Tramping and exercise

All depends how you are made.some folk put weight on easily…others don’t.
I eat like a king,but don’t gain the pounds.
Exercise consists of a brisk walk to the pub or shops.

I used to help load and unload the motor, I didn’t have to but it helped keep me fit.

All depends how you are made.some folk put weight on easily…others don’t.
I eat like a king,but don’t gain the pounds.
Exercise consists of a brisk walk to the pub or shops.

Well aren’t you just a ■■■■■■■■■ I just look at a mars bar and put a LB on.

Cheers for all the advice guys! A huge help!

Park over 3 miles from the pub, when in the pub, sit was far away from the bar as you can, it all helps :laughing:

Go on youtube and look up HIIT and Tabata HIIT, watch your diet and get some protien in you. Been doing hiit and tabata now for over a month and lost a stone, but only do it every other day. Reviews are available on google to read and it explains everything about it