If i,m not a lorry driver now,just a trucker,can i call myself a “Highly trained sophisticated machinery operator”
I’m a lurry driver.
Even in this American version of Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends, they are called lorries!
irish lorries:
Why not just hgv driver
I’m nit picking here Irish lorries. Nowadays its LGV driver.
Dave the Renegade:
irish lorries:
Why not just hgv driverI’m nit picking here Irish lorries. Nowadays its LGV driver.
And lgv driver
Generally lorries are known as trucks nowadays, the English language constantly evolves and changes. Nobody refers to a mid-morning break as “tiffin” any more.
Even the word “Seafood” originated in America and when it arrived here it was denounced as a ghastly Americanism that no English person would ever be able to understand.
Brought up in the north west, it was only ever classed as wagon driver for me.Lolly ice or ice lolly? Again in the north west it’s a lolly ice, but here in the north east they all say ice lolly - they’re wrong!!!
I grew up in the east Midlands where they were called ‘suckers’! Lick that! Robert
Would that be Ilson or Ayner, then?
Rhythm Thief:
Chester’s been at the rum again …
Your as bad as the rest of them on here. A post was presented, I responded. The poster changed his/her question as they didn’t like my response.
You wake up in the early morning and declare yourself a CSI agent
Shooting fish in a barrel.
Why do you think somebody would change a question they got a answer to?
I’ll happily be called a trucker if it gets me discounts on meals and free coffee at gas stations , come to think of it you can label me however you want if the same deal applies
Brought up in the north west, it was only ever classed as wagon driver for me.Lolly ice or ice lolly? Again in the north west it’s a lolly ice, but here in the north east they all say ice lolly - they’re wrong!!!
I grew up in the east Midlands where they were called ‘suckers’! Lick that! Robert
Would that be Ilson or Ayner, then?
Ay-up youth! It was neither Ilson nor Ayner, dook, I grew up in Nottingham till age 9. Robert
Now regarded as a “Flourman”-I love un pc job descriptions.
Steering wheel attendant…
Rolling roadblock technician…
As previously stated, we ceased to be lorry drivers when haulage companies became “Integrated Supply Chain Logistical Solutions”.
Load of old b olli x
waggon driver sounds right new boys call it truck or trucking
I see it as fairly simple. Are we on TruckNet or LorryNet?
Trucknet was originally American so it has taken its name from there long story which I wont bore you with
‘…when did it become the the norm to … be a trucker…?’Probably when Convoy or Smokey and the bandit hit the cinema screens
Probably this
truck = American
lorry = English simple as that
American call anything bigger than a pick up a truck