Tramping and sorting issues at home


Could be worse my girlfriend is in Thailand
I’ve got a girlfriend in Thailand and she rang me this morning saying that there has been heavy rainfall over the past few day days, I asked how deep the water was and she said its up to her Bollox !

I hate it when she phones me at home and the wife answers :smiley:

I knew of one young guy a couple of years ago who met a girl in Thailand on holiday.
He actually propised to her and told everybody he was saving to bring her over here,… but in the meantime he was sending all his wages over there for her to ‘‘look after her family’’ :open_mouth: :laughing:
He never had any money (obviously) and slept in his truck in the yard at weekends…I kid you not.

If he had not been such a pathetic mug I might have felt slightly sorry for him.
It made me wonder if he was the only one who was sending cash over to her. :smiley:

That picture, and the others we keep on seeing, were funny the first one hundred times. Now? yawn.

there not exactly any worse than the o/p…jesus…weve had a few weeks of cooling off period and now its the same drivvle on different fridays…keep up the good work there nd… :slight_smile:


That picture, and the others we keep on seeing, were funny the first one hundred times. Now? yawn.

there not exactly any worse than the o/p…jesus…weve had a few weeks of cooling off period and now its the same drivvle on different fridays…keep up the good work there nd… :slight_smile:

Don’t worry DD. Im not going anyware :grimacing: