Truckers worst nightmare

3 wheeler:
Glad I no longer drive in anger …because if I had to replace the old girl with a new unit I would want one like I have always driven…With a real gearlever.
Never driven a modern one thats totally Auto…they were always for Grannies that were just steering wheel attendants in my youth.
Does anyone else think in the same way or am I the only dinosaur left.

Well mate im retired now but im the same as you.Progress is good but its no wonder the new breed are called steering wheel attendants.The new trucks don’t leave a lot to do,auto box,cruise control,and trls not many flats.But having said that im glad I don’t do the job today,vosa,h&s,on yer back,digi tacko,s[no room for the unexpected] the high cost of licences,medicals,dcpc,speed limits. I may be old fashioned but give me the old job anyday incl.16speed manual box.
regards dave.

Oh and I prefer a manual box at the age of 36 :-/

At the dizzy height of 33, I too prefer using a manual. And them zbing Scania Opticruise 3 pedals should be burned at the stake, just make them zbing manual they might be a little better then! :laughing:

May be not it’s still a Scania… :smiling_imp:



3 wheeler:
Glad I no longer drive in anger …because if I had to replace the old girl with a new unit I would want one like I have always driven…With a real gearlever.
Never driven a modern one thats totally Auto…they were always for Grannies that were just steering wheel attendants in my youth.
Does anyone else think in the same way or am I the only dinosaur left.

Well mate im retired now but im the same as you.Progress is good but its no wonder the new breed are called steering wheel attendants.The new trucks don’t leave a lot to do,auto box,cruise control,and trls not many flats.But having said that im glad I don’t do the job today,vosa,h&s,on yer back,digi tacko,s[no room for the unexpected] the high cost of licences,medicals,dcpc,speed limits. I may be old fashioned but give me the old job anyday incl.16speed manual box.
regards dave.

Well an Eaton twin split certainly saved a lot of left leg action and i will admit to being a lover of them.

Thought it was Trucks and Tiaras :smiley:

I like to call it trucks and tosers…