
-Get plenty of…■■■■■■■■■■■■ done if you have a backlog to get through.

You have a ■■■■■■■■■■■■ backlog?

If you are motivated, you could probably get a lot done.

I’ll take you’re word for it. :laughing:

Hi Geoffo, Ubbo Hempenious just bought H&S back off P&O when I joined. There was an ex Army brit called Geoffery there at the time not yourself by any chance?

Happy days, perhaps we should start a thread H&S re united?

Hi Al. Sorry that wasn’t me, I never worked for H&S. I wasn’t aware of any Brits working for H&S at that time, but did you ever bump into a Brit called Mark who worked for De Decker (red & white Scanias) just up the road from H&S??


Hi Geffo, that would of been a real coincidence. Sorry I never met any Brits called Mark.
As you probably know, we Brits were a bit thin on the ground in those days. Hence the long trips and the weeks away from home. I spent my time doing the distance work the local lads didn’t want to do.

Going back to the OP I didn’t make much more money than I would of in the UK, but I saved a small fortune, and I had a great time doing it.

Br Al

I’m hoping to get into tramping. Looks like I will be doing at least a few nights away a week.

I live alone. Was wondering if you are a single tramper who nights out 4 nights a week, do you rent a flat or just get cheep accommodation at the week end?

Been thinking about it and I rekon I could save so much money in a few years.

Anyone done this? Pros, cons?

At one firm I worked, the guvnor allowed a couple of the EE lads to park a static caravan in the yard. Could that be the solution for you?

yeah maybe I am having fantasies of a free life on the road and living out of a suitcase at weekends, but the more I think of it, the more I realise I can’t do without my creature comforts … washing machine, shower, having more posessions than just clothes and a lap top, somewhere I can call my own at the weekends …

I used to work away from home every week in my last job (non hgv, staying in cheap hotels) and I quit it because I resented paying all that rent every month just to live in my flat two nights a week.

I’m thinking of renting a room in a shared house. Anyone got experience of this? I’m a fairly solitary chap. If you share accommodation are you expected to party on with your housemates every night or are you left to your own devices?

Yes I live in a shared house with 4 other grumpy old men :smiley: we hardly ever see each other I have been here over a year and still dont know everyones name.
As already said, having just somewhere to call your place is worth a lot imho.

44 Tonne Ton:

I’m hoping to get into tramping. Looks like I will be doing at least a few nights away a week.

I live alone. Was wondering if you are a single tramper who nights out 4 nights a week, do you rent a flat or just get cheep accommodation at the week end?

Been thinking about it and I rekon I could save so much money in a few years.

Anyone done this? Pros, cons?

At one firm I worked, the guvnor allowed a couple of the EE lads to park a static caravan in the yard. Could that be the solution for you?

Liking the idea of a motorhome. Works yard has plenty of electricity hook up points for its fridge trucks plus water supply. Store valuables in office, use site bogs. If gaffer agrees to let me park up up a few nights a week (to charge leisure batteries) then this could be a serious goer. Will save at least £700 a month on rent and council tax and bills.

If they let me park up a 7.5t motor home it wont be much smaller than the flat I’m renting right now to be honest :laughing: