Tribute to Flikr

I got a new phone the other day, in the gallery section it shows all the places I have pictures online as well as what’s in the phone itself. I was shocked at how many photos I’ve taken and put on Facebook, over 4500 and they’re pretty much all lorry related in some way.

My own hard drive is pretty basic, so trucknet and Facebook are about the only things I do online, I have instagram, but I don’t get it and twitter continues to be a mystery to me.

I like the sound of Flickr though, can someone please put up a quick idiot’s guide so the less technical amongst us can understand it please?

its not hard to make a account newmercman

Another excellent collection by Chris Farnah can be seen HERE
Chris always adds details of Reg No’s, dates and locations to his pictures. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the links Moomooland! Hours of fun! Robert :smiley:

I got a new phone the other day, in the gallery section it shows all the places I have pictures online as well as what’s in the phone itself. I was shocked at how many photos I’ve taken and put on Facebook, over 4500 and they’re pretty much all lorry related in some way.

My own hard drive is pretty basic, so trucknet and Facebook are about the only things I do online, I have instagram, but I don’t get it and twitter continues to be a mystery to me.

I like the sound of Flickr though, can someone please put up a quick idiot’s guide so the less technical amongst us can understand it please?

Best to start looking at a group then click on a person’s name - this will take you to their photostream- showing their latest pictures first.
A couple of groups

Yahoo like to tinker with Flickr - people’s pictures can be organised into “albums” (used to be called “sets”) - and albums can be organised into “collections” - although Flickr makes it fiddly for viewers to see them.

Once you are on a photostream you can click on the three dots on the right hand side - this will then let you see someone’s profile etc



I got a new phone the other day, in the gallery section it shows all the places I have pictures online as well as what’s in the phone itself. I was shocked at how many photos I’ve taken and put on Facebook, over 4500 and they’re pretty much all lorry related in some way.

My own hard drive is pretty basic, so trucknet and Facebook are about the only things I do online, I have instagram, but I don’t get it and twitter continues to be a mystery to me.

I like the sound of Flickr though, can someone please put up a quick idiot’s guide so the less technical amongst us can understand it please?

Best to start looking at a group then click on a person’s name - this will take you to their photostream- showing their latest pictures first.
A couple of groups
Flickr: The Scania Trucks. Pool
Flickr: The Wrecker? Rears only! Pool
Yahoo like to tinker with Flickr - people’s pictures can be organised into “albums” (used to be called “sets”) - and albums can be organised into “collections” - although Flickr makes it fiddly for viewers to see them.

Once you are on a photostream you can click on the three dots on the right hand side - this will then let you see someone’s profile etc

Yes! I found this advice most useful. Robert :smiley:

are you on flickr robert

I’m on flickr too, and I agree with you Robert (and others) that it’s a great place to find all sorts of stuff you might not otherwise have come across. There are hundreds - if not thousands - of individual contributors who’ve uploaded photos of just about anything and everything connected with wagons from all over the place. One of the best ways of narrowing down the variety of stuff is to join one of the many specialist groups (now called something else… communities I think). However…

Yahoo has, over the least 5 or so years, serially dicked about with flickr in an attempt to spin more $$$ out of it. Almost none of the changes Yahoo has forced on flickrites has been welcomed, and it got to the point a year or two back that many left because Yahoo, despite providing “feedback forums”, refused to listen to any criticism, no matter how accurate or trenchant. It’s better now than it was, but still not as good as it was before Yahoo started treating it as a cash-cow.

The second issue - as mentioned by others above - is that Yahoo’s security settings for contributors’ photos are all but useless, which results in many people’s unique photos being copied by unscrupulous [zb] [zb]s and sold on places like fleabay for profit. Which I can understand as being immensely annoying.

Yet despite all that, it’s still one of the best places on the interwebs to find transport-related stuff, no matter how arcane your interest.

irish lorries:
are you on flickr robert

No mate. Robert

I’m on flickr too, and I agree with you Robert (and others) that it’s a great place to find all sorts of stuff you might not otherwise have come across. There are hundreds - if not thousands - of individual contributors who’ve uploaded photos of just about anything and everything connected with wagons from all over the place. One of the best ways of narrowing down the variety of stuff is to join one of the many specialist groups (now called something else… communities I think). However…

Yahoo has, over the least 5 or so years, serially dicked about with flickr in an attempt to spin more $$$ out of it. Almost none of the changes Yahoo has forced on flickrites has been welcomed, and it got to the point a year or two back that many left because Yahoo, despite providing “feedback forums”, refused to listen to any criticism, no matter how accurate or trenchant. It’s better now than it was, but still not as good as it was before Yahoo started treating it as a cash-cow.

The second issue - as mentioned by others above - is that Yahoo’s security settings for contributors’ photos are all but useless, which results in many people’s unique photos being copied by unscrupulous [zb] [zb]s and sold on places like fleabay for profit. Which I can understand as being immensely annoying.

Yet despite all that, it’s still one of the best places on the interwebs to find transport-related stuff, no matter how arcane your interest.

An interesting post. Though I would point out that any image can be copied from the internet simply by using the PrintScreen button on your keyboard in conjunction with Picassa… Robert

Hi Robert
Whats Picassa?? !!

Hi Robert
Whats Picassa?? !!

It’s a photo organising software you can download free. Robert

I would point out that any image can be copied from the internet simply by using the PrintScreen button on your keyboard in conjunction with Picassa… Robert

Yes, I know, and you don’t need Google’s Picasa to do it either. The point is that if you copy someone’s photo for your own private use that’s one thing: but to then re-upload them and either claim them as your own or neglect to cite the source is at the very least bad form, if not outright breach of copyright. It doesn’t take all that much effort to ask permission first and then cite the source, like oiltreader does.