tut u drivers

I was following a driver once and his shutter door on the trailer suddenly opened, the door hadnt been shut properly and only had the seal holding it down. He didnt have a full load on but he had a few pallets in the back. He wasnt waiting around but when we stopped at the roundabout on junction 9 of the M42 i got out and told him about it. He was very thankfull. The cars behind me were getting a bit annoyed about waiting but its better to wait a few minutes than get taken out by a pallet!

A couple of weeks ago, I followed a (once) white 7.5 tonne roller skate nearly two miles, flashing him and hooting him, trying to tell him that his tail lift was still down (in the upright position) and he had nearly decapitated a cyclist :open_mouth:

It wasn’t until he drew up at a roundabout to go on to the A40, that I finally managed to draw up beside him and attract his attention.

To give him his due, he leapt out and sorted it out in seconds, with the practice of a man who has had to do this many times before… :open_mouth:

When I said to him that I’d been sitting in his mirror view for two miles to make sure he would see me and I was surprised that he hadn’t stopped, he told me blythly that was because he couldn’t see out of his mirrors… :unamused:

I was speechless at that point!

gnasty gnome:


i am always grateful when another driver helps me out, i would rather that than the coppers giving me a tug, i came out of the yard about a month back in a rush forgot to put my lights on :blush: , another driver flashed me to warn me, had a quick to look to see why he was flashing and switched them on at a rapid rate of knots

i came back into the yard that night and thanked the driver for his help,

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: I hope I dont live near your yard,in a rush and forgot lights,suppose you would forget your head if it wasnt fastened on,hope you start taking notice whats happening around you,youre supposed to be a Professional Driver :wink:

You never make mistakes then mate? :wink: My old boss used to say that the only man who did nowt wrong did nowt all day.

:slight_smile: Ive probably made lots of mistakes in my life,but driving without lights was never one of them :wink: My old boss used to talk crap too. :wink:

I was driving a 7.5 up M1 last year and the tail lift clip had managed to come loose and I felt something in the back but couldnt see what had happened. Along comes a lorry beeping his horn going nuts at me waving to back so I waved thanks and pulled straight in on hard shoulder to find the stupid thing hanging all way down I have no idea to this day how it managed to come loose :laughing: could of been dangerous had he not warned me though.

I did a 200km round-trip last night without fitting the trailer plate: The unloading bay dude at the drop said nowt …all lesson’s learned, eh!

about 12 months ago I was on way back home, about 11ish night, just approaching an island could,nt believe it a traffic cop pulled onto the island in front of me no lights on at all, I followed him for a short while to see if he realised which he did,nt , I flashed him a few times and he pulled over put his blues on so I pulled in behind and he asked me if I had a problem?? on telling him he did,nt have any lights on for the last few minutes he said that they were dealing with something? but followed then followed me for a short distance and then pulled into the nick, quick kip I think before end of duty,.