Training starts tmorrow...NOW PASSED 'C+E'

A belated well done on your pass. :slight_smile:

Good luck with your C+E when you decide to do it too. :slight_smile:

Well guys just to bring this topic back from the dead, I planned to do my C+E a long time ago but it got pushed to the side due to getting married etc but on a good note I finally got the finger out and did a few days training over the weekend and last night and passed my C+E today with David Kinnear Training! Completely over the moon at the moment though now the fun of finding a job begins!!!

Well done on the pass mate :smiley: :smiley:

Wowsers, got a Topic Reply Notification… :slight_smile:

Welldone on your pass :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

Congrats also for the wedding :smiley:

Good hunting to find the old post too. :slight_smile: