Trucker belly....dont you just hate them

Wheel Nut:
Try this.

If only there was a four-ounce slab of lard and a Snickers bar on that plate it would be perfect.

Wheel Nut:
Try this.

You can’t beat an Ulster Fry. Making me hungry that is!

Wheelnut I am considering asking the european
court to take action as that is cruelty of the worst
kind for all of us ex-pats unable to indulge in such a
lavish and wonderful breakfast, This could be avoided
if you send your Harrods hamper pack to
Beano Plate estate thanking you in anticapation :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

harry monk strange chair to have in the living room could i borrow it for the mother in law :wink:

Thin’s in, but fat’s where it’s at.

Just think if you dont drink, dont smoke, eat lettice leaves, go to a gym and spend hour’s jumping and running or whatever one does in a gym, you might not live any longer, but it will sure feel like it.

Wheel Nut:

that looks like a little theif/chef breakfast my mrs works there lol it costs nearly £5.00 thats enough to put me off :laughing: :laughing:

get a job hanballing, i did 8 months ago i was 18 1/2 stone now i am down to 16 stone.