funny how the norm for some is to squeeze a few clicks more than allowed,and the rest moan about 56 being too quick and 52 is quick enough etc when the speed limit is 60 anyway?
i was heading up the m6 wed night from ashford heading cairnryan at my usual hooligan rate between j 13 and j 16 ( this was after they decided to close the entire m way at j 12 and syphon 4 lanes off into 1 through penkridge with absolutely no assistance whatsoever… dawns on me im not catching up another naughty boy just as quick as usual…naughty howdens ,i was doing 63 just to sit on your back doors for a wee while…naughty naughty howdens.i wonder if you will read this?
Is that Howdens as in the kitchen lot ■■? There Euro 6 motors are from RYDER up here…And I know the tachos aren’t tampered with at calibration …May be someone has slowed you with out you realising
Is that Howdens as in the kitchen lot ■■? There Euro 6 motors are from RYDER up here…And I know the tachos aren’t tampered with at calibration …May be someone has slowed you with out you realising![]()
not a chance…black with red writing.
kitchens or joinery or something like that.he was sitting nicely at 63 when i caught up with him,then i wondered why i wasnt passing him for a few miles…i just let him shake the bushes for a while then gave a wee squirt by him…it wasnt a subby,all same livery unit and trailer so someones done something to something somewhere.
That’s them…Must be one from somewhere else …Though next time we have one in I will have a roadtest see what it does