Lawrence Dunbar:
0Larry driving Crowbars Foden 2 Stroke at Otterburn Festival show some years ago, what a fantastic motor I enjoyed just driving it around the arena, Regards Larry.
Hey Larry,its a good job you did’nt go far with those air lines not coupled up!!!
Hiya…yes i noticed that…do,nt have a trailer jacknife in the arena lawrence.
Hi all this is a pic of me Buzzer ( John ) and my oldest son Horry ( James ) who now runs the family company with his brother Steven ( ■■■■■■ ) Davies International, was Southampton but relocated to Fareham Hants,we were at a driver reunion which is held each year catching up with the past with many old mates.
In front of my drum, Thailand 2010 with ‘her in doors’
Hullo Ron,
Bloody Hell mate, I,m sure Ruang Could have done better for herself than that, eh .
A lovely picture of you both. Hope all is still going well for you, Best regards to you both and all at K., will catch up again a bit later…
This is an early 2000’s shot of,IMHO, the finest 8 wheeler and trailer driver of his era,Eric Postlethwiate,“Possy” to everyone that knew him,he was well into his retirement when this shot was taken at Levens Bridge by Chris Swindlehurst when Ray kindly agreed to pause with the Octopus and trailer on his way South.Obviously,the Octopus was a replica of one of the famous “Waggon and trailers” that Brady’s ran during the 60’s but so what !!.I was privledged to have been a trailer mate with Eric at the end of the era,but he taught me a lot of the practical skills I needed to both start,and succeed,as firstly an owner driver and then as an employer of many drivers.Although I was fortunate to have employed many top class drivers over many years,Possy was always and always will be, “numero uno” in my “book” he was a maestro,period !
Nice shot Dennis of a great british workhorse along with a driver that could do his bit as you said, Its just a pity that those good old days are gone, & sadley to say will never return, But at least you , myself, & thousands of others enjoyed them & can tell our Grandbairns what they missed Eh, Regards Larry.