TruckNet ID sticker

Send one to the Dark Lord as truck writing season is nearly upon us.


I’ll have a couple!

Reckon for a £2 payment I will help advertise your forum (payment by Paypal is fine).

Seriously though I get a great deal of pleasure from this place (yes I have no life) and would happily stick one in the window (not my chuffin house window though).

Slipery slope really, it will be T-shirts/Caps/Mugs & boxers next… eh put me down for a pair of undercrackers :slight_smile:

Could have a thread on potential T-shirt phrases.

Trucknet members do it online
Trucknet members like big uns
Trucknet members bend in the middle (some also have rigids)
Trucknet members Love VOSA
Trucknet members Hug Cyclists
Trucknet members say WTF to POA

Reckon for a £2 payment I will help advertise your forum (payment by Paypal is fine).

Seriously though I get a great deal of pleasure from this place (yes I have no life) and would happily stick one in the window (not my chuffin house window though).

Slipery slope really, it will be T-shirts/Caps/Mugs & boxers next… eh put me down for a pair of undercrackers :slight_smile:

Could have a thread on potential T-shirt phrases.

Trucknet members do it online
Trucknet members like big uns
Trucknet members bend in the middle (some also have rigids)
Trucknet members Love VOSA
Trucknet members Hug Cyclists
Trucknet members say WTF to POA

Trucknet members say [ZB] fuel prices
My mind is like my truck the more I use it the dirtier it gets.
You can take the bloke out the truck but you can take trucking out the bloke
I was born pulling 44 tonnes
That makes my [zb] boil

Don’t think I will bother ,most of the lorries I drive have my surname on if not my own!

TruckNet Members are bigger than yours. :sunglasses:

TruckNet Members Deliver loads.

On the basis that anyone that advertises on Trucknet has to pay for the advertisement in question (quite rightly), I am happy to display a Trucknet UK sticker / badge in any truck I drive, advertising the forum and it’s services…

As long as you are willing to pay me for doing so… :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:



I don’t think I would want my boss knowing I am on here

ive already told him :laughing:

Daz, I am still stuck with that image in my head and since then been to the doctors :smiley:

On the basis that anyone that advertises on Trucknet has to pay for the advertisement in question (quite rightly), I am happy to display a Trucknet UK sticker / badge in any truck I drive, advertising the forum and it’s services…

As long as you are willing to pay me for doing so… :smiling_imp: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Sounds like a deal, we will sell you the window clings for £5 and are happy to enter into a one time licence agreement that you will display it for as long as you work. we will then pay you £1 for your effort In total as full and final payment- every day you drive a truck not displaying the sticker incurs a £1 penalty clause that is payable by yourself to us- seems like a good deal to me…

I’m interested. Would they be fairly discrete (ish) or ‘in yer face’? :grimacing:

I’d be interested in a window cling. Much better than my current one proclaiming “Shaz 4 Dave” principally because I’m not called Dave and I have no idea who Shaz is. But on the whole I’d gladly contribute for one or two.

If we’re entering the sticker business how about a magnetic one that can be stuck to the nearside door with maybe something like a picture of a light bulb with a red cross through it to denote that that vehicle does not acknowledge being flashed in? Would save me loads on my 'leccy bill. :smiley:

the maoster:
I’d be interested in a window cling. Much better than my current one proclaiming “Shaz 4 Dave” principally because I’m not called Dave and I have no idea who Shaz is. But on the whole I’d gladly contribute for one or two.

If we’re entering the sticker business how about a magnetic one that can be stuck to the nearside door with maybe something like a picture of a light bulb with a red cross through it to denote that that vehicle does not acknowledge being flashed in? Would save me loads on my 'leccy bill. :smiley:

I know a Shaz, but, she’s an ‘alleged’ prostitute :astonished:

I do know a few Dave’s too, at least 2 of which know the aforementioned ‘alleged’ prostitute called Shaz :astonished:


the maoster:
I’d be interested in a window cling. Much better than my current one proclaiming “Shaz 4 Dave” principally because I’m not called Dave and I have no idea who Shaz is. But on the whole I’d gladly contribute for one or two.

If we’re entering the sticker business how about a magnetic one that can be stuck to the nearside door with maybe something like a picture of a light bulb with a red cross through it to denote that that vehicle does not acknowledge being flashed in? Would save me loads on my 'leccy bill. :smiley:

I know a Shaz, but, she’s an ‘alleged’ prostitute :astonished:

I do know a few Dave’s too, at least 2 of which know the aforementioned ‘alleged’ prostitute called Shaz :astonished:

I thought being inside my head was a scary place Spanky, but you Sir take it to a whole new level! :smiley: :smiley:



I don’t think I would want my boss knowing I am on here

That’s why I never say who I work for after all the times I have called them tight arsed [zb] and such like :smiley:

Your avatar always makes me think that you work for Harry Vos. A previous employer, I presume?

Yeh that’s right, and it would be a waste of time slagging them off as everybody knows how bad they are anyway! :laughing:
Out of interest you said on another post that you worked out of Nordic Immingham a few years ago, who was it for? I worked for Scan freight about the same time on Ewals, Schnellecke and P&0