undercut job rates - needs to stop in any case.

Perhaps our schools and colleges should teach students how to speak foreign languages properly themselves, instead of brainwashing our next generations with all this leftie crap.

The peer pressures upon freshman students to join “this” club and “that” organizations (Labour Party, Animal Rights, Flat Earth Society, Socialist Worker, - you name it!) and yet only the more affluent student even get shown to the almost “Secret Society” of “The Young Conservatives” these days.

How the worm has turned since we were kids ourselves! :frowning:

Amen to that.

There aren’t many other countries in the world where you’d go into somewhere and find notices and stuff written in several languages. When my wife had to use A&E at a hospital in central France a few years ago the only language on offer was French. All the documentation was in French, non of the staff spoke English or if they did they refused to. Fortunately I’d made an effort to teach myself some rudimentary French (can’t praise Rosetta Stone highly enough) to the level of a 5 year old and we got on OK.

Here though we just waste millions if not billions of pounds sorely needed elsewhere catering for lazy people.

For all those who think Uber is great be careful what you wish for, currently every journey in an uber taxi is making a 40% loss their aim is to become the largest player in the market and clear away any competition. Once their shareholders refuse to subsidise these losses then fares will rise accordingly, Uber itself is currently running at a loss of billions of dollars and believes that it will only turn a profit once it has cornered the market for self drive cars

Our local doctor in the UK has a choice of 4 languages on the check-in board and a sign offering communication in any language you like to mention.In Spain,as in Conor’s France,at their hospitals,doctors,etc you have to speak spanish or take a translator at your own expense.If you are a permanent resident it takes only a little effort to learn a few words and phrases and build on that.

The biggest thing wrong with UBER is that there is little or no accountability.
You don’t need the knowledge and you don’t need to even be any kind of “advanced qualified driver”.
How about DCPC? - Surely as a professional driver taking money from a paying public - they should be getting a blue card? - But no, by the looks of it.

Immigration status? - Come over here on a tourist visa, and try and get a plum job that pays so much you won’t qualify for any benefits - and the state will probably block you to the point of at least stringing the application process for “permanent leave to remain” over a long period of time.

Come over here, and express an interest in working not only for minimum wage, but self employed so you don’t count as “Unemployed” though? - Bob’s your uncle.
Once here, the matter of “not qualifying for benefits” is trumped of course by you being resident in the UK, working, and qualifying for tax credits which are based upon one’s work status not immigration status.
We heard only recently that massive amounts of new NI numbers were being dished out to people who have yet to get permanent leave to remain, and more importantly - were not revoked for those who have in some way been rejected by the immigration “system” we have in place.

Yesterday’s Culprit was born in Kent apparently, which is where I live now. The car was hired from Brum, and he must have done something like give his real name to the firm when hiring the car, looking at how quick they’ve got this guy’s name. He came into the crime scene via the south/east end of Westminster Bridge, which means he hadn’t likely come directly from Birmingham to commit this outrage.
I’m sure the authorities are looking at that “minor detail” as we speak.
There is a large Islamic presence along the urban stretch of the A2 coming from Kent it has to be said. Many old churches converted into Mosques, and of course some rather large purpose-built ones as well, like this one just off Great Dover Street (A2) - an approach road to Westminster Bridge at that.

The average Uber driver has more potential safe houses in London than M15 and the CIA combined, I reckon. :frowning:

How the devil do we stop the next terror attack, if they are home-grown, and not subject to scrutiny by way of being self-employed? :question: